I fucking hate Gabe
I don't know why, I just hate this kid. Anyone else? He is such an unlikable little prick and I honestly want him to die as soon as possible. And TellTale, you already fucked this game up enough I swear to god, don't you even fucking think about Gabe x Clementine. I swear to fuck I will hunt you down.
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im indifferent...ive seen so many of these character types that i just ignore it..........also, ive just come from playing dragon age 2 with carver as my living sibling so gabes really nothing
I like Gabe and fully support Gabe & Clem. There's only one person i want to die so far and his name is Badger.
That stupid hat he wears.
I personally like Gabe very much. You have to understand that he's a teenager and will be wrong many times. But he's a good boy. He defended Clem many times and I see Clem x Gabe. I think Gabe is going to live until the end of the season.
No way should Clem like such a prick as Gabe.
I don't hate him, I just want him to stay away from Clementine.
Then I'd say you'd be ten times more annoying in his situation.
Umm, I don't know about that
If you seriously think that could happen... I'll just assume you haven't played many TT games. JK
I don't like gabe at all, he looks like franklin the turtle and he's a fuckin wuss, 4 years in the apocalypse and you still act like Lester the unlikely gimme a break
I'll help you
I doubt that. I find Mariana better than Gabe. I wish Gabe was shot instead of Mariana
Nope! I just don't want him together with Clementine. I can understand why he's angry. He didn't know where his dad was for 4 years, his sister was shot dead in front of him, his step-mum is at high risk of dying and he feels useless and wants to step up.
Seriously? Gabe is real, typical, fleshed out teenager dealing with the apocalipse. He's annoying, stubborn, scared and helpless, which is exactly what kid his age would be.
That's exactly why they took Mariana away. It's done on purpose.
I'd prefer Ben over Gabe. He was reckless but he was never a bad guy, he simply didn't want anyone to die.
I don't hate him, I actually kind of like him. I can definitely understand why some people are not too fond of him, he's a teenager (which is enough of a reason on its own) going through puberty in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, it's understandable why he has acted this way. But even with all this, he still wants to help, and he realizes that, after what happened with Kate, he can't just sit around anymore and needs to grow up. In ways it's very similar to Carl (both comics and show), but also different. Gabe knows he has to work at it in order to prove himself to Javi and the others, while Carl seemed to think he already was grown up, when he really wasn't. Gabe recognizes his own shortcomings, while Carl is oblivious to them, Gabe is on a mission to prove himself to others, while Carl was trying to prove it to himself, and it's those reasons why I not only like him, but why I believe him when he says this kind of stuff.
But yeah, he better not go anywhere near Clem, prick will regret it if he does. I know puberty sucks and hormones are raging, but keep it in your pants boy.
I dont see anything about Gabe that would illicit this kind of hate, unless gamers just hate teenagers in general. Is that the case? A bit of self-hate going on? Lol.
I hope Gabe and Clem don't get together cuz you can be friends with someone the same age who's a guy. I think they'd be a bad couple aswell
Strongly disagree with your first sentence and.. strongly agree with the second.
He's a teenage guy. He's very "real" in my opinion lol
Ealenor be all like "looks like those 2 are hitting it off". I'm going, he just pointed a gun at a dude who is in mourning over his dead wife. I highly doubt Clem found that attractive. Weird how this part played out.
tbh I liked Eleanor but if she's going to bring that kind of negativity into my life she can die too for all I care.
yeah.. it already seems too forced
I like Gabe.
And I have a feeling... He's going to surprise everyone, just wait and see. This kind of twist always happen. For the good or for the bad... For the good, hopefully.
But David is his father, so... I'm afraid.
this whole season is one big stereotype lol.
He is way too rash, he doesnt have the coolheadedness of Clem or Javier, and also, Clem and Gabe have TALKED together, like twice, thats all, why is everyone shipping them together, not to mention the fact that theyre like 13, if theyre gonna have Clem in a relationship, at least wait until a potential season 4, where she is like 16, also, why would Clem ever engage in a relationship after seeing what happened to Kenny? and everyone else? there is a reason she has been alone for 2 years
I know why people hate Gabe. It's because of Clementine.
He's just a kid, so there's no other reason.
So you guys better get ready, because all the hints on episode 2... Hehe
Besides, no one is talking about a RELATIONSHIP, it's about first love and stuff. That's normal in life.
I bet all of you already deal with this in life, my friends.
Cmon, go watch Little Manhattan.
Okay I kinda like Gabe, but that's fucking hilarious xD your comparisons are on point! I love it.
I agree with you.
I don't think his character is dislikeable in and of itself, but I find it really generic, so am not a massive fan.
I'm not too big on the Shit Bird vibes he's been giving me but overall I think he's an okay kid. It's normal for him to spout out with his little Wake Me Up Inside hissy fits at this age. I'll protect him as best as I can since he's family and all.
Given, if he tries anything with Clementine his ass will be left with The New Frontier. Make sure his brand is right on the ass.
Have fun with your corrupt faction leading father, kiddo.
I dont dislike Gabe because of Clementine, I dislike Gabe because he is rash, he doesnt think things through
Also, Clementine and Gabe has literally just been talking to each other so far
I also doubt Clementine would get in a relationship, after what happened with Kenny, twice, and all the people she has lost
In all seriousness, though, Sarah was meant to be more of a sheltered woman child, though the teenage side did show a few times. However, if you mean that he seems more like a teenager, then yes, Gabe definitely has more of a "teenage" personality.
Gabe is actually one of the better characters of A New Frontier so far in my opinion. Though the fact that people constantly label him as "Ben 3.0" when he's really more of a balanced middle ground between Nick and Sarah probably helps.
You people...yes I said it...are sorta hating just to hate. Gabe is a pretty good character, and it is not like he and Clem are going to fuck. So get your noses out of joint and quit with this forced annoyance shit. They are about the same age...they can relate in ways Javi and Kate would have trouble with Gabe or Clem. The whole argument is stupid.
This is a weird meme, is it meant to be the leave britney alone guy but they accidentally put a picture of Dawson?