I cannot believe only 5% did this.
Only 5% of people were let free by telling the truth, including me. What's up with 95% of players letting Clem get away with manslaugter, ya sickos?
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Only 5% of people were let free by telling the truth, including me. What's up with 95% of players letting Clem get away with manslaugter, ya sickos?
I told the truth also. For most people it's either their bias towards Clementine or believing that it was indeed justified considering Eli attacks you without warning. Could've gone either way with it myself, but in the end it really was just an accident.
75 percent of it was probs bias while 20% is actually about Eli being a cunt
Clementine was an ally so I sided with her. Plus better to have the same story than two different ones
Pretty much.
Murder in the second degree, not manslaughter. Manslaughter is the entirely accidental killing of another person. 2nd degree murder is an assault which had death as a reasonable outcome. Clementine committed murder, not manslaughter.
Just something I wanted to point out.
And yeah, I did that as well.
It's most likely to do with bias towards Clementine.
Had it been a different character shooting a dealer in the face without confirming that all of the bullets in their gun is indeed fake, I doubt most would have let them off the hook as easily for being so reckless.
Well it was accidental as Clem was trying to prove the bullets were fake but in a reckless state
Because Eli was an asshole and I like Clementine.
I got confused with the options and didn`t know what to pick so I ended up choosing the blame option since I thought it was the nice option
But still Clementine is reckless af. You only met her for a day(as in character) and yet you root for every f*cking decision
He did not show any care in the world for the bullets not working, which means that he probably knew, and has no concerns for Clems safety, she paid for those bullets and they did not work, only after she starts threatening him, AND he has attacked Javier, does he start to reason with them, honestly, Clem is a great ally, and she did not blow my head off, she has already earned way more than that shithead ever did. And I didnt lie, he did attack Clem, and Javier went in between and got cut, there was no reason for him to attack like that, unless he knew he was in the wrong, I would say that shooting him, while not the best option, was entirely justified, considering the circumstances, and the fact that we both almost got killed due to the defective bullets
Was she really an ally though? From my perspective she was carjacking Javi, in a rather roundabout way.
No, when you pull a trigger on a gun, you can't call it an accident when a bullet comes out. Even if you thought they were faulty bullets. They'd been serving her well up until that point. She KNEW they COULD fire. Yet she had Javi force him into the chair, as she pulled the trigger again and again. That's second degree murder.
Well i guess...
Still, Eli should've been locked up instead of shot recklessly.
I don't roleplay as Javier. I play how I personally want to. I as a player know Clementine so I'm going to side with her.
And I don't disagree with anything she's said or done so it's whatever, really.
That's biased. Clementine has been in the wrong on many occasions
First of all, Clementine is not even on my top five for favorite characters, so it was definitely not bias. Simply put, that scumbag escalated the situation the moment he took out his knife and tried to stab me so he had it coming. Also, Clementine was the only one who could taker Javier back to his family since the conversation with Tripp takes place after the fight. Oh, and I had just killed an unarmed man so being critical of murder wasn't really much of an option for me.
Yeah. Just wanted to point that out. People are covering for a murderer. Not a manslaughterer.
I'm guessing you made Javi the violent type
Probably, but in The Walking dead, justice gets biased based on who I can trust, who is reliable, and who is good at surviving, Clem fits all those, and Eli was a bastard, if he hadnt pulled that knife, I would have probably not sided with Clem, but considering the situation with The New Frontier and shit, I need reliable allies, so if telling a (barely considering he did attack me) lie, will get Clem to trust me, its probably worth it.
Hereby not saying that morals dont count for shit in the zombie apocalypse, but I am transferring the knowledge I learned in season 2 as Clem to Javier, that the right thing to do is not always the best thing to do, and you cant always be an angel
How is it biased? It's a simple opinion, I agree with her suggestions.
Staying to cover the family was the smarter thing to do to me instead of just risking anyone else getting shot. And after seeing the new frontier shoot a ten year old in the head, I agreed with her notion that they probably wouldn't bargain, so I didn't sell her out.
It's entirely subjective.
Anything can change in 2 years with Clem, she could be a spy working for the New Frontier if i'm dammed
I agree with the New Frontier thing but still there is just a LITTLE bit of bias with you and Clem. We haven't seen Clem for 2 years and for all we know, she could be a spy for the New Frontier or worse
Maybe, but she is still the most reliable person around, and has done nothing so far to make me suspicious of her, heck, she willingly showed her brand to Javier, and she obviously isnt exactly thrilled to be going into A New Frontier territory, considering she takes off.
In my book she isnt suspicious yet, Clem or otherwise
Eli sold her defective bullets....he probably has done this many times before to people. How many of those people were killed because of this? Yeah she was wrong to pull the trigger...but then again she was probably a little emotional over almost getting killed. If we were to equate the world of TWD as liken to the Wild West back in the day, where a Sheriff could pass judgement or send for a judge...he would probably rule that Clementine was justified and let her off with time served. And I am not even kidding. Now as for me..I backed her up...the bullet thing was a dick move and he did cut my face...so fuck that guy.
No, you're right about that, that's exactly why I said I don't roleplay Javier, I've got no problem admitting that.
It's a matter of me going "I know Clementine so I know she isn't a threat" that helped me easily make that decision.
I play all my protagonists like that, actually. What people call the 'Scumbag playthrough' is my main one.
