The Walking Dead: Photoshop Game!
So this is a little like TWDG Caption Game here on the forum, but with photoshopping. A person posts a picture, and everybody else has to photoshop the image into something funny. The best one the poster likes is the winner, and so the winner picks a new picture for the next round.
Only one picture can be going at any time.
Pictures chosen for the Photoshop Game can only be from TWDG [Seasons, 1,2,3, 400 Days & Michonne]. No fanart.
No captions are allowed.
You can do whatever to the picture, change the background the character/characters are in, put funny hats or clothes or other random people from other series next to them. Let your imagination run wild and create anything, so long as it isn't a photoshop porno that blinds the kids.
Given photoshopping takes more time to create, the deadline can be up to a week or a few days after that. Again like the Caption Game, it's all for the poster of the round to decide and how active the forum is during that time. Just don't leave it too long.
So let starts things off with our very first round:
Photoshops away!