No, any episode where they where still at the prison where the worst. I still think these new episodes are heaven compared to the prison episodes, mainly only because of Negan.
This season becomes more and more the weakest season of the Show. The Pacing is just terrible and nothing really happens or nothing, that justifies a hole 60 Minuten Episode.
No, any episode where they where still at the prison where the worst. I still think these new episodes are heaven compared to the prison episodes, mainly only because of Negan.
I disagree. The only parts of the episode that will be brought up are the parts with Heath and Rosita. I highly doubt amc is going to pay all those new actors again.
Nope. Sorry, its only filler if it doesn't have any relevance on the plot and can be ignored. As both a tv and comic fan I can tell you that the chances of this whole community being ignored and forgotten are about 3% out of a 100%.
This should be the episode where Carl and Negan meet. Negan totally manipulates Carl into removing his eye patch and humiliated Carl by making him sing a song.
I disagree. The only parts of the episode that will be brought up are the parts with Heath and Rosita. I highly doubt amc is going to pay all those new actors again.
everything about this episode screamed filler to me, so if i am wrong i'll be glad I didn't waste my time with watching it. Until that point this episode was next to pointless.
everything about this episode screamed filler to me, so if i am wrong i'll be glad I didn't waste my time with watching it. Until that point this episode was next to pointless.
I'm surprised. NOW is when most people comment? What happened to all you guys for the last few weeks? Westworld? If so why watch this one, I mean regardless of turn out this episode was the likeliest to flop. Why come back now? Just to complain? Was this a good week? Did you just not have anything to say before? Guys?
It had all the makings of a filler episode. Had almost nothing to do with the main story, it was isolated from everyone else, there was a lot of time displacement, the only person who knows about the community is sworn to secrecy. I can't think of another episode that is structured so much like a time waster.
Most of the episodes have been really bland so far. The only episodes I have come over here for are ep. 1 and this one, because imo they were written just plain poorly.
I'm surprised. NOW is when most people comment? What happened to all you guys for the last few weeks? Westworld? If so why watch this one, I… more mean regardless of turn out this episode was the likeliest to flop. Why come back now? Just to complain? Was this a good week? Did you just not have anything to say before? Guys?
I dont know, Im thinking the formula has just become tired, there is good material here. I do think seasons 2, 5 and 6 could be argued as being worse but they were just aired earlier.
Most of the episodes have been really bland so far. The only episodes I have come over here for are ep. 1 and this one, because imo they were written just plain poorly.
It had all the makings of a filler episode. Had almost nothing to do with the main story, it was isolated from everyone else, there was a l… moreot of time displacement, the only person who knows about the community is sworn to secrecy. I can't think of another episode that is structured so much like a time waster.
Greentexting. It's a meme that 4chan started and it's being used here to express disbelief or disagreement sarcastically and in an intentionally comedy based way.
I'm surprised. NOW is when most people comment? What happened to all you guys for the last few weeks? Westworld? If so why watch this one, I… more mean regardless of turn out this episode was the likeliest to flop. Why come back now? Just to complain? Was this a good week? Did you just not have anything to say before? Guys?
Shows how other survivors are the same as Rick and group (will kill anyone to survive) Much like what they did to the outpost of Negan's
A potential place to get weaponry to fight
Tara had to come back at some point and be in the show
Shows that there's hardly anything left out there (making it extremely hard to find things for Negan) half of your shit At this rate he's getting half of fuck all let me tell you right now
They're building a story with surrounding people. Not just rushing in, you have to see all sides before the all out rushed war
If im being totally honest, I didnt watch last weeks and honestly I felt no real desire to watch it throughout the week. in fact the only reason I came back is that I got a few days off work and finally sat down and caught up.
However thoughts on the last few is kinda the same.Episode 4 is the group in bitch mode, which is sort of entertaining however negans acting makes the thing just seems weird, also it goes on way too long again. Episode 5 is again centered around a savior attack but this time at hilltop, the show seemed to randomly pair up a few characters as if they were well connected (did jesus and sasha ever talk before this?)also once again every group is made absolutely useless but ricks group an again the episode is dragged out. If parts of episodes 2, 4, 5 and 6 had been given an ensemble approach with parts of each plot each week with the result of about 3 episodes they could have been really good episodes. However as we got it all three were dragged out and repetitive with each story. I mean episode 6 is a good example, there are good ideas but then they get dragged out into a full episode. This tara story could have been cut down to be a really good b (or even c) plot over an episode or two. But as it is shes given the full focus for nearly an hour.
