What purpose do you think Paul Monroe will serve in the New Frontier?
He obviously seems to be a prominent character judging based off the episode three thumbnail picture. In what ways could you suspect he will help out Javier with the New Frontier while keeping in harmony with the comics? ( By the way telltale has really given each comic characters appearance due justice so far, and Jesus looks the best by far and so graphic novel accurate.)
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Honestly, who knows? He looks like he knows more than he lets on.
At the New Frontier gate in Richmond, Tripp says something like "You can leave if you wanna Jesus" and Jesus is like "Hey, I was coming here in the first place."
He also asks, "Who's side are you on?"
Her also said he was disconnected from "some good people" in Richmond, so he's most likely looking for those people.
Well he's not a bad character to have but seeing how nothing can happen to him i really hope he doesn't appear in episode 4. Telltale TWD games are way better and more enjoyable with their own characters
Be awesome, be annoying for a little bit, then just leave out of nowhere.
The New Hershel/Glenn from Season 1, sadly.
I'm pretty sure he'll leave the group by episode 5. Although I do feel he may play a important part in episode 3.
He'll be around throughout the duration of the game. He has to be involved until the end to see the New Frontier defeated. It would be a little contradictory to the comics for Jesus to still think that the New Frontier is out there yet never even give it a mention post timeskip.
With Jesus now involved the only way there would be a fluid transition with this game and the comics would be if Jesus is there to see ANF overthrown.