Which telltale games to buy for wii?
I'm planning to buy some telltale stuff off the wii shop. I already have Strong Bad Episodes 4 and 5, so which of the other 3 do you recommend? And is Monkey island any good on wii?
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The first episode of Tales is also very good, and comes highly recomended. In some ways, I would actually recomend Sam and Max and Monkey Island over Strong Bad, but that is just a personal opinion.
Controls are great, in my eyes, and really suit the Wii remote to a tea.
I'd recommend the PC version of Monkey Island over the Wii version, because the graphics and sound on the Wii are pretty subpar due to the size limitations, but the game itself is still great.
Dangeresque 3 is a great Strong Bad episode if you're looking for one to grab on the Wii shop, but the whole season of Strong Bad is pretty good too.
If you are just looking for Telltale stuff on the Wii in general, you can pick up Sam and Max season one for the Wii in stores, but it's not on Wiiware.
I bought it today New at Gamestop haven't tried it yet, my sisters watching "Bolt" :mad: But i'll take your word for it.
Also, of the wiiware Strong Bad games, I'm probably going to go with baddest of the Bands, because, according to Nintendo Power, its was the best of the first 3 (this was before 4 and 5 were out) and since I already have 4 and 5 on computer, I'll just go with it. I also find the idea of my favorite homestar characters appealing (the demo didn't go very far into the game)....now to get some wii points..
I doubt it, the Wii didn't do much in the way of HD, and S&M Season One doesn't support anything higher than the traditional 50/60Hz anyway.