Lag during A new frontier
The game keeps lagging every 5 to 10 seconds for about 1 second, which is extremely annoying and ruins the game fully.
I'm running the on the following specs:
Amd 8350
32gig ram
Gpu 1070 amp Extreme
installed on: Ssd (game runs just as bad on normal Hdd)
All drivers are up to date, all other more demanding games run great, all other tell tale games run as smooth as butter, did ervything i could think of, reinstalled twice, check all driver etc.. etc...
P.s. During the game isntallation when i tell the installer to instal DirectX it does only installe the game itself, no DircetX
window or intstaller show up (directX is up to date though!)
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My xbox one had several very laggy moments. I was pretty dissapointed. I mean season 2 and michonne was much worse however its still not good
I was looking on the disccusions on Steam, and read a large amount of people having Lag problems with this game!
Most people who encounter problems seems to be AMD Cpu users, but also Intel cpu user are reporting in with the same problem, now the majority (+/- 85%) have a "high end" pc or at least more then powerfull to run this game (spec wise) but just like me having a unpleasent to not playble experience with this game!
I tried to play a little more/longer but the longer i progressed the more lag i experienced (lag came more rappidly instead of every 5 tot 10 seconds, they appeard every 3 seconds).
Also after watching/keeping track of my FPS i noticed, regardless of what settings i use the game runs at 60FPS and drops to +/- 40fps when a lag appears, the more frequent the lag appear (the longer i progress in game) the higher/bigger the frame drops get (22 Fps was the lowest messeurd), now there aint no change that i believe a 1070 gpu can't handle this game while it runs the most grapic demanding games more then properly! (same goes for CPU)
I have e-maild telltale earyl this morning (more the 14 hours ago) still no respond regarding this isseu, i will keep updating this post with more info!
Have you've tried setting high performance to medium? Or lowering the resolution just a bit?
It's a bit silly when games like GTA 5 and the Witcher 3 run better then these simple games LOL. They need to optimism these games more.;
"regardless of what settings i use the game runs at 60FPS and drops to +/- 40fps when a lag appears"
in other words, Yes i have
Alos uninstalled and reinstalled the game.
Did al the standard bs troubleshooter wich never have helped.
Just recieved word form telltal and send them back the information they required.
It seems this is going to be a Walking dead less christmass :S