btw Lord AgentZ
Jokes aside, I have not forgotten but I'm not certain if I'll bring it up again. They're at war and have other things to worry about. I'll keep it in mind though.
Malcolm sighed as Preston stared at him, waiting to hear the story "Okay, I'll tell you, just keep it to yourself"
Preston nodded … more"I promise!" Malcolm was really hesitant to tell this story, he worried it'd bring back bad memories but Preston did deserve to know.
"I didn't know him myself, you'd have to ask Lucina what he was like but like I said, you'll only upset her."
Preston groaned "what about father?" Malcolm shook his head "father didn't know him either, he had only just met him."
Malcolm thought back to what he was told "Lucina and her father were staying in a Tavern, you know the one Samuel's always at. Father was visiting the Tavern as well. He had a horse with him, a Destrier it was a gift from Lord Tyrell, I think it came from the free cities."
Preston groaned "I asked about Lucina's father not some bloody horse." Malcolm groaned in annoyance "Shut up! It's important to the story."
Malcolm continued "anyway, it … [view original content]
Malcolm sighed as Preston stared at him, waiting to hear the story "Okay, I'll tell you, just keep it to yourself"
Preston nodded … more"I promise!" Malcolm was really hesitant to tell this story, he worried it'd bring back bad memories but Preston did deserve to know.
"I didn't know him myself, you'd have to ask Lucina what he was like but like I said, you'll only upset her."
Preston groaned "what about father?" Malcolm shook his head "father didn't know him either, he had only just met him."
Malcolm thought back to what he was told "Lucina and her father were staying in a Tavern, you know the one Samuel's always at. Father was visiting the Tavern as well. He had a horse with him, a Destrier it was a gift from Lord Tyrell, I think it came from the free cities."
Preston groaned "I asked about Lucina's father not some bloody horse." Malcolm groaned in annoyance "Shut up! It's important to the story."
Malcolm continued "anyway, it … [view original content]
If anyone's interested in creating advisors for the Branfields at Summerspring be sure to let me know as eventually if no one creates them I'll create them myself. Master-at-Arms, the Maester, the Castellan, things like that.
The voting is closed! Gregor will Let Marcos join the council and Malcolm will Bring Samuel with him to track down their younger brother Jacob.
I'm really surprised by how one sided the voting was for this part. I fully expected the Marcos choice but I thought more than one person would pick Lucas.
I've been thinking about something and I'd like your opinion on it. I'm considering adding a third POV until Malcolm returns while travelling with Samuel. This POV would be Lucas. This would show things from inside Summerspring until Malcolm returns. It'd also give me a chance to develop characters and relationships. Lucas and Lucina for example, we've yet to see them interact.
What do you think?
I think this is a very interesting idea! Lucas is an intriguing character for sure and I'd surely like to see things from his perspective for a short while. Of course, my opinion is sliiightly influenced by you outright mentioning that Lucina would appear in these parts, but even objectively, I'd say this makes for a great opportunity to show the events at Summerspring while Malcolm is away from it and to develop the rest of the Branfield's. So, I'd say go for it, I'm sure it will be amazing
The voting is closed! Gregor will Let Marcos join the council and Malcolm will Bring Samuel with him to track down their younger brother Jac… moreob.
I'm really surprised by how one sided the voting was for this part. I fully expected the Marcos choice but I thought more than one person would pick Lucas.
I've been thinking about something and I'd like your opinion on it. I'm considering adding a third POV until Malcolm returns while travelling with Samuel. This POV would be Lucas. This would show things from inside Summerspring until Malcolm returns. It'd also give me a chance to develop characters and relationships. Lucas and Lucina for example, we've yet to see them interact.
What do you think?
The voting is closed! Gregor will Let Marcos join the council and Malcolm will Bring Samuel with him to track down their younger brother Jac… moreob.
I'm really surprised by how one sided the voting was for this part. I fully expected the Marcos choice but I thought more than one person would pick Lucas.
I've been thinking about something and I'd like your opinion on it. I'm considering adding a third POV until Malcolm returns while travelling with Samuel. This POV would be Lucas. This would show things from inside Summerspring until Malcolm returns. It'd also give me a chance to develop characters and relationships. Lucas and Lucina for example, we've yet to see them interact.
What do you think?
Hey guys, I know I'm taking my sweet ass time in writing the next part. I'm just dealing with a lot right now and need a break, I promise the story will contine but I'm just not in the right state of mind. A family member has passed away and I just need time. Don't worry, I'm okay but there's a lot on my mind. Anyway, I just felt the need to give an update.
Just please, be patient with me, it won't be too long.
Hey guys, I know I'm taking my sweet ass time in writing the next part. I'm just dealing with a lot right now and need a break, I promise th… moree story will contine but I'm just not in the right state of mind. A family member has passed away and I just need time. Don't worry, I'm okay but there's a lot on my mind. Anyway, I just felt the need to give an update.
Just please, be patient with me, it won't be too long.
Hey guys, I know I'm taking my sweet ass time in writing the next part. I'm just dealing with a lot right now and need a break, I promise th… moree story will contine but I'm just not in the right state of mind. A family member has passed away and I just need time. Don't worry, I'm okay but there's a lot on my mind. Anyway, I just felt the need to give an update.
Just please, be patient with me, it won't be too long.
Hey guys, I know I'm taking my sweet ass time in writing the next part. I'm just dealing with a lot right now and need a break, I promise th… moree story will contine but I'm just not in the right state of mind. A family member has passed away and I just need time. Don't worry, I'm okay but there's a lot on my mind. Anyway, I just felt the need to give an update.
Just please, be patient with me, it won't be too long.
Hey guys, I know I'm taking my sweet ass time in writing the next part. I'm just dealing with a lot right now and need a break, I promise th… moree story will contine but I'm just not in the right state of mind. A family member has passed away and I just need time. Don't worry, I'm okay but there's a lot on my mind. Anyway, I just felt the need to give an update.
Just please, be patient with me, it won't be too long.
I am sorry for your loss and as the others have said, take however much time that you need. We will be here whenever you are ready to continue with the story
Hey guys, I know I'm taking my sweet ass time in writing the next part. I'm just dealing with a lot right now and need a break, I promise th… moree story will contine but I'm just not in the right state of mind. A family member has passed away and I just need time. Don't worry, I'm okay but there's a lot on my mind. Anyway, I just felt the need to give an update.
Just please, be patient with me, it won't be too long.
It was settled, Malcolm would be leaving with Samuel, they had to find their brother no matter what. Malcolm was outside by the gates getting his horse ready with Samuel next to him. "He'll be fine, Malcolm" Samuel interrupted Malcolm's thoughts. "Jacob may be an idiot but he's tough, try not to worry more than you should." Samuel gave a reasurring smile and it did help a little.
"Brothers!" Malcolm heard Lucas as he approached them with Lucina by his side. "Father sent me to see you off, make sure you have everything you need, do you?" Samuel smirked and Malcolm sighed "Yes, we do" Malcolm replied quickly.
"Do you have--" Lucas began to speak when Malcolm interrupted him "We have our swords, food, water, we've saddled up and Samuel has his wine" Malcolm knew he didn't hide how annoyed he was very well but he hated when Lucas got like this, it made him feel like he didn't trust him.
Lucas sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck "Alright, I'm sorry" Lucas bit his lip, knowing he'd gotten on Malcolm's nerves.
"So that's it? Can we go now?" Malcolm exclaimed and Lucas shook his hand "Goodbye brother, just come back without us having to send someone to drag you back this time, okay?" Lucas' voice was stern but Malcolm saw concern in his eyes "I'll be alright, brother, I promise" Malcolm attempted to reassure him, he wasn't sure if it worked.
