Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Batman



  • Because she's pretty great... Even if she is fooling us. ;)

  • emilybuckshotemilybuckshot Former Telltale Staff

    Shucks thanks! I usually come on the forums a lot whenever an episode I did lead work for drops. I learn a lot from what you guys think of it. Then I fade off as the conversation dies down, or I run away because someone gets mad at me for something they didn’t like in the game. However, this time, you have all been SO nice! I’m enjoying this. So yeah. Thank you. These forums have become way more positive and welcoming in the past year or so.

    AChicken posted: »

    Cool! I was wondering why you guys chose a random French name for a cafe, especially one that's "Sad Cafe" in English. I'm really enjoying this surge of interaction you've been having here for the past day. Any reason prompted you to do so?

  • However, this time, you have all been SO nice! I’m enjoying this. So yeah. Thank you. These forums have become way more positive and welcoming in the past year or so.

    I'm very glad to hear that, as I've been pushing for that to happen so that staff feel more welcome to post! Yeah, people tend to really appreciate staff interaction on the forums, so definitely feel free to stop by more often. The Walking Dead forums get a little more on the... passionate side at times, but the other forums are generally more open and welcoming for staff interaction if you guys want to stop by.

    Shucks thanks! I usually come on the forums a lot whenever an episode I did lead work for drops. I learn a lot from what you guys think of i

  • It's a good change. I can't speak for everyone, but after a few months of coming back, I just had enough. There's constructive criticism and then there's temper tantrums. I want the forums to be more personal again. I miss the days of the devs stopping by just to shoot the shit. We used to have managers post about fantastic sandwich shops they found and stuff like that. It used to be like part of the office.

    Granted, the office is too big for that now. Just to give you that freedom to pop by whenever would be great. To have you looking forward to reading comments from your games and posts.

  • In Season 1 Episode 2 when Batman and Catwoman ambush the press conference, Batman's crotch jiggles.

  • From Reddit, right?

    I just can't imagine that someone had to hand-animate that.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    In Season 1 Episode 2 when Batman and Catwoman ambush the press conference, Batman's crotch jiggles.

  • edited December 2017

    Yup, found it on Reddit.

    I really doubt someone actually animted that, it'd be really funny if that were the case though. Someone gave their own explanation for this that sounds pretty realistic.

    "This isn't jiggle, though. His entire pelvis is moving. This is a totally standard rig, creating an illusion of jiggle with the pelvis rotating forward as the shadow of his arm passes over his hips.
    No jiggle. No package articulation. Just his hips coming to a rest. It doesn't help that his hips are moving but his belt isn't."

    AChicken posted: »

    From Reddit, right? I just can't imagine that someone had to hand-animate that.

  • You can always count on the animators to add that extra loving bit of detail.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    In Season 1 Episode 2 when Batman and Catwoman ambush the press conference, Batman's crotch jiggles.

  • The color of Penguin's drone hologram in s1e5 depends on your Bat tech color.

  • Harvey Bullock is voiced by Keith Szarabajka who plays Detective Stephens in the Dark Knight.

  • Unrelated to Batman, but he also voiced Harbinger in the Mass Effect trilogy.

    HexIgon posted: »

    Harvey Bullock is voiced by Keith Szarabajka who plays Detective Stephens in the Dark Knight.

  • HexIgonHexIgon Banned
    edited December 2017

    He's a very prominent voice actor, mostly voicing side characters. I could recognize his voice anywhere.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    Unrelated to Batman, but he also voiced Harbinger in the Mass Effect trilogy.

  • edited December 2017

    I give you: The thought process of creating a Joker scene according to Design Lead @emilybuckshot [Emily Grace Buck]

    Don't worry Emily. It's perfect. ;)

  • I don't know if this has already been caught and posted but if you tell John 'to pull her strings' and when he shows the napkin say its a 'coffee stain' and then the second time say 'harley's laptop' John will get frustrated with Bruce and comment 'don't want to let me in, huh?' And then if you play along the first time but say 'harley's laptop' the second time he'll say something else.

