How are season 2's Ending gonna roll over to season 3?
So There are obviously all together 7 different ways to end season 2.
I'm not going to go indepth with the endings because I'm sure you guys have completed the game.
I'm just wonder for example, If you pick to leave Kenny and go into wellington, will Season 3 start you out in wellington?
Or say you go with Jane to Carver's former base, and lets say you turn away the family of three... Then will you start season 3 in the base still?
These are just thories. But I'm guessing what's gonna happen is no matter what dicision you choice. You will automatically be grown up Clementine and somehow with another person heading to some place or some shit like in the season 3 trailer...
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It damn well better. Would be nice if our choice actually mattered for once.
I think the game will start out in present time. Clementine and Javier will talk and get to know each other. Clementine will tell him about her past, which we will play out in flashbacks. So I think we'll see her past in flashbacks, pretty much.
We start with Javier and meet Clem later. It's been confirmed.
I think Kenny or Jane will die no matter what (if you didn't choose the alone ending). I think their death will be shown early in the first episode (similar to Omid's in Season 2), then cut to present day. Flashbacks are also probable, as someone already mentioned. The alone ending will probably just show Clem and AJ toughing it out, taking out a few zombies, and finding some form of shelter. I'm not sure what significance the family will have, if any.