"Don't worry about me Lucas, I'll be fine!" Samuel interrupted the moment. Malcolm couldn't hold back a chuckle and Lucas gave a stern glare to Samuel "Look after yourself brother." Samuel simply smirked in response.
Lucas than stepped back as Lucina approached Malcolm with a warm smile. "I don't know how you put up with him"
Malcolm raised an eyebrow "Who, Lucas? You two seem to get along well enough"
Lucina smirked "Yes, but I'm patient and understanding, you Branfields all have such bad tempers" Malcolm laughed, she wasn't wrong, even Samuel has had his moments.
Lucina frowned as she glanced to Malcolm's horse "Leaving already?" Malcolm could hear disappointment in her voice and Malcolm smiled "Why? Are you going to miss me?"
Malcolm caught Lucina blushing as she bit her lip "No, I was just wondering when I'd have to deal with you returning while covered in filth again." she responded in a snarky and sarcastic manner as Malcolm raised his hands in a mock surrender.
"That reminds me, I had a bath, think I can get that hug now?" Malcolm asked as he opened his arms and Lucina sighed with a smirk on her face "If you insist..." and she wrapped her arms around Malcolm and they hugged. Malcolm couldn't hold back a huge grin, he missed this, he missed her.
Samuel groaned "Ugh... this is too adorable for me to handle, can we please go?"
Lucina chuckled as she let go of Malcolm "Time for you to go." Malcolm sighed "it seems so, goodbye Lucina."
"Farewell, Malcolm" Lucina smiled. Malcolm climbed on his horse and looked at Samuel who was smirking "What's that stupid grin about?"
"I had a bath, think I can get that hug now?" Samuel said in a mocking voice.
"Shut your mouth!" Malcolm angrily whispered as he slapped the side of Samuel's head and Samuel laughed in response as they left Summerspring.
Malcolm and Samuel had been riding for a good two hours now, they shouldn't be far now. Samuel suddenly spoke to break the silence "You know, sometimes I think you argue with Lucas even more than I do"
Malcolm raised an eyebrow in response, this surprised him as sometimes it felt like Samuel and Lucas hated each other "How do you figure that?"
"Don't get me wrong, you two are clearly close, so much that I don't understand but there's always this intensity in the air when you're in the same room." Malcolm thought on it, maybe he had a point, Lucas and Malcolm did tend to get on each others nerves but he's always looked up to Lucas.
Samuel glared at Malcolm "Nothing to say?"
"What do you want me to say, Samuel?" Malcolm exclaimed "Sure, Lucas gets on my nerves as much as he gets on yours but he's been there for me more than anyone."
"What?" Samuel said in disbelief "When you got into a fight with that fat slob in the smallfolk that always tormented you, Lucas just stood there and watched!"
"That may have been what it looked like, but Lucas saw how he treated me, so he sat me down and told me that as long as that pig thought he was better than me that he'd keep tormenting me, so I needed to show him that I was better than him" Malcolm explained. "That's when he taught me how to fight."
Samuel seemed surprised "I didn't know that" Malcolm sighed "Lucas may be stern, a real shit even and tough to like, but he cares about us."
Samuel nodded "I guess you're right." Malcolm looked ahead "We should be almost there, we find Nesa, then Tom Wolfson and hopefully Jacob so we can get back home as soon as possible." Malcolm explained in an attempt to change the subject.
"What's the deal with this Nesa, anyway?" Samuel asked and Malcolm looked at his brother "What do you mean?"
"It's just that you've said nothing about her other than that she exists and used to run with Tom Wolfson" Samuel explained "Who is she to you? Friend, enemy, lover, all of the above?"
Malcolm shrugged "it's hard to say, I never shared a bed with her, she's pretty enough but hard to get close to, I don't know her that well to be honest" Malcolm explained.
"Will she even help us?" Samuel asked and Malcolm nodded "If she has something to gain, absolutely, if we're lucky maybe we can get hire her to fight with us."
Malcolm and Samuel had arrived to the villaige by nightfall and sat at a table in the tavern, it was a good as any place to start the search. "So what are we looking for?" Samuel asked and Malcolm looked around "Just keep an eye out, Nesa stands out, you'll know her when you see her."
Samuel was about to speak again when he heard shouting at another table across the room.
"We want our share of the reward, you ignorant shit! Malcolm saw an average sized man surrounded by four other men. He had blonde hair with a shade of beaten gold and amber eyes, he was clearly muscular with an intimidating presence.
"You don't get a share." the blonde man stated.
"Why the fuck not?" the other man asked, he was clearly annoyed.
"Because you annoying shit stain, you don't get paid for taking a job, you get paid for finishing it, you may have taken the job but I finished it!"
"You stole it, you mean" the other man replied as he reached for his sword "Let me put it this way, Dustin, you can give us our share or we can take it"
"Careful now" The blonde man called Dustin warned "I'd hate to ruin this nice floor with your bloodstains" Dustin smirked "Now that I think about it, I would love to strangle you with your own entrails, so go ahead, draw your sword!"
"With pleasure!" The other man shouted as he and his men drew their swords.
Malcolm reached for his sword, ready to help the stranger called Dustin when Samuel grabbed his arm "hold it Malcolm! I want to see what he can do" Malcolm glared at his brother "What are you on about?"
"We're not only here for Jacob, we need fighting men and if this Dustin can beat four men on his own, we'll know that he's worth our gold"
"What if he dies because we don't help?" Malcolm argued and Samuel sighed "Then we'll know that he isn't worth our gold, besides we need to keep a low profile!" Samuel explained. Malcolm didn't like it but Samuel had a point, they need to keep a low profile, but was he willing to let a man die for that?
It was settled, Malcolm would be leaving with Samuel, they had to find their brother no matter what. Malcolm was outside by the gat… morees getting his horse ready with Samuel next to him. "He'll be fine, Malcolm" Samuel interrupted Malcolm's thoughts. "Jacob may be an idiot but he's tough, try not to worry more than you should." Samuel gave a reasurring smile and it did help a little.
"Brothers!" Malcolm heard Lucas as he approached them with Lucina by his side. "Father sent me to see you off, make sure you have everything you need, do you?" Samuel smirked and Malcolm sighed "Yes, we do" Malcolm replied quickly.
"Do you have--" Lucas began to speak when Malcolm interrupted him "We have our swords, food, water, we've saddled up and Samuel has his wine" Malcolm knew he didn't hide how annoyed he was very well but he hated when Lucas got like this, it made him feel like he didn't trust him.
Lucas sighed as he rubbed the back of his ne… [view original content]
Superb part! I am glad that the story is back, as great as always. In fact, I'd even say that this was my favourite part so far. Hopefully you're feeling better now!
[Help the stranger]
The guy is surrounded and heavily outnumbered. Only the best of the best would win such a fight and while I think this Dustin guy could be good, I doubt he is going to have much of a chance against four at once, not when they have him surrounded and at a disadvantage. Judging by his confidence, I guess he either has a huge ego, or he actually has the skills to match. If it's the first case, then he would die, therefore depriving House Branfield of a potential ally. If it's the latter, then helping him could be a good start to win his favour. No matter which way I look at it, helping him seems like the better option for me.
Oh, by the way, there was this sentence:
Samuel groaned "Ugh... this is too adorable for me to handle, can we please go?"
Hehe, this whole scene is indeed adorable, but unlike Samuel, I can certainly handle it Ah, I love these little interactions between Malcolm and Lucina and how utterly annoyed the rest of his family is about it.
