If there is ever another [Hug] option, I hope it is for Clementine. Seriously, for once, let me give her a hug.
((And I know Lee gave her… more hugs in Season 1, but those happened without prompts. It just feel a little more personal if it was a choice, you know. ))
It doesnt really though, steam only has "Recommended" or "Not recommended", besides, I dont think there is something as an "almost flawless"… more game, since its all subjective, someone could tell you in their deepest seriousness that Bad Rats is a good game, because its all subjective.
I, for example, dont really care about good gameplay, as long as there is a great story or great characters, whereas someone dont even get to experience alot of great stories in video games because they cant play games with "bad" gameplay
Sure, I am not refuting that, I can totally see why season 1 is rated higher, season 2 has some issues, that season 1 did not have (lack of direction for one), personally, I like season 2 more because it was a different experience to me, where season 1 fell into a few tropes that I dont like (strong adult male as main character, becomes the leader of the group (sort of)), where I really liked the whole "play as a weak girl" plot they had going on in season 2, not saying I dislike season 1, theyre both amazing, and protecting Clem as Lee was an experience as well, I just had an even greater experience with season 2, because the baggage that Clem brought with her, (what happened to Lee and whatnot), made choices alot different for me, rather than just being the good guy all the time.
Ahhh, so it's because it has a black and white system of 'yes' or 'no', that makes way more sense.
Obviously games are subjective, but there's a reason metacritic for season 2 is showing 80%, not 95%, positivity among critics, and 8.3 among fans.
They would need to have some serious bonding between Javier and Clementine before I would justify hugging Clem as Javier, especially since Clem has a very hard time around people at the moment, if one proceeds too quickly, she could shut herself in again
If there is ever another [Hug] option, I hope it is for Clementine. Seriously, for once, let me give her a hug.
((And I know Lee gave her… more hugs in Season 1, but those happened without prompts. It just feel a little more personal if it was a choice, you know. ))
yeah I understand and my initial experience was fairly good too but I guess I'm just slowly changing my mind about the game x) of course I'm still gonna continue playing it but some changes need to me made in my opinion.
Yeah, I do notice the flaws myself and I still agree that the game needs some improvement.
Still doesn't change the fact that my initial experience was a good one so I wasn't disappointed.
Oh, shit. Good point. I would like a DLC with playable Clementine , too. DLC will cost Additional money (Like every DLC, lol), but if it is for This Purpose, I would buy it.
"Hey no, listen I...I really need you to know...you're just...you're just smelling super ripe right now, and and you know I'm okay with that if that's what you're going for."
Stranger danger!
Seriously that is really bad flirting boy. What the flying fudgeballs!
So by big news in February they meant just saying later next month? Don't want to complain but if your going to say BIG news I expect an exact release date especially since it's going to be 3 months since the last episodes. I'm hoping for the 14th at the earliest.
So by big news in February they meant just saying later next month? Don't want to complain but if your going to say BIG news I expect an exa… morect release date especially since it's going to be 3 months since the last episodes. I'm hoping for the 14th at the earliest.
I think this was the update they meant.
February 9th
* Tweet: In further news, we can also confirm that Episode 3: 'Above the Law' is set to debut later next month! Stay tuned here for details.
So by big news in February they meant just saying later next month? Don't want to complain but if your going to say BIG news I expect an exa… morect release date especially since it's going to be 3 months since the last episodes. I'm hoping for the 14th at the earliest.
[Just a heads up if you haven't played Walking dead Season 1, Season 2, and A new Frontier through episode 2 I do not recommend reading this]
Over all I think that A New Frontier is a great game. Personally I will always like season 2 and season 1 better because Clem was the main focus, that does not mean that Javier is a bad character but I do not have an emotional connection to him like I do with Clementine. Clementine is such an amazing character I have never been this attached to a fictional character before. I love the concept of young children being forced to grow up in a post apocalyptic world. Clementine lost her parents right at the beginning of the outbreak she then developed a father daughter relationship with Lee which ended in him getting bitten and Clementine forced to put him out of his misery or abandon him. Clementine had to trade crayons and paper for a gun and a knife. (depending on how the player develops her) clementine's mental state jumps from an innocent sweet little girl to a hardened survivor even more independent than most adults. Personally I prefer the hardened self reliant Clementine who would rather be on her own with resources than with a big group of people (I developed my Clem to be kind of a cross between Christa and Jane). At first glace she is a cold person who only cares about herself however AJ is like her little brother/son and she loves him deeply. She is also very loyal to her friends but they have to prove themselves to her first. She is very involved in group discussions and is willing to make the awful decision to protect herself and the group, she doesn't sugar coat anything and she stopped acting like a kid at the beginning of season 2.