  • emilybuckshotemilybuckshot Former Telltale Staff

    Hahaha oh no, you've learned all of my creative secrets!!!

    AChicken posted: »

    I give you: The thought process of creating a Joker scene according to Design Lead @emilybuckshot [Emily Grace Buck]

  • I don't know if these are intentional details, or just coincidence, but I found them both very funny either way.

    First, Selina makes a reference to Bruce along the lines of how 'not everyone can just whip up a lobster thermidor'. In the Lego Batman Movie, Batman eats lobster thermidor all the time and nothing else.

    The second one is the coffee date - if you're familiar with the How It Should Have Ended youtube series, you will be aware that in the Superman and Batman scenes where they're hanging out together in a café, Batman is always portrayed with a mug of black coffee in his hand.

    Thirdly: If a dev reads this, may I beg on bended knee for the opportunity to use the line 'You know nothing, John Doe?'. :D :D: :D (Just kidding, I know there'd probably be a copyright issue or something, but one can always dream!)

  • emilybuckshotemilybuckshot Former Telltale Staff
    1. Yes, 100% intentional
    2. No, but that's great
    3. OMG yeah I wish we could but we probably can't. However, I'm now gonna walk around the office saying this, so congrats! You had added to The Telltale Discourse
    LadyOrc posted: »

    I don't know if these are intentional details, or just coincidence, but I found them both very funny either way. First, Selina makes a r

  • Yay, I feel honored and happy to hear it!

    * Yes, 100% intentional * No, but that's great * OMG yeah I wish we could but we probably can't. However, I'm now gonna walk around the office saying this, so congrats! You had added to The Telltale Discourse

  • Heh, just noticed another one. At the very end of the coffee date if you're taking the 'roleplaying Harley route' when the Batsignal goes on, John says:
    'I just lobbed you the perfect pitch, you're gonna swing or what?'
    And of course Bruce should swing....because he's the Batman.

  • I thought it was interesting that Selina pronounced the "r" in Renoir. Like, who doesn't know that the French typically don't pronounce the final consonant? You would think, since she has been to Paris at least on three occasions (she said that she had already stolen from the Louvre twice before Riddler asked her to get the Renoir) she'd know a little about the French language. It was a nice sort of reference to Hathaway's Selina who didn't properly pronounce Ibiza.

    In that same scene, she also refers to Riddler's murder chambers as "a wonderful way to lose your hand"... which I think is a fun foreshadowing, albeit unrelated to Riddler.

  • Nice catch! The hand thing just made my day!

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I thought it was interesting that Selina pronounced the "r" in Renoir. Like, who doesn't know that the French typically don't pronounce the

  • edited December 2017

    French here, and we do occasionally pronounce the final consonant.
    See here

    1.01 minutes.

    I've never heard of anyone not pronouncing the final "r" in Renoir. And I've studied Arts so yeah.

    You are correct that in most cases it's not vocalized. For instance in the word "content" in French the final "t" would not be pronounced.
    See here

    While in English it would be, and funnily enough both words are spelled identically and have the same meaning in both French and English.

    Il faut savoir qu'en Français il n'existe pas de règles figées qui régissent la prononciation de la consonne finale. C'est l'une des difficultés majeures qui se posent pour apprendre notre langue d'ailleurs. La meilleure manière étant encore d'assimiler.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I thought it was interesting that Selina pronounced the "r" in Renoir. Like, who doesn't know that the French typically don't pronounce the

  • Huh! I thought Renoir would sound like au revoir... but thanks for educating me.

    French here, and we do occasionally pronounce the final consonant. See here 1.01 minutes. I've never heard of anyone not pronounc

  • According to the News articles in the Batcave in S2E3, the public thinks that Batman was fatally injured in the fight with Bane, as there have been no sightings of the caped crusader since the assault on the Police Arsenal. People are starting to lose hope in Batman.