On another note, I kind of slightly regret that I have chosen for Lucas to stay at Summerspring. It's not that I dislike Samuel, I actually really like him, but I must admit that Lucas is a very interesting guy and that his more distanced relationship with Malcolm would have surely made for some great scenes. Ah well, Samuel and Malcolm are just as great and I definitely look forward to read Lucas' PoV
It was settled, Malcolm would be leaving with Samuel, they had to find their brother no matter what. Malcolm was outside by the gat… morees getting his horse ready with Samuel next to him. "He'll be fine, Malcolm" Samuel interrupted Malcolm's thoughts. "Jacob may be an idiot but he's tough, try not to worry more than you should." Samuel gave a reasurring smile and it did help a little.
"Brothers!" Malcolm heard Lucas as he approached them with Lucina by his side. "Father sent me to see you off, make sure you have everything you need, do you?" Samuel smirked and Malcolm sighed "Yes, we do" Malcolm replied quickly.
"Do you have--" Lucas began to speak when Malcolm interrupted him "We have our swords, food, water, we've saddled up and Samuel has his wine" Malcolm knew he didn't hide how annoyed he was very well but he hated when Lucas got like this, it made him feel like he didn't trust him.
Lucas sighed as he rubbed the back of his ne… [view original content]
I know! Samuel's line was written in the moment as I was writing because I caught myself grinning while writing this part. I am so glad you submitted Lucina! I love her and the dialogue I'm writing because of her.
I kind of slightly regret that I have chosen for Lucas to stay at Summerspring.
I think that Lucas is the Branfield that I have the most fun writing but don't worry, this still works in his favor, I have a lot planned for him in Summerspring.
Superb part! I am glad that the story is back, as great as always. In fact, I'd even say that this was my favourite part so far. Hopefully y… moreou're feeling better now!
[Help the stranger]
The guy is surrounded and heavily outnumbered. Only the best of the best would win such a fight and while I think this Dustin guy could be good, I doubt he is going to have much of a chance against four at once, not when they have him surrounded and at a disadvantage. Judging by his confidence, I guess he either has a huge ego, or he actually has the skills to match. If it's the first case, then he would die, therefore depriving House Branfield of a potential ally. If it's the latter, then helping him could be a good start to win his favour. No matter which way I look at it, helping him seems like the better option for me.
Oh, by the way, there was this sentence:
Samuel groaned "Ugh... this is too adorable for me to handle, can we please go?"
… [view original content]
Lucas watched his brothers ride away, he couldn't hold back a chuckle when he saw Malcolm slap the side of Samuel's head. He turned and saw Lucina with a disappointed look on her face and he decided to break the silence "It's disappointing, isn't it? For him to leave again so soon after returning." Lucina simply nodded in agreement "You're too hard on him, you know?" Lucas sighed, he really didn't want to hear a lecture "I know but it's only because I miss him"
"I know" Lucina said as she looked at him "But if you keep pushing him it might get too stressful for him and you'll lose him"
Lucas decided he was going to be stubborn and remain silent, not agreeing or disagreeing with her.
Lucina noticed that Lucas had no intention of continuing the discussion "I forgot to tell you, Simon was looking for you earlier" Lucas widened his eyes "Ser Simon? did he say what he wanted?" Lucina shook her head "All he said was that he wanted to speak to you, and that it's not urgent but he'd appreciate it" Lucas nodded, "I'll go see him now, thanks Lucina." Lucina simply smiled as Lucas left to go speak with the Master-at-Arms.
Lucas searched for a while when he finally found Simon atop Summersprings walls. Ser Simon Oakheart, he was a well built and tall man with dark hair and brown eyes. "Ser Simon!" Lucas called out and Simon turned to see Lucas and gave a big grin, he's always been a happy and friendly man "Greetings, Lucas, how can I help you?" Lucas raised an eyebrow "Lucina said that you wanted to see me"
"I did but I've been busy" Simon said as he looked along the walls.
"Busy with what?" "Lucas asked as he looked along the walls as well.
Simon suddenly grew serious "I've been keeping an eye out for structural weaknesses, we need to know our defences if there's to be a siege"
"A siege?" Lucas grew concerned but Simon was probably right, someone was bound to attack them sooner or later, hopefully his brothers return before then"
Simon nodded "Yeah, we need to be prepared, especially since we have such a low amount of fighting men."
"How many men do we actually have?" Lucas asked and Simon sighed "Only three hundred I'm afraid, you're father has been far too generous to King Aerys, he kept on offering men to the war until we couldn't spare any more."
Lucas sighed "That's worrying, hopefully we can hold them off" Simon grew a look of determination "We will and even if we cannot, In Arms to the End"
"In Arms to the End" Lucas repeated. "What was it you wanted to talk to me about?"
Simon sighed "Forgive my bluntness, Lucas but there's a good chance that your father won't survived this war, and he still hasn't decided on who will take his place" Lucas groaned "Not this again..."
Simon continued "You and Samuel have both made it clear that you want to be Lord and you both believe that you're the best men for the job, if you're father dies no one will know who to take orders from, there will be conflict that we can't afford!"
Lucas began to get irritated "There's also a good chance of Samuel or I dying and then this whole discussion will have been for nothing!" Lucas argued but Simon persisted "We can't take that chance, you're father needs to make a decision and you know it."
Lucas gritted his teeth, Simon was right, a decision had to be made but all talk of this always angered his father, was now a good time for that? But if not now, when?
[Convince Damien to name an heir][Wait for a better time]
I know that I said Gregor's part would be finished by now but I've decided to post one POV at a time for now on. It suits my writing style better. Sorry if that's annoying.
I'm already liking Lucas as the PoV, it certainly was a good decision to use him in such a role
[Convince Damien to name an heir]
This is an important matter and in my opinion, Damien already waited far too long for this. It's not only the approaching siege, he could have died years ago from a random accident and it would have created the same problem. House Branfield needs a clear leader and a clear successor in case the leader dies, now more than ever. The way I see it, there will never be a better time and no matter what happens the other brother is going to end up pissed, but if they are without a clear successor in case of Damien's death, they risk worse than just a pissed-off brother.
Lucas watched his brothers ride away, he couldn't hold back a chuckle when he saw Malcolm slap the side of Samuel's head. He turned a… morend saw Lucina with a disappointed look on her face and he decided to break the silence "It's disappointing, isn't it? For him to leave again so soon after returning." Lucina simply nodded in agreement "You're too hard on him, you know?" Lucas sighed, he really didn't want to hear a lecture "I know but it's only because I miss him"
"I know" Lucina said as she looked at him "But if you keep pushing him it might get too stressful for him and you'll lose him"
Lucas decided he was going to be stubborn and remain silent, not agreeing or disagreeing with her.
Lucina noticed that Lucas had no intention of continuing the discussion "I forgot to tell you, Simon was looking for you earlier" Lucas widened his eyes "Ser Simon? did he say what he wanted?" Lucina shook her head "All he said was that he wanted to sp… [view original content]
Lucas watched his brothers ride away, he couldn't hold back a chuckle when he saw Malcolm slap the side of Samuel's head. He turned a… morend saw Lucina with a disappointed look on her face and he decided to break the silence "It's disappointing, isn't it? For him to leave again so soon after returning." Lucina simply nodded in agreement "You're too hard on him, you know?" Lucas sighed, he really didn't want to hear a lecture "I know but it's only because I miss him"
"I know" Lucina said as she looked at him "But if you keep pushing him it might get too stressful for him and you'll lose him"
Lucas decided he was going to be stubborn and remain silent, not agreeing or disagreeing with her.
Lucina noticed that Lucas had no intention of continuing the discussion "I forgot to tell you, Simon was looking for you earlier" Lucas widened his eyes "Ser Simon? did he say what he wanted?" Lucina shook her head "All he said was that he wanted to sp… [view original content]
Lucas watched his brothers ride away, he couldn't hold back a chuckle when he saw Malcolm slap the side of Samuel's head. He turned a… morend saw Lucina with a disappointed look on her face and he decided to break the silence "It's disappointing, isn't it? For him to leave again so soon after returning." Lucina simply nodded in agreement "You're too hard on him, you know?" Lucas sighed, he really didn't want to hear a lecture "I know but it's only because I miss him"
"I know" Lucina said as she looked at him "But if you keep pushing him it might get too stressful for him and you'll lose him"
Lucas decided he was going to be stubborn and remain silent, not agreeing or disagreeing with her.
