Season Three Storyline
Hi, I'm new to this and thought I would just get some thoughts across..
Do you guys think that Season Three should have started at a different stage in the Walking Dead (game) storyline? I don't mind too much about the general plot of 'The New Frontier' but I think it would have been a lot better as a season 4. In my opinion, season three should have started straight after season 2 - we still play as Clementine and PLAY THROUGH how she ends up being associated with The New Frontier etc. There could be some cool twists with this, for example, the leader of the New Frontier being Lily maybe? and at the very end it could lead onto the game now.. we play as Javier and encounter Clem ETC.
What do you guys think? I just thought that a season like this would have been a lot neater.
I agree with that. S3 should've been everything leading up to Clementine joining the New Frontier and leaving the group. I think that would make for a great story.
Sounds like it would have been a cool story to tell, how she joined The New Frontier, how she escaped, but Telltale likes to make timeskips, in order to easily write out all the differences in endings, and having a fresh slate
I totally agree with how Telltale needed a fresh slate, but don't you think they still could have accomplished this even with a plot like mentioned?
Probably, but it seems like Telltale likes to play it safe every time, so they can take alot of liberties with their writing, I dunno, I think a game with Clem in The New Frontier would be interesting, but its probably not gonna happen, I just hope for another Clem game at some point now
I can't really agree with that. Showing how Clementine joined the New Frontier with flashbacks works but a whole season dedicated to it? That's just too much.
That's a good amount of story time though, most of the games have taken place in under a year before a pretty big timeskip, and in s1 they jumped a good deal of time in between some episodes.
Yes, that would've have been much 'cleaner' in the storytelling, but I honestly feel that they are going to leave it at that unless she reveals more throughout the rest of ' A New Frontier '.
Always a chance though.
Well if not an entire game, a DLC of her time with the NF would be nice. They could do it like they did 400 Days, with 5 mini episodes or in 3 extended episodes like they did for the Michonne series. But I'm really intersted in what happened to Clem after she met Ava and what happened during her time with the New Frontier to cause her to leave.
Yeah and that much of it just isn't necessary.
It absolutely is, this isn't a story about solving the zombie apocalypse, this isn't a war story, it's just a story about peoples survival. You have gotten enough from the game, show, and comics to take away as much, haven't you? Lol
I never questioned what the story was about. All I'm saying is that we have works and what you're suggesting is unecessary.
It's quite a jump though, isn't it? The show seasons have had timeskips but this is the third one in a row for the game, and they jump to the extent that years of undocumented time have passed. We kinda just jump back in for an update and new scenario, but we miss a lot of the inbetween.
Yeah, maybe spend the first episode expanding on the S2 ending. Build back up our emotional attachment to Kenny/Jane, show how the family robbed us, how Jane was affected by the pregnancy, show how Kenny tries to better his flawed character as a foster parent and role model, show what it's like to live inside a functional, safe community, how Clem and AJ manage to get by completely on their own and the dangers of starvation and isolation they face.
...Instead of the god-awful 30 second 'flackback' we ended up with. Was it that really that much more work to just make fully different branching Episode 1's that eventually meet up for Episode 2? I mean, they had 2 years, and the execution of the concept worked for GoT Episode 6.