The usual mad rant about S3 *obvious spoilers inside*
Well, where to start, looks like the "42 starting points" were just as much a hoax as "multiplayer" in no mans sky.
I can damn well say that this game is the second with the no mans sky syndrome, not giving anything they've promised.
Let's take the season 2 endings for example.
Great fucking job, killing off Kenny and Jane, I can't believe they couldn't just go along and give them at least SOME lines, bu naaaah, determinant characters has to die, illusion of choice, blah blah blah.
THE WORST THING IS that I finally thought at the end of S2, that Clem got to stay with Kenny and its a happy ending, but noo, TTG fucked that one up too, literally killing Kenny & Jane in the first episode? Are you fucking kidding me? What's wrong with the writers??
To sum up all 2016 is really a fucking piece of shit of a year, everything goes to shit, and even TTG Walking Dead is bad too.
Oh and honestly I would have no problem with new characters as long as they'd let me keep some old ones around, but guess not.
A rewrite to some parts of the EP would do some good. Oh and ofc firing those writers who came up with these stupid ideas.
Fuck it. #TTGLied
Hope they do something about this havent seen one person who isnt happy about anything especially about their screen time
Its the Mass Effect 3 syndrome.
They put Clem into the story only for the money. GG