Why I think tell tale made TWD the way it is

One of the biggest flea in tell tale TWD is that they kill characters with potential and the characters which people like either too fast or in a senseless manner. The reason I think that is because telltale dose not want to make more than 3 or 4 seasons, so they just want fast forward the story kill of characters in any way possible, as many people are complaining that Jane and Kenny's death weren't "heroic" because they wanted to keep the episodes short and maybe, make this the last season. They can't create 7 seasons like the show,it won't be good for buissenes so they are trying to make the game as shorter as possible and end it.
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I think telltale will make as many seasons as they can get money out of. Personally I feel telltale mishandled walking dead characters pretty bad going back to S1. Personally I feel this should the final walking dead installment for telltale. They caught lighting in a bottle in season 1 and season 2 didn't live up to what it could've been and so far S3 is good or bad depending on who.you ask.