Title for TWD episode where Negan dies....
My prediction.....the episode will be titled.....
I Am a Man of My Word...Rick will kill Negan.
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My prediction.....the episode will be titled.....
I Am a Man of My Word...Rick will kill Negan.
"Something to Kill". Lol, I doubt Rick will ever kill Negan, considering what's happening right now in the comics.
I Got An Idea.
Rick does eenie-meenie-miney-moe on Negan and his group, and then eventually Negan is 'it'.
"Bat You Didn't See This Coming."
That should've been the name of the last episode
Looks like someone hasn't read the comics
"Negan gets a paper cut"
Considering Negan is still alive at this point in the comic and been an Alexandrian prisoner for years they likely won't kill him off in the show. They will put Negan in that prison that Morgan built just like they put him in the prison cell in the comic.