I will say this season has the same problems as other seasons; Too many episodes, dragging out plotlines however it also has the new issues: Too many characters (many of them unintentionally unlikable/ or unintentionally likeable "villans") and stupid fakeouts (like that heath zombie) and the fact negan just doesnt feel right
I'm surprised. NOW is when most people comment? What happened to all you guys for the last few weeks? Westworld? If so why watch this one, I… more mean regardless of turn out this episode was the likeliest to flop. Why come back now? Just to complain? Was this a good week? Did you just not have anything to say before? Guys?
The only point that we didn't already know or is not dependant on Tara actually telling someone about it is that she had to come back. They just wrote an episode for Tara that could allegedly have some kind of relevence at some point in a year or two. Allegedly.
* It actually sets up a new settlement
* Shows how Negan works
* Shows how other survivors are the same as Rick and group (will kill anyon… moree to survive) Much like what they did to the outpost of Negan's
* A potential place to get weaponry to fight
* Tara had to come back at some point and be in the show
* Shows that there's hardly anything left out there (making it extremely hard to find things for Negan) half of your shit At this rate he's getting half of fuck all let me tell you right now
* They're building a story with surrounding people. Not just rushing in, you have to see all sides before the all out rushed war
First of thank you for answering. Second I know you mean your problems with the show but for the effort of conversation ill analyse them based on what I've heard fans and critics saying. If you are talking about Negan he's supposed to be likable. Also I wouldn't really call him a problem though since most of the fandom has reacted to him positively, just like in the comics. And I don't believe having too many characters is a problem either, infact the 'best' shows on tv such as Game of Thrones also has an insane amount of characters and that has always been seen as a strength.
However you have indeed mentioned the biggest issue this Season for most people. The bottle episodes, which to many people (mostly tv only fans) these FEEL like filler. But after debating it with people it becomes pretty obvious they are not. The best arguments I've heard were for Episodes 3 and 6 , but following the comics those episodes actually add important plots and character development that will become vital to the story. Episode 6 the most likely filler for people ironically sets up more plot for an area of the comics that was left unexplored. Really the majority of these episodes are plot set up and character development, which should be absolutely perfect on its own but again the structure is the big problem for people.
As to WHY it's structured that way I have heard different theories. One is that Season 3 is mostly seen as the most lackluster in the production teams eyes. Many feel like the reason it did not get redeemed by DVD re-watching's was that there were just bad choices with the storylines, one of them being how some episodes switched between Woodbury and The Prison. The only other time this was tried was in Season 5-A during the controversially infamous Beth hospital arc, in which it was also blamed. But to be honest, I don't see how either were a problem. Another theory is that they felt it would be two close to GOT, which is stupid because GOT is one of hundreds of shows to do it and THEY HAVE DONE IT BEFORE!!! So to be honest the only believable reason in my opinion was that they felt like the episodes needed to be focused or thy just couldn't structure them like that. It gets even more confusing as the next episode clearly shows this format, so to me 'focused' episodes is the only answer.
I'm surprised. NOW is when most people comment?
If im being totally honest, I didnt watch last weeks and honestly I felt no real des… moreire to watch it throughout the week. in fact the only reason I came back is that I got a few days off work and finally sat down and caught up.
However thoughts on the last few is kinda the same.Episode 4 is the group in bitch mode, which is sort of entertaining however negans acting makes the thing just seems weird, also it goes on way too long again. Episode 5 is again centered around a savior attack but this time at hilltop, the show seemed to randomly pair up a few characters as if they were well connected (did jesus and sasha ever talk before this?)also once again every group is made absolutely useless but ricks group an again the episode is dragged out. If parts of episodes 2, 4, 5 and 6 had been given an ensemble approach with parts of each plot each week with the result of about 3 episodes they … [view original content]
I just dropped by the episode threads to see what's up after it's done whenever I have time. I got too much to do to watch recently and I can't log in on the Vita to actually comment if I wanted to watch and react.
I'm surprised. NOW is when most people comment? What happened to all you guys for the last few weeks? Westworld? If so why watch this one, I… more mean regardless of turn out this episode was the likeliest to flop. Why come back now? Just to complain? Was this a good week? Did you just not have anything to say before? Guys?
If you are talking about Negan he's supposed to be likable
Not really the character I mean, negan almost pulls off a triple twist in that hes meant to be a likeable horrible person like the comments but instead he comes across as flat and awkward. I think this is because this is the writers trying humour for the first time in years and not being that great at it. (I do appreciate them trying to break the horribly serious approach to the show they've had for several seasons).
