Clem's Sh*t word surprises me!

I know I may sound cheesy or what but I remember in season 1, Lee has the option to curse a word and you can have the option to say "Shoot!" or "Shit". After that, in 2nd season, before Omid got killed, I remember Clem saying "shoot!" or "shit!" depends on what you chose in Season 1.

Going to the season 3, she keeps on cursing every now and then. LOL. All along I thought she will remember to say "shoot!" in my playthrough since I didn't choose "shit!"

Just sharing.


  • Same with my Clem, I wanted to keep her mouth clean. But I know if I play this game I would be even more disappointed then I already am. I was really taken back how she was just waving that gun around in season 3. What happened afterwards made me realize Clem wouldn't be my Clem if I played.

  • This certainly isn't my Clementine that wouldn't curse. Part of me understands why she curses I guess, but when she started doing it, I started realizing that everything I did in the previous seasons meant nothing. It's depressing overall.

  • Blame caprikorns.

  • "Fuck you Tripp"

  • I'm happy she's swearing more.

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