Desperate Clementine...
So our Clementine joined a gang and let herself be branded.
There are any number of scenarios as to why she would do this.
- AJ was sick(he was coughing in the flashback with Ava)
- Starvation...Clementine is by this time an expert Scroungers and maybe ok at hunting...but AJ is not quite. Also groups are now doing organized scavenging...leaving very little for her.
- She may have gotten sick.
- Ava seemed nice, and may truly be nice...dark side of NF hidden.
Any other reasons anyone can come up with?
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Possible. The very persuasive comment seems curious if you choose not to join in the flashback, but it may just be that they ran into each other again, and their foot situation was even worse. 4 I can see, doesn't she say they weren't always like this? The guy at the gate seemed rather sympathetic, and he's also the one who tried to stop the guy who led the attack on Prescott, saying they didn't have orders to do so. The NF seem pretty militaristic, they may have been friendlier under different leadership or the leader simply got more sadistic in his methods. Not everyone may agree with it, but they follow orders to keep order.
Easier to go with the flow and be sure of three squares a day and medical attention plus a place to sleep...very persuasive to a 12-13 year old taking care of a toddler.
True, it seems like membership comes provides a pretty secure life. They're well armed, supply of vehicles, and we know they've got the power to overrun settlements.
Oh god, that was a hell of a reply error lol
Go home Forums, you are drunk.
Just a theory that made her join the group:
Christa was at the New Frontier camp
no matter the reasons, clem received Mark of the Beast so she doesnt deserve to be saved.
Well, Desperate Times, right?
Clementine said that she had no one at all, I'd say that Ava made a really good offer and Clementine being all alone with AJ she just took the offer seeing it as the best option for AJ because Clem cares for people like that
13 years old all alone with a 2 years old baby. I think it's pretty clear why she desperately wants a car to go to Richmond and her freaking out when she learned about the New Frontier taking over. With her finding her own her or being used as a bargaining chip, episode 3 could be when we start playing as her in the present.
if only that were true... we can only dream that we still wont be playing javier
We'll still be playing as Javier but if they get separated, I think it's a good time to play as Clem in the present to know what she's doing at the moment.