Cuban flag at side of Javier's shirt
Here's the actual flag:
Clem's missing finger
Javier's neck-tattoo
Zombie's back-tattoo (similar to Javier's)
Some words (groove street)
Dead would-to-be-eaten-by-Z guy and his burning car (it had gas to keep burning and seems like the accident was recent)
'Take Me' on wall
Lastly, 'Brian' written on wall and some empty cups (someone drank from it all right) and our very own Zombie guy made with new ttg engine
Discuss about all this below and tell if u found anything else interesting
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I didn't notice that Javier's tattoo was the same as the brand on the zombie. Nice catch.
Pretty sure thats not a tattoo on Javier. It looks like a burn.
Also, the dead guy on the floor that the zombie eats is also a zombie. They're the same model.
It's most definitely a burnt in brand on Javier, whatever group he belongs/belonged to seem to brand their members as the walker was likely a ex member of the group.
The brand itself is also the zodiac sign for capricorn, credit to sialark for noticing that. Wondering what it means.
I'm curious about the burning car and the corpse. It looks like it must've just crashed and the guy just having died after falling out for the walker go chowing down on him. Also, it looks like a dead end, meaning the car must've skidded down the street to have ended up in that what made him crash?
Also, I just noticed like Clementine's locks of hair moving, the collar on Javier's shirt moves too. And there's falling leaves. Falling leaves! And the puddles ripple, and the shadows are moving da fire! I'm getting happy Clock Tower 3 flashbacks here ;.;
Just in case you didn't know, @sialark (I finally remembered a username yay) found out what the sign and writing is, so all credit to them:
The tatoo/burn mark is a zodiac sign for capricorn
For the next one I don't have images, but there is writing seen numerous times during the trailer which reads 'Take me to Hell', so in the picture you provided, the writing seems to be cut in half by the fence.
The symbol does look very much like the Capricorn star sign, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was true.
Not sure why they wanted to use zodiac signs as a symbol, unless it's a reference to the Zodiac Killer or something.
Or that this is an early build.
That is a pretty hasty assumption to make.
Ok...Well if we're doing that. Clem has a gun. Clem is going to shoot things.
I was about to say that. 99% sure that it is a cow brander.