Lucina noticed that Lucas had no intention of continuing the discussion "I forgot to tell you, Simon was looking for you earlier" Lucas widened his eyes "Ser Simon? did he say what he wanted?" Lucina shook her head "All he said was that he wanted to sp… [view original content]
Hey, just read through the last two parts, I'm going with [Help the Stranger] because well, you know why!
I'm also going with [Convince Damien to name an heir] because indeed, "if not now, when?" It seems best to get it done.
Lucas watched his brothers ride away, he couldn't hold back a chuckle when he saw Malcolm slap the side of Samuel's head. He turned a… morend saw Lucina with a disappointed look on her face and he decided to break the silence "It's disappointing, isn't it? For him to leave again so soon after returning." Lucina simply nodded in agreement "You're too hard on him, you know?" Lucas sighed, he really didn't want to hear a lecture "I know but it's only because I miss him"
"I know" Lucina said as she looked at him "But if you keep pushing him it might get too stressful for him and you'll lose him"
Lucas decided he was going to be stubborn and remain silent, not agreeing or disagreeing with her.
Lucina noticed that Lucas had no intention of continuing the discussion "I forgot to tell you, Simon was looking for you earlier" Lucas widened his eyes "Ser Simon? did he say what he wanted?" Lucina shook her head "All he said was that he wanted to sp… [view original content]
Lucas watched his brothers ride away, he couldn't hold back a chuckle when he saw Malcolm slap the side of Samuel's head. He turned a… morend saw Lucina with a disappointed look on her face and he decided to break the silence "It's disappointing, isn't it? For him to leave again so soon after returning." Lucina simply nodded in agreement "You're too hard on him, you know?" Lucas sighed, he really didn't want to hear a lecture "I know but it's only because I miss him"
"I know" Lucina said as she looked at him "But if you keep pushing him it might get too stressful for him and you'll lose him"
Lucas decided he was going to be stubborn and remain silent, not agreeing or disagreeing with her.
Lucina noticed that Lucas had no intention of continuing the discussion "I forgot to tell you, Simon was looking for you earlier" Lucas widened his eyes "Ser Simon? did he say what he wanted?" Lucina shook her head "All he said was that he wanted to sp… [view original content]
Gregor looked Marcos directly in the eyes "I'll let you in on our meetings as an advisor" Eamon was clearly pleased "A fine compromise"
Ser Larion was clearly annoyed but remained silent, Gregor found Marcos hard to read, he had no idea how he was feeling.
Marcos gave a firm nod "So, what are your orders, Forrester?" Gregor sighed "We make camp for now, we should reach Summerspring by tommorow, we need to make preparations" Marcos raised an eyebrow "And what will I be doing during these 'preparations'?" Gregor gave a stern glare "Just make yourself comfortable at camp and be ready when I call you, we'll be having a meeting tonight" Gregor then turned to Ser Larion "Ser, would you mind sending word to Ludd and the others?"
Larion nodded "I'll get it done" then he marched off.
Gregor noticed there was an awkward silence now that they had to wait for the others. He looked at Marcos hoping he would say something. "Who's on this council anyway?" Gregor breathed a sigh of relief, thank the gods!
"Besides myself there's Eamon here, Ludd Whitehill, Ser Larion Shiel, and Royland Degore."
Marcos seemed unimpressed "A war council of children, ridiculous."
Gregor was annoyed by the comment but decided to let it slide, he wasn't wrong. Everyone on the council excluding Ser Larion is here because their fathers were needed elsewhere" Gregor prepared himself to be diplomatic when he heard the rest of his forces coming behind him. Perhaps duty will save him from having to deal with Marcos. "Time to make camp" he said to Marcos but he said nothing in return. Well he'll absolute pleasure to deal with.
Night had fallen and Gregor would be holding his meeting soon. "Thermund!" Gregor looked to his friend and Thermund smiled.
"Need help with something?"
Gregor nodded "It's time to hold the war council, I need you to gather everyone to meet"
Thermund seemed hesitant "I'll gather the rest but you'll have to get Royland Degore on your own, the man's in a foul mood and I've no wish to test his wrath." Gregor smirked "Thermund, my friend, are you afraid of Royland Degore?"
"Of course I am! Have you seen him? I daresay his scowl alone would make even your father's knee's shake"
Gregor laughed in response, he highly doubted that "So what set him off?"
Thermund sighed "Your new friend, Marcos Trant. Royland isn't the only one, Marcos has made quite the impression, he was quick to demonstrate his authority and has made a strong impression on everyone here, he's not very popular."
Gregor sighed "Fine, I'll go get Royland" Thermund smiled "Sorry but better you than me" he said as he walked away and Gregor made his way towards Royland, last he saw him he set up a training area.
As Gregor approached he heard swords clashing and Royland cursing relentlessly. Royland was sparring with a young man in his ranks, Royland was clearly the dominant one in this fight.
"Keep your sword up!" Royland shouted at the boy but he was clearly struggling to parry Royland's strikes.
"Royland, I need to speak with you" Gregor said but it fell on deaf ears, the boy turned, distracted by Gregor and Royland made him pay for being distracted with a hard punch to the face sending the boy straight down to the mud. "Keep your eyes on me! Turn away from an enemy like that and you'll get worse than a punch."
"Please, m'lord, I yield!" The boy pleaded and this seemed to anger Royland further "A Degore does not yield, get up!" Royland shouted.
"ROYLAND!" Gregor shouted and Royland turned "WHAT!?" The two Lords stared each other down, things got tense quickly and Gregor now saw what Thermund meant, Royland had an intimidating presense but Gregor didn't back down. "I need to speak with you." Gregor said bluntly and Royland looked to the boy he gave a thorough thrashing "We'll finish this later" the boy nodded and obediently walked away.
"You were a bit rough don't you think?" Gregor gave Royland a glare and he groaned in response "The fuck do you know, Forrester? I do what has to be done. If you're too lenient they'll never learn." Royland seemed angrier by the second "That boy now knows to stay focused and I guarantee that'll save his life in the battles to come, he won't particularly like me but he'll be alive" Gregor didn't agree with this way of thinking "I'm sure you can teach him without beating him." Royland scoffed "Completely untrue!"
"In order for people to learn you have to show the consequences of their actions. Refuse to cut off a theif's fingers and he'll continue to steal, refuse to hang a deserter and men other men will desert, refuse to maim a kinslayer and he'll continue to butcher his family!"
Gregor sighed "How can you be so young and think that way?"
"I had a harsh teacher." Royland stated bluntly.
Gregor decided to calm things down "Relax, I just came here to let you know that we're about to hold a meeting, we need to discuss how to proceed" Royland sighed, presumably in an attempt to calm down "All right, I'll see you there"
Gregor tried for a change of topic to get on Royland's good side "So, I heard that you don't like Marcos?"
Royland groaned "Nobody likes Marcos! Even Ludd can't stand the man and just a few hours ago I thought he liked everyone."
Gregor chuckled "So what did he do?" Royland sighed "Basically waved his prick around, ranted about his nephew or something and presumed to give me orders." Royland looked at Gregor "Why would you let him join the council?"
Gregor sighed "Out of pragtism mostly, he has experience and a hundred men, he might have valuable advice and I didn't want to risk him marching off with his men" Royland reluctantly nodded "I guess that makes sense"
Gregor smiled "Come on, we shouldn't keep the others waiting.
