All Issues with TWD S3

These issues are put into rank of order

  1. Episode Length: This is by far the most complained bit of the game. Episode 1 was 1hr and 30 mins while Episode 2 barely made it into the hour mark. This means that 2 whole episodes make up 2 hours and 30 mins. I'd expect that to be a full episode from TellTale standards as seen from Season 1 Episode 4
  2. Character Development: I am only starting to get used to Javier's family and yet they already start killing off characters without me getting emotionally attached to them. For example, Mariana's death was really just a shock moment and i didn't give a hell about Francine and Prescott as I only seen them for 5 mins. This is why many options people pick root for Clem because she is well known and beloved in the community while the new characters are just background static.
  3. Flashbacks: Kenny and Jane's deaths were shockingly shit as they laughably die from unheroic acts(Really, Car Crash?). The only flashback I liked was the Wellington one as it was actually well paced and mental. Plus the flashbacks were unbelievably short from 3 to 5 minutes
  4. Choices: One thing that grinds my gears with TellTale are that the choices are quite bad, especially in this installment! When you have the option to spare a guy when you could've shot him, that guy would most likely die in stupid fashion a couple of minutes later. It does feel like you are making a choice if you are a newcomer but you will start to notice it when either replaying the game or just partaking in many choices.

Some Teeny Miney Issues that don't need changing but are just sticking out:
1. Minor visual issues: While this game performs a million times better than Batman, there are a small amount of problems that still are present. Jump cuts are a little weirdly paced and character models seem to have random moving mouths when no conversation is present.
2. Character models: Most character models look alright but some are a little bad. Jane and Kenny's models look crap compared to their predecessors and Clementine looks like she is wearing eyeliner and makeup, sort of like those women you see in perfume ads.

Other than that, the game is really good! The story is really good and the characters are interesting and refreshing. Many people say that its bad we don't get to play as Clem but i prefer new playable characters to see new perspectives of the story.


  • For me, Id say the flashbacks and character development was the worst part.

    The flashbacks are so short, that its hard to believe that Telltale couldn't just keep Kenny and Jane alive, they could have just said a few more things while people are talking. And even if it ended up that Kenny and Jane needed to die for the story, it could have been done so much better. Make them go out like a champ, I want some heroic sacrifice, not a car crash. Let alone a car crash that kinda just happens out of no where as we literally lose control on nothing.

    And for character development, this is where things starting not going to good with me. Season 3 is taking a book from Michonne, where you dont care for any of the characters because you barely developed any real bond with them. Like you said, why should I care about Francine? We talk to her for like 1 minute and next thing we know she dies just for Conrad's plot. I was really liking Mariana but they killed her for cheap shock value. However, because they killed her so soon I didnt feel upset or anything, I just felt shocked and pretty disappointed that they wasted a character with great potentioal and left me with other characters I dont really care about.

    Episode length is always iffy with me. So far Im pretty upset that the episodes are so short, but that's mostly because we were told that "episode 1 was so big it needed to be split into 2 episodes" just for both of them combined to be just over 2 hours. But I have no problem with short episodes as long as the story, choices, and narrative is great (Batman ep 2 for example)

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