Will house Forrester involved in the battle of the bastards?

Although looking from the previous episodes,we shouldn't be that hopeful. What do you think about the possibility of the member of house Forrester joined Jon's army?


  • Most likely Rodrik/Asher will be in there alongside their Sentinel in my opinion.

  • Doubtful, and unless there's a big time jump, certainly not in season 2.

  • I really don't think so. House Forrester is really eradicated at this point. They could come back, but at the point of the battle of the bastards, it would have been too soon. So, while I do want to see it in game form, I don't think it will happen.

  • Somehow I'm hoping Gared will be there to redeem himself in the eyes of his old pal Jon Snow.

  • I definitely see a version of it happening. But more about the Battle for the Forrester house and not Winterfell. We'd probably be facing the white hills and maybe Ramsey makes a small appearance.

    Definitely could see it happening if they skip over the Stannis and Mance storylines.

  • I'm more curious about how Telltale will handle Ramsay's death - which was off-screen from a Forrester perspective. Ramsay had always tormented the Forresters up close and on a personal level, made worse by the fact we could never get back at him, and now while the Forresters battle on against the Whitehills they might suddenly hear the news of Ramsay's death and House Bolton's fall. Will it be satisfying from a story driven view? Ramsay the man who essentially jumpstarted Season 1's plot with Ethan's death, to die off-screen.

    Then again if a Forrester is present at Winterfell maybe there will be an opportunity to see his corpse. Unless its disposed off on-screen by Episode 10...

  • edited June 2016

    I think it is possible and, given that it is a major event on the Show, I think it is probable that the Forresters will be involved.

  • We find Ramsay's decapitated and rotting head.


    [Take Ramsay's head as trophy] or [Spit at Ramsay's head]

    I know this won't happen, but at least I will feel satisfied enough.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I'm more curious about how Telltale will handle Ramsay's death - which was off-screen from a Forrester perspective. Ramsay had always tormen

  • Doubtful. The most I expect from House Forrester is them rallying to defeat the Whitehills or other small houses allied with the Boltons before they can add their numbers to Ramsay's.

  • Maybe in a potential future Season, but very likely not in Season 2. Remember that it was planned alongside Season 1, which took place during Season 4 of the show. So unless Season 2 skips an entire TV show Season, the Battle of Bastards won't be in it.

  • I'd like to think Gared was in the middle of that battle.

  • In my headcanon, Asher (who I saved in episode 5) was there along with Royland (my chosen sentinel) and killed Gryff (I poisoned his father) during the battle

    Barthanax posted: »

    Most likely Rodrik/Asher will be in there alongside their Sentinel in my opinion.

  • i dont think so, house forrester is a minor house (vassals of house glover) and the glover's did not fought in the battle

  • I think he would cut our head off :P

    Harian96 posted: »

    Somehow I'm hoping Gared will be there to redeem himself in the eyes of his old pal Jon Snow.

  • edited June 2016

    To be honest I dont think so. Jon is not part of the nights watch anymore. He even sent Melisandre away instead of killing her. I think Jon would accept Gareds help if it ever comes to that. He unterstands that they need everyone to fight the Boltons and the "others".

    Wigams posted: »

    I think he would cut our head off :P

  • Let's not forget that the Forresters are vassals of the Glovers, and Lord Glover didn't support Jon in the battlefield. I don't think that it is possible for the Forresters to take part in that particular battle.

  • I'm taking it as a trophy if no one else wants it....

    We find Ramsay's decapitated and rotting head. Choice: [Take Ramsay's head as trophy] or [Spit at Ramsay's head] I know this won't happen, but at least I will feel satisfied enough.

  • The biggest problem is that House Forrester is a vassal house to House Glover, whom we all know refused to reclaim Winterfell from the Boltons.

    Apparently the Ironborn had taken over the Wolfswood and the Boltons helped return it to the Glovers.

    Its strange, Forrester lands didn't appear to be ravaged by the ironborn (we're talking about the largest ironwood forest in the Wolfswood, ironwood which is used for building ships, shields, apparently also chamber pots, etc).

    Will we see the Ironborn in the Season 2? I'd imagine they'd be a hindrance for both the Whitehills and Forresters.

    Even though the Forresters were probably prohibited from assisting the Starks, I can still picture Gared choosing to fight,

    Like Jon, Gared has seen the supernatural hauntings beyond the Wall, while he hasn't confronted any Whitewalkers he does know about the Wights and it makes sense that he realizes the threat they pose if they breached the Wall.

    Wouldn't it be so cool if Gared was given some kind of military position at Winterfell, I wonder if we'd meet Ser Davos Seaworth...

  • And what will the Glovers do, should the Forresters enter the battle? Hang them for treason? Lord Glover was wrong, he said it himself. He regrets that he didn't fight beside Jon, his king. Besides, Glover said his liege lords did not help him retake his home and turns their back on them. Well the Forresters' liege lords (Glovers) also did not help them retake their home, so Glover punishing them would be hypocritical. Forrestres may be the Glovers' vassals but first and foremost they are sworn to the Starks and any decision to help them is none of Glovers' business. They should be thankful that at least one of their bannermen remembers what loyalty means.

    Harian96 posted: »

    The biggest problem is that House Forrester is a vassal house to House Glover, whom we all know refused to reclaim Winterfell from the Bolto

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