Does Clementine know how to read/write/do maths? Might make an interesting plot point

Clem hasn't had proper education past 1st grade...

  • Assuming that Christa was teaching a bit during in the 16 month S1 -> S2 gap, probably not a lot tho as C&C seemed super nomadic
  • S2 is negligible as the entire season takes place over something like a week with no chill (harhar)
  • Not sure what the time gap is between S2 ending and Jane/Kenny death or Fall of Wellington, but likely around a couple days -> weeks as all their clothes are still the same

looks like Special K made an attempt teaching (AJ at least) as he was concerned about AJ's lack of speech, but I don't see Jane bothering to teach Clem the difference between your and you're

  • Wellington probably has an education system so Clem could have caught up somewhat, but by how much is still dependent on the unknown S2 -> Fall of Wellington timegap
  • New Frontier like 99.999999% doesn't have a schooling system

In the absolute worst case scenario of S2 alone ending, she'd be at a 2nd gradeish level at best, maybe a bit better if she stuck with Kdaddy or Jane. Best case scenario at Wellington depending on how long she stayed there and the quality of their education. I guess this would apply to the other kid characters as well... cough butwhoreallycaresaboutthem cough

Might be an interesting mechanic/plot point/obstacle in future episodes. Like JCrew get locked up somewhere they have to pass notes around but Clem can't read them. Maybe Clem has to win a Spelling Bee for the keys, or we get a heartwarming scene where Javi teaches her calculus.


  • Nope.

    S2 -> Wellington/Kenny has to be at least a good year due to how older AJ looks, same with the Alone ending.
    It's only Jane that seems to have a much younger AJ.

    I'm sure Clementine can read, write, and do maths to a basic degree at least, obviously not as well or as complex as others but I'm sure she'd be fine.

  • It's not like she is going to need to do maths and she appears to write and read perfectly fine.

  • I don't see Jane bothering to teach Clem the difference between your and you're

    Waait... she doesn't know the difference?

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