Worst thing ever!
I'm a big fan of MI but this thing about bring out the game once per month totally got me off interest of playing. When I told my friends about this, they said that it was so stupid. Now we have to wait wait and wait. August 1st and still nothing.
For the futur, I will wait until it comes out in stores.
Sorry tellgames, i'm very disapointed.
For the futur, I will wait until it comes out in stores.
Sorry tellgames, i'm very disapointed.
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So you aren't a fan of episodic gameplay? Quite a few people are. You aren't missing out on anything due to it being episodic, as half the game isn't finished yet. I personally find that the whole series lends itself quite well to episodic gameplay (the originals came in chapters afterall)
"This is stupid because its different and i hate it."
Thanks for the positive views. I must, I need to wait over a month to see what's going to happen on my TV shows.
BUT, they have not produced the whole game yet and i rather get bits of the full game instead of having to wait 1 year for the game to be completed.
You will definitely get a much more polished product then, with no notable bugs and no needless wait in between the episodes too.
But you would also need to refrain from coming here, as there will no doubt be trolls around to complain about how imperfect the game is, talkative posters who will inevitably give the plot away, endless in-game jokes that will probably just alienate you. It will also be an endless test of your faith of you fanaticism with Monkey Island, when everyone have already progress at around the same pace into the story, while you are waiting for the polished game to come out to the stores, probably a year from now. It will be about 4 months more if you order directly from Telltale.
Look at it the other way: episode gaming bring about a new kind of possibilities not possible in the past. We are all stranded here not knowing what is coming up next, but we still keep ourselves occupied with speculations, fan-projects or even just bickering to keep the passion with MI up. And the greatest thing is that there are actual stuff in this forum that have already been integrated into the first game. The possibility that your continual contributions here may end up inside the actual game is BIG!!!
I moment of honesty here - when I first heard I'd have to wait for months for the Sam & Max episodes, I waited till the end of the season and bought the DVD.
What I then realized is that half the fun is the wait between episodes, everything smashing talked about.
I love episodic gameplay now - and most of that is due to the fantastic Telltale community.
Stay with us, speculate a little. You end up getting much more out of the game.
Or even why you think episodic gaming is 'stupid'?
The last episode of ToMI will be out in November, so let's just assume that had it all been released as a 'full' game then it would have hit the shops/internet within that month.
So right now you'd still be eagerly awaiting the new Monkey Island which is set to be released in November...you could still have done that;)
I'm not suggesting that episodic content is for everyone and it's not without it's flaws. But when you're given the choice to play each episode monthly or wait for the full season to be released then you've only yourself to blame for any disappointment felt.
It's really the minority that like the episodic release also. Most of us here are just as frustrated with the mode of release and to wait in between as well. It's just like getting stuck to a episodic serial on television. You will rush home just to watch it, if you are THAT interested in finding it out, often at the risk of making difficult and sometime wrong decision in your social life.
But since we are already in this situation, what can we do? We could of course wait until the whole game is completed and then get the whole game later. Or we could just play any bit of it that is available. Having a bit of Monkey Island is infinitely better than no Monkey Island. Life sucks, so what?
At the end of the day, it is still your own perception that defines it. Most of us here have manage to look through the frustrations and see the fun of interacting with other people, preferring to stay optimistic and continue the wave of fanaticism on this site and elsewhere. I bet there are people who are holding back as well, and we definitely respect them. What I really don't see is how your voiced perception here is something that is constructive. It won't change a thing anyway. So it's your decision to stick it up like the rest of us, wait for the game to complete, or don't bother with it at all. No one is holding a knife at you.
Geesh! And when I thought I could refrain from making any serious comment today... ...
Don't you have to wait for TV shows? Didn't we have to wait a year between Lord of the Rings movies?
What makes games so different, I don't get it.
That's very presumptuous. Many of the people here were
a) Telltale fans before they were Monkey Island fans
b) Monkey Island fans who have followed Telltale from the beginning and grown to enjoy the episodic model (I include myself in that)
c) Monkey Island fans who came to Telltale for Monkey Island and are excited about this new way of playing.
Lots of people fall into the above categories and actually I haven't seen a whole lot of complaint about episodic as a release model. The occasional thread here crops up but there are lots more excitedly talking about what's going to crop up in the next episode, etc.