In addition Sasha and carl are some of the characters I stopped giving a damn about because I find them pretty horrible.Daryl and Glenn were kinda the other example where they lost everything that made their characters interesting (by becoming completely boring)Then there is the mass amount of characters that I cant feel anything for at all as the show never gives them anything to work with which leads me on to too many characters.
While game of thrones and other shows have loads of characters they at least give certain characters focus and other characters get secondary dialogue and development. The walking dead just doesnt do this, scenes nearly always just involve two people talking and then they dont show up again for several episodes. Plus im less likely to get invested in new characters as the show tends to develop people just to kill them off once they actually get developed.
First of thank you for answering. Second I know you mean your problems with the show but for the effort of conversation ill analyse them bas… moreed on what I've heard fans and critics saying. If you are talking about Negan he's supposed to be likable. Also I wouldn't really call him a problem though since most of the fandom has reacted to him positively, just like in the comics. And I don't believe having too many characters is a problem either, infact the 'best' shows on tv such as Game of Thrones also has an insane amount of characters and that has always been seen as a strength.
However you have indeed mentioned the biggest issue this Season for most people. The bottle episodes, which to many people (mostly tv only fans) these FEEL like filler. But after debating it with people it becomes pretty obvious they are not. The best arguments I've heard were for Episodes 3 and 6 , but following the comics those episodes actually add important plots… [view original content]
If you are talking about Negan he's supposed to be likable
Not really the character I mean, negan almost pulls off a triple twist in… more that hes meant to be a likeable horrible person like the comments but instead he comes across as flat and awkward. I think this is because this is the writers trying humour for the first time in years and not being that great at it. (I do appreciate them trying to break the horribly serious approach to the show they've had for several seasons).
In addition Sasha and carl are some of the characters I stopped giving a damn about because I find them pretty horrible.Daryl and Glenn were kinda the other example where they lost everything that made their characters interesting (by becoming completely boring)Then there is the mass amount of characters that I cant feel anything for at all as the show never gives them anything to work with which leads me on to too many characters.
While game of thrones and … [view original content]
I just dropped by the episode threads to see what's up after it's done whenever I have time. I got too much to do to watch recently and I can't log in on the Vita to actually comment if I wanted to watch and react.
No, any episode where they where still at the prison where the worst. I still think these new episodes are heaven compared to the prison episodes, mainly only because of Negan.
Which prison episodes? There were a lot. Also negan isnt that good to me, in the show at least. Already bored of his character in the series
Ok what the hell is that title about?
I disagree. The only parts of the episode that will be brought up are the parts with Heath and Rosita. I highly doubt amc is going to pay all those new actors again.
This should be the episode where Carl and Negan meet. Negan totally manipulates Carl into removing his eye patch and humiliated Carl by making him sing a song.
So am I. Can't wait for him to die in the show. Not because I'm scared of him, but because his character is downright cringe.
Nope sorry. You are absolutely wrong on that. I am completely convinced they will show up again, later in the second half probably.
Not at all, actually. I'm almost 100% sure that a lot of the stuff in this episode is relevant to future storylines.
everything about this episode screamed filler to me, so if i am wrong i'll be glad I didn't waste my time with watching it. Until that point this episode was next to pointless.
Wait.......if you are wrong you'll be GLAD you didn't watch it?
Be ready to wait a few good years, if ever.
You mean the comics? Then I honest feel bad for you man, he has been treated like a secondary protagonist. He even got his own spin off.
I'm surprised. NOW is when most people comment? What happened to all you guys for the last few weeks? Westworld? If so why watch this one, I mean regardless of turn out this episode was the likeliest to flop. Why come back now? Just to complain? Was this a good week? Did you just not have anything to say before? Guys?
No I'll be glad watching it wasn't a waste of time.
Ok, don't worry. I can almost completely gurante it was not
It had all the makings of a filler episode. Had almost nothing to do with the main story, it was isolated from everyone else, there was a lot of time displacement, the only person who knows about the community is sworn to secrecy. I can't think of another episode that is structured so much like a time waster.
Most of the episodes have been really bland so far. The only episodes I have come over here for are ep. 1 and this one, because imo they were written just plain poorly.
Season 5 is my favorite season lol.
That is your opinion. I don't really agree with it but I respect it.
Also thank you for answering my question, I was doubtful anyone would
|>Important story material
What is this comment?
Greentexting. It's a meme that 4chan started and it's being used here to express disbelief or disagreement sarcastically and in an intentionally comedy based way.
