Do you think religion can be brought into TWD?
Before I start this thread, I want to just say that I don't remember if there was a thread like this already made. I haven't really visited the TWD section of this site for quite a long time, so I don't remember what is all on it.
If there has already been a thread made like this, then I apologize. Now let's begin...
Even though there are many people today who are not religious, religion still makes up a very big portion of the lives of many people.
For many people, it is giving them a sense of hope, and purpose. Had to expect that everyone would all the sudden become agnostic, or an atheist in a post-apocalyptic world, is frankly unrealistic.
So within the confines of the game, do you think we will see a particularly religious character introduced, if there hasn't already been one already?
( I say that because I have not played the Michonne game, so I am not sure about characters in it.)
Personally, I think the issue can be discussed. As long as it's not leaned too heavily on, I believe that religion can be introduced, or discussed in the game with certain characters.
For example of the TV show, we've had ones like Father Gabriel who was the priest how long we also have ones like Hershel, who was religious, and then we have ones like RicK - who is very anti-religious.
The point is, even though we live in a very politically correct country these days, I believe that the issue of religion can be introduced and discussed with in the game, without causing offense.
What do you think?
Imo religion should be kept out of the game because usually religious kind of stuff cause problems to happen. Even IRL.
Sure...I am an atheist, but you would be missing a story telling opportunity to not have something related to religion and the zombie apocalypse.
Maybe. I personally think it would be interesting to implement. I remember seeing an instance like this in the Comics with Gabriel.
If I'm not mistaken, Clementine is religious. In Ep3 S2, if you talk to Rebecca (NOTE:This dialogue will only happen if Alvin was killed in Ep2) If you choose the dialogue" He's watching over you" Clem will say "He's watching over you, so he sees you now and he knows how you feel" I think Clementine also mentions how Lee is watching over her, I could of sworn I heard her say that in a other dialogue. But I believe bringing religion in TWD is fine as long as it kept low.
Everyone is affiliated with some brand of belief, so I don't see much issue with including characters of different faith. For example, we have learned the beliefs of certain characters, and they could expand on this. Kenny, for example, could determinantly state that he was a Christian, and Clementine can make multiple comments that suggest she believed in heaven. I understand that including religion could cause some controversy, but if it isn't in the forefront, I can't see many people complaining. In the apocalypse setting, there are so many opportunities to utilize religion for the greater good. Whether the character is an atheist, a theist, or whatever, including different religions could aid in the development and understanding of characters and in the creation of different plot-lines.
Its fine to have religious characters or symbolism, which Telltale has already done. If Telltale wanted they could even have some dialogue choice with some grieving character asking if they think there is a god. Just as long as it doesnt become The Walking Dead: Bible Sessions
I'm not a religious person, but it would be pretty interesting to see it explored in the game.
I'm not religious myself and can, at times, be fairly anti it and usually I'd recommend for it not to be implanted in the game for the sake of not creating controversy over it's portrayal, but thinking about it and how it could add to the characters, I don't think it's too bad an idea now. It'd give greater depth to a character and make them seem more human, one with their own religious or spiritual beliefs, as well as maybe indications to their political views, which, could, for some people, make them more relatable. As long as it isn't the main focus of the series and Telltale don't present anything in a biased manner, I'd say it'd be okay.
Would love some characters to argue what caused the zombie virus. Religion or science? Would make for a cool back and forth. Our heros can even pitch in their opinions. This happened in the comics btw, but only for a little bit.
I'd think by how many years the apocalypse has lasted, everyone would become an atheist. But I'd be fine either way.
Do I think religion can be mixed with mindless walking corpses? Yes I do. I've seen it.
I'm pretty sure that Clementine, Kenny, Irene, Ben, Brenda, Luke, Walter, and Mike all allude to having religious beliefs at one point.
I would say it's already been touched on in the games. Others have mentioned instances, there's also Clem telling Kenny he was going to see Katjaa and Duck again. I think there is scope for a character who has a full on religious mindset to be included in the game, nobody should be offended. In a game like this you have the opportunity for so many characters with so many different motivations and outlooks, both evil and good, if you don't like one characters beliefs then there is always another character who you can identify and side with instead.
I think religion has already been lightly touched upon, but it might be interesting if Clem was trying to survive against some religious cult that had sprung up. After all the years that the apocalypse has been going on there are so many gangs & communities that a religious cult wouldn't be too far fetched. That or it might be cool to see a character that's a preacher or some other religious figure introduced.
Yes and no. If it's there that's great, if it's not there that's also great.
I don't want them to add it for the sake of adding it, neither do I want them to not add it for the sake of not adding it.
It's definitely an excellent theme to explore, and one worthy of exploring. But at the end of the day, if the story is good, I don't care.
Wouldn't mind a religious character as long as its not forced down your throat. Wouldn't want any religion to be true in the game universe though.
Questions of faith in the apocalypse are fertile ground and I wouldn't mind exploring it.
But questions of orthodoxy or which religon is right should be avoided.
It is to an extent but not into any major light. Several characters in the series are religious. Kenny mentions he's a Christian and several other characters blasphemy over the course of the game which would leave me to believe many of them are
I don't know, it may be a pretty good subject to add to the game. I think we didn't see any person which is so strict about religion during the game and this can be interesting because you know even if there is an zombie apocalypse on the world, the religious person might not be aware of that and can tie the survivors down so i think it may be a good add-on to the game.
I dont really know if thats so much religious rather her just saying something nice to rebecca, believing in something after death isnt really religious
I think religion wouldn't even be important 3 or 4 years into the apocalypse. People wouldn't even be thinking about it anymore i'd say.