Everyone had finally gathered for the meeting and taken their seats. Royland still had a bitter look on his face. Or did he always look like that? Gregor honestly wasn't certain.
Straight to business Gregor said "To start with we should go into what we know about each individual Branfield."
Eamon spoke up "Aren't you married to Lord Branfield's daughter? You'd know more than any of us."
Gregor sighed "You'd think so but we're not really that close, the only one I really connected with was Lucas Branfield, twin to Samuel. What I can say about Lucas is that he's damn tough in a fight, he's the warrior of the family"
Ludd leaned forward "My family's been close with the Branfields for some time now." Gregor was put off by that statement, Elissa never mentioned anything about the Whitehills. Royland spoke up "Well spit it out! What do you know about them?"
Ludd continued "Samuel Branfield... admitedly I don't know much about him, he's friendly and casual but I've never seen him in a fight. Preston's only a child we needn't worry about him, Jacob however is wild, he's damn good in a fight, though not disciplined like Lucas, he charges right for you and swings like there's no tommorow"
"Jacob Branfield is missing" Marcos interrupted "He isn't in Summerspring"
Gregor was surprised by this and crossed his arms "How do you know that?"
"He was looking for sellswords, he wasn't very discreet, word travelled fast that the Branfields were hiring sellswords when suddenly he was nowhere to be seen. My guess is he annoyed some ruthless sellsword and got what was coming to him, that or he's laying low."
Gregor shrugged "One less to worry about I guess"
"I expect that we'll reach Summerspring tommorow, we shouldn't waste time, we begin the siege as soon as possib--"
"Hold that thought Gregor!" Ludd interupted "I recieved a raven from my brother, Walter, he assured me that he'd come with a good number of smallfolk soldiers and more men couldn't hurt, he'll take a couple days though, I say we wait for him to arrive and hit the Branfields with everything we have"
Marcos shook his head "That's a bad idea, we should begin the siege immediately!"
Ludd glared at Marcos "Why? The Branfields aren't going anywhere"
Marcos leaned forward "As I said, Jacob may be laying low and if he's doing that then there's a chance he's building an army of sellswords, they could come and ruin our plans, the Branfields only have three hundred men, we have what we need, we should take Summerspring before Jacob returns."
Ludd sighed "You're basing this all on a 'chance', I know that Walter will only take a few days to get here with more fighting men."
Marcos simply said "I've said my piece, it's up to the Forrester boy to make a decision.
Gregor crossed his arms as he thought on it. They could always use more men but Marcos had a valid point, they had all the men they needed, and the Branfields could have reinforcements coming, those reinforcements wouldn't be able to do much if they were in Summerspring by the time they arrived but like Ludd said, this was all based on a small chance that Jacob was building an army.
[Wait for Walter Whitehill][Begin the siege immediately]
It's actually a hard choice. No idea if it's better to rush it or wait, either of it could have grave consequences. I think I will stick with waiting for now, perhaps I will change my choice soon.
Gregor looked Marcos directly in the eyes "I'll let you in on our meetings as an advisor" Eamon was clearly pleased "A fine compromi… morese"
Ser Larion was clearly annoyed but remained silent, Gregor found Marcos hard to read, he had no idea how he was feeling.
Marcos gave a firm nod "So, what are your orders, Forrester?" Gregor sighed "We make camp for now, we should reach Summerspring by tommorow, we need to make preparations" Marcos raised an eyebrow "And what will I be doing during these 'preparations'?" Gregor gave a stern glare "Just make yourself comfortable at camp and be ready when I call you, we'll be having a meeting tonight" Gregor then turned to Ser Larion "Ser, would you mind sending word to Ludd and the others?"
Larion nodded "I'll get it done" then he marched off.
Gregor noticed there was an awkward silence now that they had to wait for the others. He looked at Marcos hoping he would say something. "Who's on this co… [view original content]
I liked that detail that Gregor and Lucas got along. It really makes sense, I guess they have a lot in common from what we have seen so far!
[Wait for Walter Whitehill]
This is a very hard choice and it took me a while to decide on it. Ultimately, my sympathies fully lie with the Branfields. Even though we know they are going to lose, I hope to make things as hard as possible for the Forrester/Whitehill/Trant alliance. I love the Branfield family as you have written them so far, so it will be super hard to see them all die eventually. All that is left to do it to allow them to make it as far as possible. We know Jacob is building an army to support House Branfield, so if they do not begin the siege immediately, this army could have a chance to reach Summerspring before the siege begins.
Gregor looked Marcos directly in the eyes "I'll let you in on our meetings as an advisor" Eamon was clearly pleased "A fine compromi… morese"
Ser Larion was clearly annoyed but remained silent, Gregor found Marcos hard to read, he had no idea how he was feeling.
Marcos gave a firm nod "So, what are your orders, Forrester?" Gregor sighed "We make camp for now, we should reach Summerspring by tommorow, we need to make preparations" Marcos raised an eyebrow "And what will I be doing during these 'preparations'?" Gregor gave a stern glare "Just make yourself comfortable at camp and be ready when I call you, we'll be having a meeting tonight" Gregor then turned to Ser Larion "Ser, would you mind sending word to Ludd and the others?"
Larion nodded "I'll get it done" then he marched off.
Gregor noticed there was an awkward silence now that they had to wait for the others. He looked at Marcos hoping he would say something. "Who's on this co… [view original content]
I liked that detail that Gregor and Lucas got along. It really makes sense, I guess they have a lot in common from what we have seen so far!… more
[Wait for Walter Whitehill]
This is a very hard choice and it took me a while to decide on it. Ultimately, my sympathies fully lie with the Branfields. Even though we know they are going to lose, I hope to make things as hard as possible for the Forrester/Whitehill/Trant alliance. I love the Branfield family as you have written them so far, so it will be super hard to see them all die eventually. All that is left to do it to allow them to make it as far as possible. We know Jacob is building an army to support House Branfield, so if they do not begin the siege immediately, this army could have a chance to reach Summerspring before the siege begins.
It is at least the most difficult so far. Wouldn't call it the only difficult, at least not for me, but many of the previous choice have been easier for me. I could also see this as being a really major choice. Though to be fair, there are many seemingly easy choices I could see as having major consequences as well.
The voting is closed for Malcolm's and Lucas' parts.
Only two people have voted for the Gregor part. I don't know if a bunch of people accidently unfollowed, lost interest or whatever else. What I'm gonna do for know is continue writing for Malcolm & Gregor and hope that more people vote by the time I finish.
That moment when you realize that you forgot to introduce a character and have to think of another way to introduce them.
Yeah true,idk i think it would be an amazing dilema strter,perhaps like it iwll cause arguments between the twins
Hahahah Its fine LOOOL, first time hey?
Cruel isn't it?
Very but I shall prevail!
[Bring Samuel]
[Let Marcos join the council]
[Bring Samuel]
[Don't let Marcos join the council]
If anyone's interested in creating advisors for the Branfields at Summerspring be sure to let me know as eventually if no one creates them I'll create them myself. Master-at-Arms, the Maester, the Castellan, things like that.
The voting is closed! Gregor will Let Marcos join the council and Malcolm will Bring Samuel with him to track down their younger brother Jacob.
I'm really surprised by how one sided the voting was for this part. I fully expected the Marcos choice but I thought more than one person would pick Lucas.
I've been thinking about something and I'd like your opinion on it. I'm considering adding a third POV until Malcolm returns while travelling with Samuel. This POV would be Lucas. This would show things from inside Summerspring until Malcolm returns. It'd also give me a chance to develop characters and relationships. Lucas and Lucina for example, we've yet to see them interact.
What do you think?
