The Walking Dead: Alternative Timeline
Hi everyone! I’m new to the forums and this is my very first post. I’ve had an idea in my head for a while on a what if scenario. I’ve just never found a way to compose it. I figure this is as good as any. I’m going to break this up into different episodes just like the real version so it won’t be released all at once. I love reading other peoples’ fantasy timelines about TWD, so here’s mine!
Our story begins in 104 right after Lee awakens and finds Clementine missing. Lee searches the house while having options to speak to the other characters. He heads out to the backyard, hops the fence and sees Clementine’s hat and radio on the ground. As he reaches down to pick them up, a walker behind a wooden board grabs his arm and nearly bites him before Lee shoots him in the head. However Lee does have a pretty nasty gash on his arm from when the walker grabbed him and he slid his arm across the wooden plank. The player has about 5 seconds to pick up some very handily placed bandages on the ground to conceal the gash. Kenny, Ben, Omid, and Christa come running, hearing the gunshot, asking if Lee is okay. Lee tells them he’s fine, but Clementine is missing. They all voice their concerns with Kenny asking if she was taken. Lee expresses his conversation last night with Vernon, talking about the offer he made him. The player has the option to say Lee needs help getting her back, or this is something he needs to do alone. Depending on the player’s treatment towards Kenny, he will either repeat the bro speech, need some convincing, or flat out refuse to go with Lee. If the player bandaged his wound, Christa and Omid will tell Lee they hope he finds her but they can’t come. If the player didn’t bandage the gash, then they will express their concern for Lee and go with him no matter what. It’s the player’s decision whether Ben goes with Lee or not. For the sake of making it easy, we’re going to go with the Lee and Kenny scenario. The cameras cut to Lee and Kenny arriving at Vernon and his group’s old hideout, Lee screaming for Vernon to give Clementine back. Clem’s radio comes on as we hear her asking for Lee. It sounds like the radio is snatched out of her hand as a mysterious voice comes on. Lee asks him what does he want. He will do anything. The mysterious voice doesn’t respond. Kenny comforts Lee by telling him, “Don’t worry, pal. We’ll get her back.”
Let’s fast forward to the end of the season because not much has really changed so far, oh you just wait.
After Lee’s scene of epicness fighting his way through the walker herd and reaching the marsh house, we see him walking down a long hall and eventually stops and listens to one door in particular. He slowly opens the door to what he thinks is an empty room. He sees the two closet doors tied shut. All of a sudden, a stranger pops up with a gun and tells him to sit down his things. Lee sits down the radio and says that’s all he has. The man and Lee sit down as he starts talking to Lee about all the horrible things he’s done. Robbing his family, killing dairy farmers in front of Clementine, leaving a woman behind on the road. He says he is going to make sure that never happens again. Lee simply responds with, “I’m gonna choke the life outta you.” The stranger takes amusement in this and talks about how he’s holding the gun. Clementine escaped from the closet as Lee directs her to a bottle laying on the table. Clem sneaks up behind the stranger and smashes the bottle on his head, and Lee pounces on him. They have a huge fight where neither man has an advantage. Lee eventually grabs the stranger’s legs and sweeps him to the ground, choking him out. The Stranger has one last attempt to kill Lee and he notices Lee’s gun fell out of his pants while they were fighting. The Stranger grabs it and points it at Lee. Seeing this, Lee takes one arm off of his throat and pushes the Stranger’s arm to the floor. However he fires. Lee closes his eyes and mouths over and over again, “please no, please no, please no” and looks over at Clementine holding her chest. Lee goes into a pit of rage and tightens his grip, choking the Stranger in mere seconds before rushing over to Clementine. He drops to his knees, takes her in his arms as she says to him “I’m sorry, Lee.” Lee brings her closer to his chest and keeps her in his arms, tears flowing down his face. He eventually lays her down and sets her against a wall. He picks up his gun in the stranger’s hand and shoots him in the head and the player is given a choice whether to shoot Clementine or leave her to reanimate. The season ends with Lee choking on his words but managing to say affectionately “No, Clem. I'm sorry.” as he walks through the door of the hotel room. The ending credits flash.
It's an interesting idea to think about. What kind of man Lee would become if he lived and Clementine died. I daresay he'd have a similar arc to Kenny.
So he would be Urban? ((wtf did i just write?))