Season 1 Save

I already contacted the Telltale team before and it didn't work out. I would like to hear what the community says about this. Maybe someone can help me here, so please don't close this.

For some reason my 2nd and 3rd slot are not usable on TWD S1. I can't copy my save from slot 1 to the slot 2 or 3. I also tried choosing slot 2 and started a new game. I played till I was in the drugstore in Macon and later I went to the main menu to see that slot 2 is empty. It must have saved at some point.

What I also did was saving my save data to the PS Plus cloud, deleting the whole game, re-installing the game and getting my save data back from the cloud to my PS4. Still same problem. This problem isn't really new. It's been months, but I really wanted to play Season 1 and 2 again.
I am on PS4, digital version and EU version. Anyone else has the problems or does anyone have any tips. Sometimes I tend to get better tips from other forum members, than the support team of a game. I already tried TT's tips (which I though was the solution, but it didn't work out)

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