  • In the now infamous café scene you can lead John to say "I guess I'm a natural ladykiller".

    Surely I'm not the only one thinking this is ominous foreshadowing on Telltale's part, and I'm afraid the lady in question is Selina.

  • Oh no don't say that lol

    In the now infamous café scene you can lead John to say "I guess I'm a natural ladykiller". Surely I'm not the only one thinking this is ominous foreshadowing on Telltale's part, and I'm afraid the lady in question is Selina.

  • I don't think we've ever seen Bruce eat, ever. He drinks things (tea, coffee, whiskey)...

  • wow your right about that I haven't exactly noticed that detail in particular but it'd be cool thing to have in one of the upcoming episodes. you could have dinner with Selina and Alfred will give you the choice of food to eat. kinda like how in episode one you could choose the music you want in the Batcave.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I don't think we've ever seen Bruce eat, ever. He drinks things (tea, coffee, whiskey)...

  • We've never seen him go to the toilet either but he certainly has.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I don't think we've ever seen Bruce eat, ever. He drinks things (tea, coffee, whiskey)...

  • Batman doesn't eat or go to the toilet! =D

  • Nope, I don't believe he does. I mean, his body may just be such a well calibrated system that he never needs to eat, and also never has to use the toilet. His body just absorbs everything he ingests.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    We've never seen him go to the toilet either but he certainly has.

  • Indeed. Or, maybe, it's his costume.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Nope, I don't believe he does. I mean, his body may just be such a well calibrated system that he never needs to eat, and also never has to use the toilet. His body just absorbs everything he ingests.

  • Maybe it's ebcause HE'S BATMAN

  • edited December 2017

    In the Episode 3 trailer, Harley sings the nursery rhyme 'Ring Around the Rosie' as she barges into the Pact's hideout. However, in the full release, she sings 'Skip to my Lou' instead.

    I wonder why that was changed. I much prefer 'Rosie' as she sung it a lot creepier than the other one.

  • edited December 2017

    So I got Season 1 of Batman to PS3 (don't judge, I'm a trophyhunter alright.) And I noticed that if you refuse to sleep together with Selina in episode 3, they have a bit of a talk and mentions Alfred, and Selina notes that they are close. Bruce can ask if Selina doesn't have 'a Alfred' of her own.

    To this Selina mentions that she had one, but it was a while ago. And I cannot help but to think that she is talking about Riddler. Now she probably doesn't mean him, and telltale most likely didn't plan that far ahead, but it's nice to make a little Headcanon of your own, since you know alot mire things now, 5 episodes later, and could put some things together that fits, even though they might not be correct.

  • That's an interesting theory. (I don't think it's likely, but it could be Telltale uses that as a basis for her relationship to Riddler.) As Selina mentions she "had an Alfred", then how would that work? [-genuine question, not shutting you down.] Riddler is her reconnaissance man? He does the breaking and she does the stealing?

    captainivy1 posted: »

    So I got Season 1 of Batman to PS3 (don't judge, I'm a trophyhunter alright.) And I noticed that if you refuse to sleep together with Selina

  • She doesn't specifically mentions that she has an 'Alfred', but rather that she had someone she could trust a while back. I merely used 'an alfred' since they talked about Alfred at that time, a clumsy formulation. But since it's hinted at in the latest episode that the Riddler was "something more" to Selina.

    I suppose only time will tell, in the hope that telltale don't leave that plot hanging.

    AChicken posted: »

    That's an interesting theory. (I don't think it's likely, but it could be Telltale uses that as a basis for her relationship to Riddler.) As

  • Not sure if it belongs to this thread but my gf noticed Selina in The Enemy Within bears a striking resemblance to Zoe Castillo from Dreamfall.

  • When does he drink whiskey?

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I don't think we've ever seen Bruce eat, ever. He drinks things (tea, coffee, whiskey)...

  • At the start of Episode 1, when he's in Rumi Mori's casino.

    When does he drink whiskey?

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