Yes but in a couple of years it will be more like 50/50 split because of replays and new players...And hey, just so you know...Kenny is still out there...crawling along looking for people to bite...his legacy ENDURES!!!
Because Clementine could slaughter me and I'd still save her over anybody else.
Jesus jumped-up Christ. So she accidently killed a thief and a cheat who tried to murder her plus an unknown stranger for being called out on being a piece of scum-fucking thrash. Nothing at that point suggested the bullets worked. She couldn't have known. Yes, it was very irrational and reckless but everyone would be irrational and reckless if they nearly died because they were cheated by a filthy cowardly asshole. As for telling the truth, what can I say? I have a strong personal attachment to her plus she made a convincing argument. Okay, okay she made those puppy eyes. How could I resist? Plus I would side with her regardless. And please, if you're not a new player don't use the "But Javier doesn't know Clementine and whatnot" argument, I'm playing the game, not Javier. And most people only ever use this plot breaker on Javier, yet when Clem met Ava and learnt her secrets I bet 80 % made their choice based on the fact they knew what New Frontier was. Sweat pea couldn't have known. A mistake on Telltale part, I believe, it would be much much better if Ava revealed she belonged to NF only AFTER you made your choice. How many would replay? Anyway that's my one cent. Fuck Eli.
Point is, it was accidental. Murder isn't accidental.
They had not been serving her well though, outside Prescott was the first time she used those bullets, as she had been using the shotgun until then, for all she knew, they had a 100% fail rate
Most of the times, I think Clem has been mostly right, and if I am in doubt, I always say to myself that I know her from previous games, yes, Javier is the playable character, but Telltale obviously did not make this game assuming everyone was just gonna be on board with "oh hey, look, Clem doing bad stuff", besides, when I have a hard time connecting with a character, as I have in this case with Javier, I usually end up playing how I want to play.
The only time I was actually even in doubt that helping Clem was the right thing, was in this choice, but in the end, Eli was an asshole, escalated the situation by pulling a knife, which was entirely unnecessary if he was actually willing to straighten things out, and technically, I didnt even lie, he did attack me
Google defines second degree murder as:
"a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life."
Note that nowhere does it mention intention to kill, just a killing caused by dangerous and uncaring conduct. Tell me that forcing a man into a chair, and pulling a trigger in his face does not show an "obvious lack of concern for human life."
And of the definitions Google gave me, this was the more favorable one. The other one would have lumped Clem into first degree.
Assuming they had a 100% fail rate is totally unreasonable, especially for someone who's been dealing with guns and weapons as long as Clementine has. It's ridiculous that she would get one bad bullet, and assume all of them were intentionally bad. That's ridiculous. You're telling me she's NEVER had a gun jam on her? In this world of poorly treated, overworked guns, she hasn't run into errors before? That is simply not possible.
I completely agree with all of this.
If she randomly started attacking group members for no reason or something, then I'd question her motives but most of the things she's suggested so far have been reasonable to me.
I still cant fathom the idea behind "wanting to get new players on board", its not like the old games are magically shit just because theyre older, heck, when I started playing this series in December, I was like "Yay, 2 whole games I can play! holy shit! this game is great, wow there is a season 2!, wow, theyre making season 3!"
Also the fact that they already have a huge fanbase and alot of those fans like Clem, and play for her story, I cant see the reason behind alienating your already existing fanbase in an attempt to make a new fanbase in an already well established franchise. Heck, Metal Gear Solid 5 was still building off of the story from Metal Gear, which is like a 20 year old game at least, and yet it was a huge success, selling copies out the Wazoo, there is no reason to alienate the fanbase in an attempt to get new fans, best case scenario, you get new fans, but some of the old fans will probably leave, worst case scenario, you lose most of your existing fanbase, and the new fanbase is way smaller, because the game wasnt that good to begin with
Maybe not an ally, but the only person at the time that was going to take Javi back to the junkyard. Besides, compared to Tripp, Conrad and the other people at Prescott, she's more of an ally to Javi than those people are, at least in that moment. And she didn't carjacked Javier. She simply asked for something in return for helping him. Why would she help a stranger if there was nothing in for her? Considering Javier's situation (he was tied up, not knowing where he was and how to get back to the junkyard) he should be smart enough to take her deal. If he doesn't, she basically knows where his van is so she uses that to her advantage saying she can simply go there and take it. At that point, she could've just left him there, tie him up to a tree or simply kill him and take his van anyway, but she still agreed to help him even if he doesn't agree to her deal. I don't know why people are so hard on her considering she's a kid who has been surviving alone for a long time. And after everything she's been through, she has a right to not trust people and think about herself first. Javier doesn't have to know her to understand that as well...
It's the apocalypse. Old rules do not apply in the new world. I would compare it to the Wild West, but even they had rules. There are no rules, but the ones you create. If some people want to hold onto civilization's moral code, by all means, go for it. Good luck. Maybe you'll get far, maybe you won't. Same could be said for me, who would most likely live like Season 5 Rick. I would go after threats before they come after me & if you aren't in my "family", I won't have mercy if you cross me.
That's exactly what this guy did when he sold Clementine bad bullets, then tried to kill her & Javi. I'm supposed to show sympathy to this guy? I can't trust him now. So he has to die & I'll cover for Clem, because he deserved it.