Constructive Criticism for TellTale (Spoilers - be aware)

Keeping this constructive so that there's a potential "hope" they are looking at the boards.

  • Where's my "on the next episode" wrap ups? That feels a bit lazy. If you're going to make shorter episodes because of the stories being tighter, fine, but don't cheap out on staples of your games. Pretty crappy. I was honestly looking forward to seeing how my decisions tease shaping the next episode. You don't even have the "previously on walking dead". Again, I'm not sure if that's a rush, but go look at your other games....

  • I THINK it's a bug in the game, but Conrad (Conner?) was actually nice to me in the beginning when Gabe ran outside smacking a dead walker, only to then (on the roof of the gates while the new frontier came in) start hating on me again. That was seriously weird writing, so I hope it's a bug.

  • Ghost Clem when you find the car in Richmond with only Kate in it. I actually laughed a little, as she appeared in the back window and then was gone again. She ran off after I killed she wasn't supposed to be there. Good joke if you meant it, otherwise, another bug.

  • Story Pet Peeve - Clem SEEMED to be roughly the same Clem of my choices....for the most part. And trust me, I'm good with some of her personality growing as she got older etc, but joining the new frontier? That doesn't fit any of the choices I made (nor that I made in her flashbacks...I refused to go to them). I know you're pushing it that way for story, but TWD (especially season 3, whether you wanted it to be this way or not) is really about her. So this feels like a choice your players would not have made for her (at least the majority of us), just to push a different story. Not cool. I'm going with it, but honestly not cool.

  • Alternative to Jane / Kenny death? Separation. Come on can't tell me you guys didn't think of that? Just separate them, and they don't HAVE to be in the story. Voala. SOME of the endings we picked in Season 2 warrant the deaths....but to have everything be a cop out? not buying it. I'm calling lazy on this one.

  • HINTS at the timeline for this - very well done, as you made me look it up. If we're not in current time in the comics, we're damn close.

  • How many folks in the Telltale Office / Kirkman's crew have a bet on folks choosing to try to lock up Jesus. We're only sitting at I believe less than 5% when I played. I'm sure there's a bet on it, so I'm curious what the game is for it. We totally Meta'd the hell out of that one!!

  • Please please please (yes this is a beg), if you can put it in before you release episode 3, give us an option that Javier's brother is told about his little girl and goes ape ♥♥♥♥ on his men. Or hell gets Gabe to do it. Please just make that an option or insert it. It does fit his character. Don't make it be about his wife...make him break when he finds out about his little girl.

  • Interesting point here that I noticed. You guys pushed HARD for you to fall for your sister in law. I get it, you want that drama now with Episode 3. But for those of us that says "screw that", you gave us few options to start it with Elanor. I'm hoping you put more going forward, but when we say no to an option a few times, the code should "get the hint". We don't want that story :)


  • Also i don't like how we can't replay a specific scene just to see what happens if we wanted to play it a bit differently. I don't like how we have to replay entire episodes instead, it was not like that in past games.

  • Quick clarification from me (since I can't edit my post for some reason). On my comment on the deaths? I've seen both. I actually LIKE how both are written (some folks didn't..but I actually get where they are going and like them both). I'm just giving an alternative to the deaths then "oh well kill them off". If I remember correctly, not every ending you pick in Season 2 would necessarily lead to either death.

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