So where exactly is Wellington??
In light of new info coming out that comic characters will be in season 3 do you think that Wellington might be a little closer to the comic location than originally though?. I guess many thought (and the wiki site even decided to put it down) that Wellington was referring to a town in Ohio.
The Wellington in the game seems more likely to be the location of a former large scale business plant more than anything and not some actual town. On the entrance doors it said Wellington Global Supplies. Not sure if it was implied to be a town that it would have that. Also Edith said that 'Wellington seemed to be what people were calling it.' Implying that the inhabitants of the community didn't really start off calling it that and you'd think if it was supposed to be a town they definitely would have called the place Wellington from the very beginning.
IGN just did an interview with some of the TellTale people and they did infact say that we will see comic characters of some capacity in season 3. They said they wouldn't be the central focus at all but they would be in the game. So that should imply that at the very least a certain portion of the game will take place close to the Alexandria area.
Now of course with their being a 2-3 year timeskip they don't necessarily need to be in Wellington but I'd think they wouldn't have ventured too far away from Wellington during that time (of course I'm guessing Wellington was the main location that they wanted people to choose).
So do you think Wellington was in fact much closer to Virginia (or infact even in Virginia) than originally thought?
Kenny stated at the dinner table in S2E2, that Wellington was in Michigan.
True. He did say that. He also was just guessing to though.
Pretty sure it's Wellington, Ohio, like how Alexandria (from the comics and tv show) is actually in Alexandria, Virginia.
Wellington is a part of all of us. Wellington is in our hearts, but only if you believe.
Wellington, Ohio makes the most sense to me, but Kenny did say it was near Michigan. I don't think Kenny really knew where it was, just that it was up north.
If it's named after a real town, probably in Ohio. But as you said, it says Wellington on the containers as, so it might be named after that too. Northern USA is really all we know.
He said near Michigan
Yeah if it is meant to be named after a town it likely is that town in Ohio. I feel like though if it was meant to be a town Edith wouldn't have said 'that's what people seem to be calling it' and the community wouldn't have had the look of a bit of a manufacturing plant.
Hopefully they will give us a defined answer as to its location in season 3. Even though there is going to be a timeskip I'm hoping they wouldn't have completely moved on and that Wellington at least plays some part in season 3.
Rumor is that we might be getting flashbacks next Season, I'm guessing the nature and location of those will be determined by our Season 2 ending. I don't know how legit those rumors are, but I think something like that was hinted at in an official interview.
And good call on Enid too, I guess that means it isn't the town after all because that comment really wouldn't make sense then.
Ahh. I just checked out that scene on youtube again and they have Zurich written on the walls as well. Zurich is a town in Switzerland. I think they are just trying to confuse us a little to its location and it doesn't have an exact location as of yet other than northern U.S.
Ok I in the scene I noticed they also have a bunch of words and numbers written on the area around the doors as well.
I gathered the numbers and letters on there HDMU 23255 2261 and googled them together and came up with a bunch of locations in Virginia.
Ok I just found out why when I googled those numbers I came up with locations in Virginia. 23255 is a zip code to Henrico Virginia. Henrico is a little town surrounding Richmond Virginia.
Folks I think Wellington is actually intended to be in the Virginia area.
I'm not so sure now. It's no coincidence that a Richmond Virginia area zip code was put on the walls of Wellington. Also I believe the location where Kenny and Jane fought was somewhere in Virginia.
Kenny said it was in Michigan and he's never wrong, so it's gotta be Michigan, right?
He really didn't know. And to be honest if it were all the way up in the northern Ohio/Michigan area would people who were all the way down in the North Carolina/ Virginia area really be hearing about it? It makes a lot more sense for it to be in Virginia since that is the general area that the game takes place in and the fact that it had a Henrico Virginia zip code on the walls of Wellington I think is good evidence for it actually being located in that state.
Holy shit.
My prediction is about to become real.
Stephanie/Magna's community will be in Season 3.
He said near Michigan. He would've said in Michigan if it was in Michigan, don't you think? Wellington is also a small town in Ohio, and Ohio happens to be near Michigan.
My comment was actually sarcasm, considering Kenny's regularly wrong throughout the series. Probably should of made that clearer, though.
Wellington Ohio actually isn't that far from Michigan.
I had no idea what part of Ohio Wellington was in. That makes sense then.
Very possible. They could be the antagonists of the game since they weren't spoken highly of in the comics. I have a feeling though Stephanie will wind up coming from a good community though.
Paraphrasing Stephanie, her community has been encountered by people who traveled a long ways and she finds them to be at least a bit touched. Nonetheless, they try not to judge people on what they've had to do to survive. One of these people was a man who covered himself in rotter blood to camouflage himself with the dead.
I just decided to predict that these people are either the antagonists that survive the events of Season 3, or Javier and Clementine. Javier would be the guy with the rotter blood, something that Clem would teach him. Alternatively, having the antagonists join Stephanie's community later on would make an interesting connection between the comic and the game for sure.
Very possible. We at the very least know (since Kirkman has confirmed that comic characters will be in the game) that Javier and Clem (and whoever else may be with them) will be somewhere in the Virginia area for season 3.