The technical issues are no longer acceptable



  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I never got why people complain so much about anti-aliasing. Are we that spoiled by graphical fidelity now that jaggies are literally offensive, or what?

    And that's not even directed solely at Telltale's stuff. It seems like any time a game comes out with bad anti-aliasing, everyone gets in a fit over it and how unacceptable it is. Sub par resolutions, bad texture quality, texture pop-in and so forth... I can understand all those complaints. But AA? That's where you're going to draw the (jagged) line? That's the thing you're going to point out in particular? Maybe it's just me, but shouldn't that be one of your last concerns when it comes to a game's graphical fidelity? How smooth an object's going to look isn't going to matter much if the object doesn't look that great in any of the other aspects, either.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Besides, my "rants" have been far nicer than what users on Neogaf have said regarding Batman's technical problems. Take a look: Walpur

  • Yep, Batman really is a new low for Telltale. I've been buying their games for a long, long time now and I was fine with all the technical hiccups that came with them, but Batman on the PS4 often running with 20FPS? And that's while it's running at 766p? I don't know if the engine inherently broken or if there's someone working on it who is wildly incompetent. Either way, it's simply embarrassing that this was deemed fit to release. Like, don't even think about the customer for a minute, think about yourself and if you're fine with putting your name under a technical mess like that.

    I expect better of you Telltale, and so should you.

  • I normally dont mind, if there's no AA. But AA can pretty much fuck up the faces of characters. Especially in Batman, where these black lines on characters exist. Just look at the old couple. And AA makes the image significantly cleaner.

    Deltino posted: »

    I never got why people complain so much about anti-aliasing. Are we that spoiled by graphical fidelity now that jaggies are literally offens

  • edited August 2016

    Well, the way I see it, AA and texture filtering are probably the 2 things that have the biggest impact on image quality, next to the game's performance and wether or not it's vsync'd.

    Without texture filtering, even if the textures are high quality, they'll still look awful if viewed at oblique angles. The Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae demo is probably a great example of this. The textures themselves were pretty high quality, but the lack of filtering made them look awful unless you were pointing the camera downwards.

    enter image description here

    It's also a good example of bad IQ caused by its resolution and cheap AA. ED ran at 900p (on PS4, XB1 was 792p I think) with some very cheap AA, and it ended up looking very jaggy and soft at the same time. Not even sure what type of AA it was, but it didn't even look like FXAA to me. At least other 900p games that used FXAA on the PS4 have had better IQ than it.

    The lack of AA also extends to the hair as well, because transparencies AA is exepnsive as hell, and both the PS4 and XB1 can't handle it. Just look at this pic of Ardyn and the bros from the Uncovered trailer.

    enter image description here

    The hair itself is very detailed, but the lack of AA applied to it just makes it look bad. I also don't see a readon why Batman couldn't have used at least FXAA, since it's a super cheap solution. Then again I don't see why it couldn:t run at 1080p on both the XB1 and PS4 (it being sub-HD the XBone is just embarassing). Heck if they intended to go for the letter boxed look, at least use something like 4xMSAA like the Order 1886 did. Heck, they could probably push to 8x, seeing as the Order makes Batman look ancient and runs better to boot.

    Deltino posted: »

    I never got why people complain so much about anti-aliasing. Are we that spoiled by graphical fidelity now that jaggies are literally offens

  • I didn't have any problems with other Telltale games but boy... Batman is laggy as all hell!

  • edited August 2016

    The PS4-version is playable but far from perfect. My first Telltale game for PS4. I wonder how it will perform on Xbox 360. Played The Walking Dead S1 on 360 and was satisfied with it. But I heard that Tales from the Borderlands Episode 5 had serious issues on Xbox 360 (I played it on PC). So I hope they fixed those problems for Batman.

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