I haven't been watching the last few weeks. That's my reason. Now I have things to say.
Ok cool. Glad you could join us.
If im being totally honest, I didnt watch last weeks and honestly I felt no real desire to watch it throughout the week. in fact the only reason I came back is that I got a few days off work and finally sat down and caught up.
However thoughts on the last few is kinda the same.Episode 4 is the group in bitch mode, which is sort of entertaining however negans acting makes the thing just seems weird, also it goes on way too long again. Episode 5 is again centered around a savior attack but this time at hilltop, the show seemed to randomly pair up a few characters as if they were well connected (did jesus and sasha ever talk before this?)also once again every group is made absolutely useless but ricks group an again the episode is dragged out. If parts of episodes 2, 4, 5 and 6 had been given an ensemble approach with parts of each plot each week with the result of about 3 episodes they could have been really good episodes. However as we got it all three were dragged out and repetitive with each story. I mean episode 6 is a good example, there are good ideas but then they get dragged out into a full episode. This tara story could have been cut down to be a really good b (or even c) plot over an episode or two. But as it is shes given the full focus for nearly an hour.
I will say this season has the same problems as other seasons; Too many episodes, dragging out plotlines however it also has the new issues: Too many characters (many of them unintentionally unlikable/ or unintentionally likeable "villans") and stupid fakeouts (like that heath zombie) and the fact negan just doesnt feel right
The only point that we didn't already know or is not dependant on Tara actually telling someone about it is that she had to come back. They just wrote an episode for Tara that could allegedly have some kind of relevence at some point in a year or two. Allegedly.
First of thank you for answering. Second I know you mean your problems with the show but for the effort of conversation ill analyse them based on what I've heard fans and critics saying. If you are talking about Negan he's supposed to be likable. Also I wouldn't really call him a problem though since most of the fandom has reacted to him positively, just like in the comics. And I don't believe having too many characters is a problem either, infact the 'best' shows on tv such as Game of Thrones also has an insane amount of characters and that has always been seen as a strength.
However you have indeed mentioned the biggest issue this Season for most people. The bottle episodes, which to many people (mostly tv only fans) these FEEL like filler. But after debating it with people it becomes pretty obvious they are not. The best arguments I've heard were for Episodes 3 and 6 , but following the comics those episodes actually add important plots and character development that will become vital to the story. Episode 6 the most likely filler for people ironically sets up more plot for an area of the comics that was left unexplored. Really the majority of these episodes are plot set up and character development, which should be absolutely perfect on its own but again the structure is the big problem for people.
As to WHY it's structured that way I have heard different theories. One is that Season 3 is mostly seen as the most lackluster in the production teams eyes. Many feel like the reason it did not get redeemed by DVD re-watching's was that there were just bad choices with the storylines, one of them being how some episodes switched between Woodbury and The Prison. The only other time this was tried was in Season 5-A during the controversially infamous Beth hospital arc, in which it was also blamed. But to be honest, I don't see how either were a problem. Another theory is that they felt it would be two close to GOT, which is stupid because GOT is one of hundreds of shows to do it and THEY HAVE DONE IT BEFORE!!! So to be honest the only believable reason in my opinion was that they felt like the episodes needed to be focused or thy just couldn't structure them like that. It gets even more confusing as the next episode clearly shows this format, so to me 'focused' episodes is the only answer.
I just dropped by the episode threads to see what's up after it's done whenever I have time. I got too much to do to watch recently and I can't log in on the Vita to actually comment if I wanted to watch and react.
Not really the character I mean, negan almost pulls off a triple twist in that hes meant to be a likeable horrible person like the comments but instead he comes across as flat and awkward. I think this is because this is the writers trying humour for the first time in years and not being that great at it. (I do appreciate them trying to break the horribly serious approach to the show they've had for several seasons).
In addition Sasha and carl are some of the characters I stopped giving a damn about because I find them pretty horrible.Daryl and Glenn were kinda the other example where they lost everything that made their characters interesting (by becoming completely boring)Then there is the mass amount of characters that I cant feel anything for at all as the show never gives them anything to work with which leads me on to too many characters.
While game of thrones and other shows have loads of characters they at least give certain characters focus and other characters get secondary dialogue and development. The walking dead just doesnt do this, scenes nearly always just involve two people talking and then they dont show up again for several episodes. Plus im less likely to get invested in new characters as the show tends to develop people just to kill them off once they actually get developed.
I guess those are fair opinions. Thank you for answering
That's too bad. Hopefully these threads have been entertaining.
Clementine: That was a swear!