I think this is a very interesting idea! Lucas is an intriguing character for sure and I'd surely like to see things from his perspective for a short while. Of course, my opinion is sliiightly influenced by you outright mentioning that Lucina would appear in these parts, but even objectively, I'd say this makes for a great opportunity to show the events at Summerspring while Malcolm is away from it and to develop the rest of the Branfield's. So, I'd say go for it, I'm sure it will be amazing
More PoV's are always cool idea! I approve.
Hey guys, I know I'm taking my sweet ass time in writing the next part. I'm just dealing with a lot right now and need a break, I promise the story will contine but I'm just not in the right state of mind. A family member has passed away and I just need time. Don't worry, I'm okay but there's a lot on my mind. Anyway, I just felt the need to give an update.
Just please, be patient with me, it won't be too long.
Take your time, we will be here.
You have my condolences.
I know exactly how you feel. Take your time, that's what I've gotta do.
Oh man, I am sorry to hear this. My condolences to you and your family. Take all the time you need!
I am sorry for your loss and as the others have said, take however much time that you need. We will be here whenever you are ready to continue with the story
It was settled, Malcolm would be leaving with Samuel, they had to find their brother no matter what. Malcolm was outside by the gates getting his horse ready with Samuel next to him. "He'll be fine, Malcolm" Samuel interrupted Malcolm's thoughts. "Jacob may be an idiot but he's tough, try not to worry more than you should." Samuel gave a reasurring smile and it did help a little.
"Brothers!" Malcolm heard Lucas as he approached them with Lucina by his side. "Father sent me to see you off, make sure you have everything you need, do you?" Samuel smirked and Malcolm sighed "Yes, we do" Malcolm replied quickly.
"Do you have--" Lucas began to speak when Malcolm interrupted him "We have our swords, food, water, we've saddled up and Samuel has his wine" Malcolm knew he didn't hide how annoyed he was very well but he hated when Lucas got like this, it made him feel like he didn't trust him.
Lucas sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck "Alright, I'm sorry" Lucas bit his lip, knowing he'd gotten on Malcolm's nerves.
"So that's it? Can we go now?" Malcolm exclaimed and Lucas shook his hand "Goodbye brother, just come back without us having to send someone to drag you back this time, okay?" Lucas' voice was stern but Malcolm saw concern in his eyes "I'll be alright, brother, I promise" Malcolm attempted to reassure him, he wasn't sure if it worked.
"Don't worry about me Lucas, I'll be fine!" Samuel interrupted the moment. Malcolm couldn't hold back a chuckle and Lucas gave a stern glare to Samuel "Look after yourself brother." Samuel simply smirked in response.
Lucas than stepped back as Lucina approached Malcolm with a warm smile. "I don't know how you put up with him"
Malcolm raised an eyebrow "Who, Lucas? You two seem to get along well enough"
Lucina smirked "Yes, but I'm patient and understanding, you Branfields all have such bad tempers" Malcolm laughed, she wasn't wrong, even Samuel has had his moments.
Lucina frowned as she glanced to Malcolm's horse "Leaving already?" Malcolm could hear disappointment in her voice and Malcolm smiled "Why? Are you going to miss me?"
Malcolm caught Lucina blushing as she bit her lip "No, I was just wondering when I'd have to deal with you returning while covered in filth again." she responded in a snarky and sarcastic manner as Malcolm raised his hands in a mock surrender.
"That reminds me, I had a bath, think I can get that hug now?" Malcolm asked as he opened his arms and Lucina sighed with a smirk on her face "If you insist..." and she wrapped her arms around Malcolm and they hugged. Malcolm couldn't hold back a huge grin, he missed this, he missed her.
Samuel groaned "Ugh... this is too adorable for me to handle, can we please go?"
Lucina chuckled as she let go of Malcolm "Time for you to go." Malcolm sighed "it seems so, goodbye Lucina."
"Farewell, Malcolm" Lucina smiled. Malcolm climbed on his horse and looked at Samuel who was smirking "What's that stupid grin about?"
"I had a bath, think I can get that hug now?" Samuel said in a mocking voice.
"Shut your mouth!" Malcolm angrily whispered as he slapped the side of Samuel's head and Samuel laughed in response as they left Summerspring.
Malcolm and Samuel had been riding for a good two hours now, they shouldn't be far now. Samuel suddenly spoke to break the silence "You know, sometimes I think you argue with Lucas even more than I do"
Malcolm raised an eyebrow in response, this surprised him as sometimes it felt like Samuel and Lucas hated each other "How do you figure that?"
"Don't get me wrong, you two are clearly close, so much that I don't understand but there's always this intensity in the air when you're in the same room." Malcolm thought on it, maybe he had a point, Lucas and Malcolm did tend to get on each others nerves but he's always looked up to Lucas.
Samuel glared at Malcolm "Nothing to say?"
"What do you want me to say, Samuel?" Malcolm exclaimed "Sure, Lucas gets on my nerves as much as he gets on yours but he's been there for me more than anyone."
"What?" Samuel said in disbelief "When you got into a fight with that fat slob in the smallfolk that always tormented you, Lucas just stood there and watched!"
"That may have been what it looked like, but Lucas saw how he treated me, so he sat me down and told me that as long as that pig thought he was better than me that he'd keep tormenting me, so I needed to show him that I was better than him" Malcolm explained. "That's when he taught me how to fight."
Samuel seemed surprised "I didn't know that" Malcolm sighed "Lucas may be stern, a real shit even and tough to like, but he cares about us."
Samuel nodded "I guess you're right." Malcolm looked ahead "We should be almost there, we find Nesa, then Tom Wolfson and hopefully Jacob so we can get back home as soon as possible." Malcolm explained in an attempt to change the subject.
"What's the deal with this Nesa, anyway?" Samuel asked and Malcolm looked at his brother "What do you mean?"
"It's just that you've said nothing about her other than that she exists and used to run with Tom Wolfson" Samuel explained "Who is she to you? Friend, enemy, lover, all of the above?"
Malcolm shrugged "it's hard to say, I never shared a bed with her, she's pretty enough but hard to get close to, I don't know her that well to be honest" Malcolm explained.
"Will she even help us?" Samuel asked and Malcolm nodded "If she has something to gain, absolutely, if we're lucky maybe we can get hire her to fight with us."
Malcolm and Samuel had arrived to the villaige by nightfall and sat at a table in the tavern, it was a good as any place to start the search. "So what are we looking for?" Samuel asked and Malcolm looked around "Just keep an eye out, Nesa stands out, you'll know her when you see her."
Samuel was about to speak again when he heard shouting at another table across the room.
"We want our share of the reward, you ignorant shit! Malcolm saw an average sized man surrounded by four other men. He had blonde hair with a shade of beaten gold and amber eyes, he was clearly muscular with an intimidating presence.
"You don't get a share." the blonde man stated.
"Why the fuck not?" the other man asked, he was clearly annoyed.
"Because you annoying shit stain, you don't get paid for taking a job, you get paid for finishing it, you may have taken the job but I finished it!"
"You stole it, you mean" the other man replied as he reached for his sword "Let me put it this way, Dustin, you can give us our share or we can take it"
"Careful now" The blonde man called Dustin warned "I'd hate to ruin this nice floor with your bloodstains" Dustin smirked "Now that I think about it, I would love to strangle you with your own entrails, so go ahead, draw your sword!"
"With pleasure!" The other man shouted as he and his men drew their swords.
Malcolm reached for his sword, ready to help the stranger called Dustin when Samuel grabbed his arm "hold it Malcolm! I want to see what he can do" Malcolm glared at his brother "What are you on about?"
"We're not only here for Jacob, we need fighting men and if this Dustin can beat four men on his own, we'll know that he's worth our gold"
"What if he dies because we don't help?" Malcolm argued and Samuel sighed "Then we'll know that he isn't worth our gold, besides we need to keep a low profile!" Samuel explained. Malcolm didn't like it but Samuel had a point, they need to keep a low profile, but was he willing to let a man die for that?
