Real Talk: Do ever think there will be a cure? Or is humanity doomed?

I mean, everyone is technically infected already, it's been a long time since the outbreak, it's only a matter of time before someone gets sick, dies and turns, or you trip on a rock, fall and slice your forehead open, gets infected and you die. As I see it, I don't think there will ever be a cure, nor how it was back then. Walkers never seem to Die lol (I mean like completely) , so I think humanity is doomed, whatever is left of course

Unless there is a hardworking Will Smith out there doing his best to find a cure hahaha......yeah right xD


  • edited January 2017

    I wouldn't say humanity is doomed, but there will never be a cure. Just ask the man upstairs: Robert Krikman.

  • At the end of the last season it will be revealed the story was being told from Clementine's point of view to an older AJ. Humanity is now safe and it was all just flashbacks.

    Yeah, you know Telltale loves them flashbacks.

  • edited January 2017

    No, there won't.
    The zombies are not really the core of TWD, actually, the series is about human relationships and interactions in a brutal world without rules. And even if some scientists were able to put together a cure, it wouldn't reach the people who are left from the old world, not even a single country to begin with.

  • I agree, I mean, cure. ..never but yeah the game is about that, survival . Survival in a world that doesn't have any mercy, each their own rules and consequences.

    Domi_nique posted: »

    No, there won't. The zombies are not really the core of TWD, actually, the series is about human relationships and interactions in a brutal

  • Well, realistically, given enough time and good equipment, people would find a cure.

    Also, zombies would eventually decay to the point structural integrity of their bodies would be so weak they simply couldn't move.

    Would humanity survive zombie apocalypse? Certainly. Would people find a cure? Most likely.

    All you really need to survive zombie apocalypse is a bunker, preferably in high mountains, with agriculture, air filters and water filters. Even if a herd magically showed at your bunker's entrance, they would most likely ignore it. Only real threat would be people, but hey - they won't bother you either, if you hide the entrance well enough.

    Basically, you would need Vaults from Fallout.

  • I doubt they'll cure it but I wouldn't say humanity is doomed. It'll be something they'd have to adjust to and contain.

  • There's no cure but they're not doomed, thye already have a bunch of systems to keep walkers away and society running.

  • It's funny. You become so involved with human interaction that you forget the very reason why everybody is in this mess. I had never even questioned the possibility of a cure before I read this thread.

    Could be that Clementine gets bitten, and it turns out that she's immune. Wouldn't be very original though.

    Honestly, I doubt it.

  • Even if somebody was to find a cure I think it's too late, the walkers aren't the threat anymore, the people are... we're at a point where people have started to rebuild, to form communities and to fight each other.
    I believe people will just adapt to this new world, new generations will appear and probably everyone will forget how the old world was, for them it's just this new one, infested with walkers (even if they decay and start to disappear still everyone is infected so there will be new ones again and again), that is if what is left of the humanity will keep surviving over the years.

  • No. And no.

    I think there is no cure. Kirkman himself said that if there were ever to be a cure, it would be something dumb, like Advil. But at the same time, he's also compared his zombies to Romero's zombies in a really interesting way. He said something along the lines of "Romero's zombies evolved over time. Mine just keep rotting." Paraphrased, but still. Also, if you look at the comic, and the show, the walkers continually get grodier and grodier as time goes on. Part of that is definitely budget, and part of that is the talent of the crews going up over time, but they look more and more rotten as time goes on. Eventually, they're gonna rot to just bones. They won't disappear all at once, but they will go away over time, especially if people are put down as they die. The only question is whether or not humanity will survive long enough to see them rot away.

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