Do you think Sarah and Jane could of been friends?
If Sarah had never died in episode 4 do you think she and Jane could of gotten along in the long run? I know Jane didn't really have a soft spot for Sarah at the time but imagining that some time has gone by, do you think that Jane would feel some sympathy towards her? And after all the impact Clem had on her and the choices Jane makes towards the end of the season, I think she could possibly start to interact positively with Sarah. I honestly think that if Sarah had lasted longer in the group, Jane would teach her how to survive. Not at the moment or right after they get out of the trailer, but after some time has gone by, I think Jane would teach her.
i know a lot of people are going to talk about her leaving Sarah at the trailer park, but is was a life threatening situation and as bad as it is, Sarah would of gotten them killed if they had stayed any longer. And the trailer situation was very similar to what happened to her sister, so it obviously triggered her and she felt emotions coming back. I mean we have all been in those situations where our past affects what we do now.
I honestly think if Sarah would buck up like Clementine and be more willing to survive, I think Jane would come to like her like Clem. But forgetting the what if's and leaving Sarah the same, in your honest opinion, if she was left as just Sarah, still the shy, timid, scared girl do you think Jane would befriend her after some time? Also I feel that Jane DOES have a heart and does care for people, but their in a hasty situation and it has affected all of them differently. Plus, IF you do choose Jane at the end and let the timer run out with the family, you can see her feel some kind of sympathy towards the boy and let them in herself without Clem's decision. I know it's not a lot of indication of what she could do, but I do think it shows improvement in her character and how she feels about other people especially children. So yes, I do think Jane could of been friends with Sarah if she had survived and possibly even try to keep her alive.
EDIT:Sorry about the size.

Yeah, should'a figured this was gonna catch on. Yes, I was hoping the two would help each other with their problems, especially since they're opposites. Honestly, the two interacting at all was something I was really expecting to happen given the way the episode had been going at that point.
After she wanted to leave her to die in the trailer park? Fuck no, they couldn't.
probably...but the story could not allow for it...but yes...I think she could have. Jane holds people at a distance as a survival instinct...If I do not know them then when they will not hurt. Clementine was the first crack in her defense...Luke the second and the camp fire a bigger crack. If Sarah had not died, I am sure Jane would have come to care for Sarah.
Now I'm imagining Sarah giving Jane the handj.
She only did that because Clementine asked her to.
Your point?
That was my point...
To...give her the hand or leave her?
(in my playthrough) Below the observation deck, yes.
Some sympathy towards her, maybe, but friends? Nah. Plus there is a chance that Jane would become more uncomfortable with Sarah's poor survival skills as time goes on rather than becoming more friendly towards her.
no. jane is not stupid.
So you say it is smart to not befriend Sarah? Maybe, maybe not...I think that with time Jane and Clementine could have helped Sarah become better able to survive. At first and I admit that for long time I have been anti Sarah, but @DabigRG has changed my view on her.
sarahh was retarded. its a simple truth. nothing good can come out of being friend with retard in zombie apocalypse. she couldnt survive.. she couldnt even cut the flowers in episode 3.
Can you please explain why?
because writers made her that way. just because it was never said out loud doesnt mean its not true.. it was never said that clementine is black but we know she is.
every single one of her actions
Wow, you think everything she does is annoying, yet you give me not one example. Best answer ever. 10/10
can u stop starting arguments every time someone says something negative about sarah? thank you in advanced!
Argument =/= asks someone to give you an example of why you think someone is annoying
and i give you example: every single one of her actions. do you think i have time to list every single one of them? no.
but seems like lot of people share my views. type "walking dead sarah" on youtube and you get this:
Being anxious and grievous does not make somebody mentally handicapped.
I'm surprised you don't hate Troy for all of his actions.
Under the right circumstances, such as in a safe community where everyday survival is not a concern, I definitely believe that they would've gotten along. Sarah wanted to learn survival skills and Jane was looking for companionship in a female teenager.
troy was a villain. he is meant to be hated lol
...unless they're sympathetic or intimidating. Which he is...neither.
I'm gonna go get some popcorn. This seems like it's gonna be a long night.
A series of videos from a YouTube player doesn't point out proof that Sarah is 'retarded', just opinions, and opinions from those who don't seem to try to understand Sarah's point of view of how she copes in a zombie apocalypse from the looks of it.
By the way, retarded is not really the word that should be used on a character who is suffering from shock and trauma over having witnessed her father being torn apart in front of her hours ago.
No , I don't see them ever being friends. There personalities are so different.
After everything that happened between these two? Doesn't seem likely. I could see Sarah trying, but Jane seems like she wants nothing to do with her. Only the power of Clementine could help these two under better circumstances.
Had the writing been better for Amid the Ruins, maybe.
...So, leave her?
Determinantly, yes. XD Just no. Just because someone is nervous, dopey, dependent, doesn't have the best communication skills, or is prone to negative emotions doesn't make them retarded. If so, then Ben, Omid, Kenny, Jane, and Nick are right there with her.
Even if she was/is, Sarah still shows signs of having decent common sense (most of the time :P), some awareness of how the world works despite Carlos's insistence that she doesn't, is implied to have some extra skill, and even demonstrates the ability to improvise under stress a few times. Plus, befriending her is at least an easy way into Carlos's good graces, which means some medical insurance.
Also, the incident with the berries was a combination of being emotionally distressed about Carver making Carlos slap and genuine fear about possibly messing up and getting in trouble again, which is basically anxiety.