What will the main story of season 3 be?

I wonder what the big story(s) of season 3 will be.

Season 1: Trying to find a boat, Lee finding redemption in successfuly taking care of Clementine.

Season 2: Kenny's mental health in decline, Jane's alienation from the group and their final fight.

I hope season 3 isn't leading up to the whole good brother vs bad brother thing. Too lame and predictable for me. Maybe introducing another villain in the New Frontier that the group has to take down would be a better idea. Make the villian a former pal of Clementine's just to spice things up a little.


  • I wouldn't really say the boat was Season 1's main story as it only showed up around Ep3 and didn't have a lot of emotional investment.. I think S1's main story was more trying to find Clem's parents and teaching her to survive. Sure, it wasn't a 'dynamic' plot point, but the S1brought a lot of focus onto it and would spend a significant chunk of every episode with Lee consoling Clem and preparing her for the inevitable.

    I think pushing to the top of ANF/other community and leading might make an interesting plot if done well. Would be very stationary might get boring fast though, idk.

    I think a lack of an overarching story is why S2 and S3 fell flat honestly. Both didn't have any consistent theme or goal besides surviving and/or resolving the current situation.

  • Family and Friendship. Forgiving the family whilst trusting new allies. Probably no meaning behind this round. I've heard they are rewriting the next episode so could be that they have no clear direction of anything. IF they can just make the episodes longer than 80 minutes and come with a stronger story than season 2 most could be forgiven from TTG but not forgotten.

  • The finale will be each character trying to get AJ out of a car without losing their body parts.

  • So far, to put it simply, to save Kate.

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