The transition from Lee to clementine was so smooth and beautiful. Having a new random character as the main protagonist of A New Frontier was so out of the blue and disappointing since the past two games the player was pouring so much of emotions and character development into Clementine. So far the main choices have not been difficult because just a bout every one who has played the past two games will side with Clem. Although Javier is a great character and i care what happens to him and his family. I feel like Clem should have been the main protagonist and Javier as the deutertagonist, having Javi as the protagonist totaly trashes a lot of the emotions that would have improved the game ( but this is still an amazing and very emotional game). But I am still happy that Clem is a major character and the AJ mystery was genius and overall the story of A New Frontier is Phenominal and I recommend anyone with a good taste in story and games to play it. It is probably too late to go back now but It would be nice for future episodes to have longer Clementine flash backs and even make it possible to play as Clementine in the present (Like Javi and Clem can get separated and the player gets to play both sides.) My rant has gone on for way too long and I know that I am no professional story teller and I trust that Telltale will continue to make A New Frontier an amazing game.
If there is ever another [Hug] option, I hope it is for Clementine. Seriously, for once, let me give her a hug.
((And I know Lee gave her… more hugs in Season 1, but those happened without prompts. It just feel a little more personal if it was a choice, you know. ))
To be honest comparing the wait for the release of the game and the wait for episode 3. I am not as hyped as I've been for the release. It's like I don't really care after seeing the treatment we get from Telltale.
With this amount of wait, we may even suffer plot alterations like in previous Telltales games
Remmeber Kenny vs Luke?, Faiths and her princes death exploration that was SUPPOSED to be in Central Park?
With this amount of wait, we may even suffer plot alterations like in previous Telltales games
Remmeber Kenny vs Luke?, Faiths and her princes death exploration that was SUPPOSED to be in Central Park?
To be honest comparing the wait for the release of the game and the wait for episode 3. I am not as hyped as I've been for the release. It's like I don't really care after seeing the treatment we get from Telltale.
I need news NEWS very soon my blood pressure is not okay either is my mind simply put IM STUCK HERE FUR NUUWS
This choice would save the game for me x] (I still liked the first episodes, I'm just starting to see the flaws as time passes)
Yeah, I do notice the flaws myself and I still agree that the game needs some improvement.
Still doesn't change the fact that my initial experience was a good one so I wasn't disappointed.
People losing their mind over a 45 minute episode hahaha.
I'm loosing my mind for news!
Oh and also ha-ha your here with me waiting for this 45 min ep champ
Ahhh, so it's because it has a black and white system of 'yes' or 'no', that makes way more sense.
Obviously games are subjective, but there's a reason metacritic for season 2 is showing 80%, not 95%, positivity among critics, and 8.3 among fans.
Sure, I am not refuting that, I can totally see why season 1 is rated higher, season 2 has some issues, that season 1 did not have (lack of direction for one), personally, I like season 2 more because it was a different experience to me, where season 1 fell into a few tropes that I dont like (strong adult male as main character, becomes the leader of the group (sort of)), where I really liked the whole "play as a weak girl" plot they had going on in season 2, not saying I dislike season 1, theyre both amazing, and protecting Clem as Lee was an experience as well, I just had an even greater experience with season 2, because the baggage that Clem brought with her, (what happened to Lee and whatnot), made choices alot different for me, rather than just being the good guy all the time.
They would need to have some serious bonding between Javier and Clementine before I would justify hugging Clem as Javier, especially since Clem has a very hard time around people at the moment, if one proceeds too quickly, she could shut herself in again
wow so many likes i feel love thank you very much for liking my post you
Jesus clem's handwriting is waaaaay better than mine
yeah I understand and my initial experience was fairly good too but I guess I'm just slowly changing my mind about the game x) of course I'm still gonna continue playing it but some changes need to me made in my opinion.
Oh, shit. Good point.
I would like a DLC with playable Clementine , too. DLC will cost Additional money (Like every DLC, lol), but if it is for This Purpose, I would buy it.