[Help the stranger] [Don't help the stranger]
Gregor and Lucas parts will be finished tommorow. Sorry for the wait but I finished Malcolm's part and wanted to take a break.
[Help the stranger]
Glad to see you back! :-) Hope you feel better.
Superb part! I am glad that the story is back, as great as always. In fact, I'd even say that this was my favourite part so far. Hopefully you're feeling better now!
[Help the stranger]
The guy is surrounded and heavily outnumbered. Only the best of the best would win such a fight and while I think this Dustin guy could be good, I doubt he is going to have much of a chance against four at once, not when they have him surrounded and at a disadvantage. Judging by his confidence, I guess he either has a huge ego, or he actually has the skills to match. If it's the first case, then he would die, therefore depriving House Branfield of a potential ally. If it's the latter, then helping him could be a good start to win his favour. No matter which way I look at it, helping him seems like the better option for me.
Oh, by the way, there was this sentence:
Hehe, this whole scene is indeed adorable, but unlike Samuel, I can certainly handle it
Ah, I love these little interactions between Malcolm and Lucina and how utterly annoyed the rest of his family is about it.
On another note, I kind of slightly regret that I have chosen for Lucas to stay at Summerspring. It's not that I dislike Samuel, I actually really like him, but I must admit that Lucas is a very interesting guy and that his more distanced relationship with Malcolm would have surely made for some great scenes. Ah well, Samuel and Malcolm are just as great and I definitely look forward to read Lucas' PoV
Thanks, I am much better
I am feeling better!
I know! Samuel's line was written in the moment as I was writing because I caught myself grinning while writing this part. I am so glad you submitted Lucina! I love her and the dialogue I'm writing because of her.
I think that Lucas is the Branfield that I have the most fun writing but don't worry, this still works in his favor, I have a lot planned for him in Summerspring.
Lucas watched his brothers ride away, he couldn't hold back a chuckle when he saw Malcolm slap the side of Samuel's head. He turned and saw Lucina with a disappointed look on her face and he decided to break the silence "It's disappointing, isn't it? For him to leave again so soon after returning." Lucina simply nodded in agreement "You're too hard on him, you know?" Lucas sighed, he really didn't want to hear a lecture "I know but it's only because I miss him"
"I know" Lucina said as she looked at him "But if you keep pushing him it might get too stressful for him and you'll lose him"
Lucas decided he was going to be stubborn and remain silent, not agreeing or disagreeing with her.
Lucina noticed that Lucas had no intention of continuing the discussion "I forgot to tell you, Simon was looking for you earlier" Lucas widened his eyes "Ser Simon? did he say what he wanted?" Lucina shook her head "All he said was that he wanted to speak to you, and that it's not urgent but he'd appreciate it" Lucas nodded, "I'll go see him now, thanks Lucina." Lucina simply smiled as Lucas left to go speak with the Master-at-Arms.
Lucas searched for a while when he finally found Simon atop Summersprings walls. Ser Simon Oakheart, he was a well built and tall man with dark hair and brown eyes. "Ser Simon!" Lucas called out and Simon turned to see Lucas and gave a big grin, he's always been a happy and friendly man "Greetings, Lucas, how can I help you?" Lucas raised an eyebrow "Lucina said that you wanted to see me"
"I did but I've been busy" Simon said as he looked along the walls.
"Busy with what?" "Lucas asked as he looked along the walls as well.
Simon suddenly grew serious "I've been keeping an eye out for structural weaknesses, we need to know our defences if there's to be a siege"
"A siege?" Lucas grew concerned but Simon was probably right, someone was bound to attack them sooner or later, hopefully his brothers return before then"
Simon nodded "Yeah, we need to be prepared, especially since we have such a low amount of fighting men."
"How many men do we actually have?" Lucas asked and Simon sighed "Only three hundred I'm afraid, you're father has been far too generous to King Aerys, he kept on offering men to the war until we couldn't spare any more."
Lucas sighed "That's worrying, hopefully we can hold them off" Simon grew a look of determination "We will and even if we cannot, In Arms to the End"
"In Arms to the End" Lucas repeated. "What was it you wanted to talk to me about?"
Simon sighed "Forgive my bluntness, Lucas but there's a good chance that your father won't survived this war, and he still hasn't decided on who will take his place" Lucas groaned "Not this again..."
Simon continued "You and Samuel have both made it clear that you want to be Lord and you both believe that you're the best men for the job, if you're father dies no one will know who to take orders from, there will be conflict that we can't afford!"
Lucas began to get irritated "There's also a good chance of Samuel or I dying and then this whole discussion will have been for nothing!" Lucas argued but Simon persisted "We can't take that chance, you're father needs to make a decision and you know it."
Lucas gritted his teeth, Simon was right, a decision had to be made but all talk of this always angered his father, was now a good time for that? But if not now, when?
[Convince Damien to name an heir] [Wait for a better time]
I know that I said Gregor's part would be finished by now but I've decided to post one POV at a time for now on. It suits my writing style better. Sorry if that's annoying.
I'm already liking Lucas as the PoV, it certainly was a good decision to use him in such a role
[Convince Damien to name an heir]
This is an important matter and in my opinion, Damien already waited far too long for this. It's not only the approaching siege, he could have died years ago from a random accident and it would have created the same problem. House Branfield needs a clear leader and a clear successor in case the leader dies, now more than ever. The way I see it, there will never be a better time and no matter what happens the other brother is going to end up pissed, but if they are without a clear successor in case of Damien's death, they risk worse than just a pissed-off brother.
[Convince Damien to name an heir]
Hey, just read through the last two parts, I'm going with [Help the Stranger] because well, you know why!
I'm also going with [Convince Damien to name an heir] because indeed, "if not now, when?" It seems best to get it done.
I do know why
I smiled when you mentioned the heir problem.
Dont Help the Stranger- I wanna see what hiss skill is
Convince Damien to name an heir
[Help the stranger]
[Wait for a better time]
Excited to see the effect this new POV will have in this story.
[Help the stranger]
[Convince Damien to name an heir]
Great parts!
Gregor looked Marcos directly in the eyes "I'll let you in on our meetings as an advisor" Eamon was clearly pleased "A fine compromise"
Ser Larion was clearly annoyed but remained silent, Gregor found Marcos hard to read, he had no idea how he was feeling.
Marcos gave a firm nod "So, what are your orders, Forrester?" Gregor sighed "We make camp for now, we should reach Summerspring by tommorow, we need to make preparations" Marcos raised an eyebrow "And what will I be doing during these 'preparations'?" Gregor gave a stern glare "Just make yourself comfortable at camp and be ready when I call you, we'll be having a meeting tonight" Gregor then turned to Ser Larion "Ser, would you mind sending word to Ludd and the others?"
Larion nodded "I'll get it done" then he marched off.
Gregor noticed there was an awkward silence now that they had to wait for the others. He looked at Marcos hoping he would say something. "Who's on this council anyway?" Gregor breathed a sigh of relief, thank the gods!
"Besides myself there's Eamon here, Ludd Whitehill, Ser Larion Shiel, and Royland Degore."
Marcos seemed unimpressed "A war council of children, ridiculous."
Gregor was annoyed by the comment but decided to let it slide, he wasn't wrong. Everyone on the council excluding Ser Larion is here because their fathers were needed elsewhere" Gregor prepared himself to be diplomatic when he heard the rest of his forces coming behind him. Perhaps duty will save him from having to deal with Marcos. "Time to make camp" he said to Marcos but he said nothing in return. Well he'll absolute pleasure to deal with.
Night had fallen and Gregor would be holding his meeting soon. "Thermund!" Gregor looked to his friend and Thermund smiled.