But seriously now, if you didn't learn to have patience then how did you manage to survive so far? You have to wait for things all the time.
And besides, the Telltale games are like self contained episodes, not 15 minutes of a movie like you said. There's a certain plot in each episode which you do get to play for 4 hours AND see the end of it.
+1 Now we're winning
I really like the way the episodes are self contained stories that have an overall story arc. I'm can't wait for episode 2 (although I'd rather them polish it than rush it) but I'm happy to get the episodes once a month rather than wait till the end of the year to get the game in one go.
With TTG, the price is pretty much the same whether or not you get them separately or all in one go, so why wouldn't I want to find out what happens next as soon as they can release it?
You do know a month is 4 weeks, not 3?;)
It's not even as if the previous games didn't use chapters in the same style. This way we get a game sooner and keep interest longer from cliffhangers/buildup between episodes. To say it's stupid and dissapointing is to me saying that you're afraid of things changing in the smallest way possible, as well as that Telltale are in fact doing exactly what they planned - keeping anticipation up between episodes to generate interest.:p
This is how telltale does their business.
Telltale are making the type of games I want to play.
Therefore I buy episodic games.
It's not the worst thing ever. Would you prefer if nobody were making this particular type of games (adventure) ?
It's because they are constantly working on it.
I read on Kotaku a week before release of TOMI:E1 that the keyboard control system still hadn't been implemented.
This also allows feedback on what works and not. By EP3 any grumbles we had should be gone. Like Murrays inclusion.
Don't look at it like an episode. Look at it like a whole game. Just a short one. It can still last you so many hours if you interect with everything like monkey island and then ends on a cliff hanger. Then you get ANOTHER one next month. Monkey Island a month is good for me.
And atleast Telltale don't say they will do monthly releases and then take 2 years and do various other games in that time instead of doing what they should be doing. I still want to know Gmans plan. I'm sure Left4Dead 1 and 2 could of waited till the Half Life episodes where bloody done.
Love this. You've still got the rest of the month to potentially wait. You say this as if Telltale are taking the piss by not having it ready for release on the first day of the month. Jeez.
(Hint: If you still say "bad", may God have mercy on your soul...)
I still love Valve though; nothing beats Half-Life shooter wise, IMO. Telltale is definitely great at doing episodic content. I mean, it's not Telltale's fault people can wait for a video game to come out. I'd prefer a finished/polished product rather than a rushed one.
Asides for John Madden's Left 4 Dead.
I wouldn't exactly compare L4D to John Madden, but whatever. CoD and GH are worse.
For the guy that talked about Lord of the rings... yes I did have to wait for it, but at least they didn't ask me to pay 2-3 years in advance and wait it out. See what i'm trying to say?
For themandingo "dude"
Anyways, I guess I made my point. Some out there don't seem to mind paying up front months in advance but that is their choice and some of us are disapointed that we do pay in advance and a month later, still nothing.
Thanks for your opinions
I never expected the next installment on the 1st of August, or even the 7th.
Just as long as it eventually gets here, I'm good =]
Also, episodic gaming is my favourite way to game, ever. I think it might be all the suspense, coming on to the forums and talking about what's going to happen next, and all that jazz.
That would be sarcastic
Of all the reasons against episodic gaming, the "having to wait sooo long (a month)" is probably the weakest one.
I don't think it's a big deal. It gives you some emotion of the anticipation and don't knowing what to expect of the new episode. And meanwhile we can spend our time putting theories about next episodes. It's part of the fun.
And has has been mentioned we already waited during 9 years for a new Monkey Island. And at least we didn't wait too long for the first episode, because it was announced just a few weeks before release.
Just try to have a little patience! OMG...What's the problem with kids these days??
Yes, but with only a month (-ish) between episodes, the waiting is intensified all the more, because you taste blood and want more, figuratively speaking. It's easier to wait 9 years--you forget that you've been waiting. When you're not sure how long the wait is, but it's numbered in days and not years, it makes it so much harder to be patient.
I've been replaying all the old MI games while I wait, but I think I'm gonna run out. I'm halfway through CMI now...
EMI might take a while though, I haven't played all the way through it before. I think I gave up and figured it had jumped the shark about the time I got to insult arm wrestling. Probably had homework to do around that time too.
But what will I do between episodes 2 & 3? or 3 & 4??