"Hey no, listen I...I really need you to know...you're just...you're just smelling super ripe right now, and and you know I'm okay with that if that's what you're going for."
Stranger danger!
Seriously that is really bad flirting boy. What the flying fudgeballs!
WOW bet its coming next year....
So by big news in February they meant just saying later next month? Don't want to complain but if your going to say BIG news I expect an exact release date especially since it's going to be 3 months since the last episodes. I'm hoping for the 14th at the earliest.
Last hour of Feb 28!!!
Heard it here first folks
When they said news in February and there wasn't any but you didn't expect anything anyways and your exceptions don't exist anymore so you're all good
I think this was the update they meant.
February 9th
When you know that you shouldn't be hyped for the future ANF episodes after how the premiere turned out, but you're still hyped anyway

that's a pretty shit update tbh
Same as the "Big premier" they told us about.
Surely flipping the image of Michelle would have been a smarter idea, no?
I didn't make it but I've used it plenty of times and I just noticed. Damn you.
[Just a heads up if you haven't played Walking dead Season 1, Season 2, and A new Frontier through episode 2 I do not recommend reading this]
Over all I think that A New Frontier is a great game. Personally I will always like season 2 and season 1 better because Clem was the main focus, that does not mean that Javier is a bad character but I do not have an emotional connection to him like I do with Clementine. Clementine is such an amazing character I have never been this attached to a fictional character before. I love the concept of young children being forced to grow up in a post apocalyptic world. Clementine lost her parents right at the beginning of the outbreak she then developed a father daughter relationship with Lee which ended in him getting bitten and Clementine forced to put him out of his misery or abandon him. Clementine had to trade crayons and paper for a gun and a knife. (depending on how the player develops her) clementine's mental state jumps from an innocent sweet little girl to a hardened survivor even more independent than most adults. Personally I prefer the hardened self reliant Clementine who would rather be on her own with resources than with a big group of people (I developed my Clem to be kind of a cross between Christa and Jane). At first glace she is a cold person who only cares about herself however AJ is like her little brother/son and she loves him deeply. She is also very loyal to her friends but they have to prove themselves to her first. She is very involved in group discussions and is willing to make the awful decision to protect herself and the group, she doesn't sugar coat anything and she stopped acting like a kid at the beginning of season 2.
The transition from Lee to clementine was so smooth and beautiful. Having a new random character as the main protagonist of A New Frontier was so out of the blue and disappointing since the past two games the player was pouring so much of emotions and character development into Clementine. So far the main choices have not been difficult because just a bout every one who has played the past two games will side with Clem. Although Javier is a great character and i care what happens to him and his family. I feel like Clem should have been the main protagonist and Javier as the deutertagonist, having Javi as the protagonist totaly trashes a lot of the emotions that would have improved the game ( but this is still an amazing and very emotional game). But I am still happy that Clem is a major character and the AJ mystery was genius and overall the story of A New Frontier is Phenominal and I recommend anyone with a good taste in story and games to play it. It is probably too late to go back now but It would be nice for future episodes to have longer Clementine flash backs and even make it possible to play as Clementine in the present (Like Javi and Clem can get separated and the player gets to play both sides.) My rant has gone on for way too long and I know that I am no professional story teller and I trust that Telltale will continue to make A New Frontier an amazing game.
Actually, you can hug her at the very end of the game in the jewellery store by choosing the "come here" option
Actually, "sooon" has got the same amount of letters as "march" and also as "yadig". This is real news of the last day of February.
To be honest comparing the wait for the release of the game and the wait for episode 3. I am not as hyped as I've been for the release. It's like I don't really care after seeing the treatment we get from Telltale.
With this amount of wait, we may even suffer plot alterations like in previous Telltales games
Remmeber Kenny vs Luke?, Faiths and her princes death exploration that was SUPPOSED to be in Central Park?
AAArgh! Clem! No! Whats wrong with you!
Already happened with the slaughterhouse scene teased in screenshots but nowhere to be seen (unintentional rhyme) in either of the first two episodes.
It would piss me off so much as an artist when entire chunks of your work get scrapped because of an incompetent writer.
Then why are you still here.....just to suffer?
im posting this comment from school, Im a rebel. But tomorrow is march, and hopefully we get a tralier within two weeks.
Oh look more crappy season passes -_-