"Need help with something?"
Gregor nodded "It's time to hold the war council, I need you to gather everyone to meet"
Thermund seemed hesitant "I'll gather the rest but you'll have to get Royland Degore on your own, the man's in a foul mood and I've no wish to test his wrath." Gregor smirked "Thermund, my friend, are you afraid of Royland Degore?"
"Of course I am! Have you seen him? I daresay his scowl alone would make even your father's knee's shake"
Gregor laughed in response, he highly doubted that "So what set him off?"
Thermund sighed "Your new friend, Marcos Trant. Royland isn't the only one, Marcos has made quite the impression, he was quick to demonstrate his authority and has made a strong impression on everyone here, he's not very popular."
Gregor sighed "Fine, I'll go get Royland" Thermund smiled "Sorry but better you than me" he said as he walked away and Gregor made his way towards Royland, last he saw him he set up a training area.
As Gregor approached he heard swords clashing and Royland cursing relentlessly. Royland was sparring with a young man in his ranks, Royland was clearly the dominant one in this fight.
"Keep your sword up!" Royland shouted at the boy but he was clearly struggling to parry Royland's strikes.
"Royland, I need to speak with you" Gregor said but it fell on deaf ears, the boy turned, distracted by Gregor and Royland made him pay for being distracted with a hard punch to the face sending the boy straight down to the mud. "Keep your eyes on me! Turn away from an enemy like that and you'll get worse than a punch."
"Please, m'lord, I yield!" The boy pleaded and this seemed to anger Royland further "A Degore does not yield, get up!" Royland shouted.
"ROYLAND!" Gregor shouted and Royland turned "WHAT!?" The two Lords stared each other down, things got tense quickly and Gregor now saw what Thermund meant, Royland had an intimidating presense but Gregor didn't back down. "I need to speak with you." Gregor said bluntly and Royland looked to the boy he gave a thorough thrashing "We'll finish this later" the boy nodded and obediently walked away.
"You were a bit rough don't you think?" Gregor gave Royland a glare and he groaned in response "The fuck do you know, Forrester? I do what has to be done. If you're too lenient they'll never learn." Royland seemed angrier by the second "That boy now knows to stay focused and I guarantee that'll save his life in the battles to come, he won't particularly like me but he'll be alive" Gregor didn't agree with this way of thinking "I'm sure you can teach him without beating him." Royland scoffed "Completely untrue!"
"In order for people to learn you have to show the consequences of their actions. Refuse to cut off a theif's fingers and he'll continue to steal, refuse to hang a deserter and men other men will desert, refuse to maim a kinslayer and he'll continue to butcher his family!"
Gregor sighed "How can you be so young and think that way?"
"I had a harsh teacher." Royland stated bluntly.
Gregor decided to calm things down "Relax, I just came here to let you know that we're about to hold a meeting, we need to discuss how to proceed" Royland sighed, presumably in an attempt to calm down "All right, I'll see you there"
Gregor tried for a change of topic to get on Royland's good side "So, I heard that you don't like Marcos?"
Royland groaned "Nobody likes Marcos! Even Ludd can't stand the man and just a few hours ago I thought he liked everyone."
Gregor chuckled "So what did he do?" Royland sighed "Basically waved his prick around, ranted about his nephew or something and presumed to give me orders." Royland looked at Gregor "Why would you let him join the council?"
Gregor sighed "Out of pragtism mostly, he has experience and a hundred men, he might have valuable advice and I didn't want to risk him marching off with his men" Royland reluctantly nodded "I guess that makes sense"
Gregor smiled "Come on, we shouldn't keep the others waiting.
Everyone had finally gathered for the meeting and taken their seats. Royland still had a bitter look on his face. Or did he always look like that? Gregor honestly wasn't certain.
Straight to business Gregor said "To start with we should go into what we know about each individual Branfield."
Eamon spoke up "Aren't you married to Lord Branfield's daughter? You'd know more than any of us."
Gregor sighed "You'd think so but we're not really that close, the only one I really connected with was Lucas Branfield, twin to Samuel. What I can say about Lucas is that he's damn tough in a fight, he's the warrior of the family"
Ludd leaned forward "My family's been close with the Branfields for some time now." Gregor was put off by that statement, Elissa never mentioned anything about the Whitehills. Royland spoke up "Well spit it out! What do you know about them?"
Ludd continued "Samuel Branfield... admitedly I don't know much about him, he's friendly and casual but I've never seen him in a fight. Preston's only a child we needn't worry about him, Jacob however is wild, he's damn good in a fight, though not disciplined like Lucas, he charges right for you and swings like there's no tommorow"
"Jacob Branfield is missing" Marcos interrupted "He isn't in Summerspring"
Gregor was surprised by this and crossed his arms "How do you know that?"
"He was looking for sellswords, he wasn't very discreet, word travelled fast that the Branfields were hiring sellswords when suddenly he was nowhere to be seen. My guess is he annoyed some ruthless sellsword and got what was coming to him, that or he's laying low."
Gregor shrugged "One less to worry about I guess"
"I expect that we'll reach Summerspring tommorow, we shouldn't waste time, we begin the siege as soon as possib--"
"Hold that thought Gregor!" Ludd interupted "I recieved a raven from my brother, Walter, he assured me that he'd come with a good number of smallfolk soldiers and more men couldn't hurt, he'll take a couple days though, I say we wait for him to arrive and hit the Branfields with everything we have"
Marcos shook his head "That's a bad idea, we should begin the siege immediately!"
Ludd glared at Marcos "Why? The Branfields aren't going anywhere"
Marcos leaned forward "As I said, Jacob may be laying low and if he's doing that then there's a chance he's building an army of sellswords, they could come and ruin our plans, the Branfields only have three hundred men, we have what we need, we should take Summerspring before Jacob returns."
Ludd sighed "You're basing this all on a 'chance', I know that Walter will only take a few days to get here with more fighting men."
Marcos simply said "I've said my piece, it's up to the Forrester boy to make a decision.
Gregor crossed his arms as he thought on it. They could always use more men but Marcos had a valid point, they had all the men they needed, and the Branfields could have reinforcements coming, those reinforcements wouldn't be able to do much if they were in Summerspring by the time they arrived but like Ludd said, this was all based on a small chance that Jacob was building an army.
[Wait for Walter Whitehill] [Begin the siege immediately]
[Wait for Walter Whitehill]
It's actually a hard choice. No idea if it's better to rush it or wait, either of it could have grave consequences. I think I will stick with waiting for now, perhaps I will change my choice soon.
I liked that detail that Gregor and Lucas got along. It really makes sense, I guess they have a lot in common from what we have seen so far!
[Wait for Walter Whitehill]
This is a very hard choice and it took me a while to decide on it. Ultimately, my sympathies fully lie with the Branfields. Even though we know they are going to lose, I hope to make things as hard as possible for the Forrester/Whitehill/Trant alliance. I love the Branfield family as you have written them so far, so it will be super hard to see them all die eventually. All that is left to do it to allow them to make it as far as possible. We know Jacob is building an army to support House Branfield, so if they do not begin the siege immediately, this army could have a chance to reach Summerspring before the siege begins.
I'm convinced that this is the first difficult choice that I've added. XD
It is at least the most difficult so far. Wouldn't call it the only difficult, at least not for me, but many of the previous choice have been easier for me. I could also see this as being a really major choice. Though to be fair, there are many seemingly easy choices I could see as having major consequences as well.
The voting is closed for Malcolm's and Lucas' parts.
Only two people have voted for the Gregor part. I don't know if a bunch of people accidently unfollowed, lost interest or whatever else. What I'm gonna do for know is continue writing for Malcolm & Gregor and hope that more people vote by the time I finish.