What happened to Jane, Kenny or Edith?
Jane can either be dead, unknown or zombified - If Jane is unknown, she could either killed herself or kept the baby and alive or died during giving birth.
Kenny can either be dead or unknown - If Kenny is unknown he is possibly surviving on his own and would not have died in a car.
Edith can remain unknown or dead - If Clem left with Kenny it is unknown is she survived the attack or not.
So many unknown questions. TT should let these characters appear at the end of Season 3 if you left them unknown, determinant.
This way TT can up their game.
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please no, in my head this is some alternate clementine in another universe or some imposter clementine. Its the only thing that makes up for the flashbacks.
There are gone, one way or another, we won't see them again.
Dead, DEAD
Double post TWICE?
Kenny's either dead, undead ,or deader, with a chance of being alive in the unknown instance.
Jane is undead either way and deader in one instance, with a large chance of being either in the unknown instance.
Edith is likely dead either way.
So here s my take on it :
Jane is dead no matter what.
Kenny is probably dead unless ´´He got lucky´´.
Edith has an actual chance of being alive if Clem dint join wellington as she would probably try to sneak out on her own during the attack and it would be alot easier to sneak out alone than with a baby and she would probably/maybe survive the attack if Clem and AJ werent there althought that s just what i think since her death wasnt due to someone making noise or something of the type.
They won't, story generator does nothing about how you reached that ending or what it is, so it won't know if you left Kenny and Jane and got the alone ending, or if they both are dead.
Also why kill them for players who wanted to be with them but bring them back when you left them cuz you didn't want to be with them?
To dick with you.
What if Clementine was actually just dreaming about what could've alternatively happened rather than them being flashbacks?
This goes without saying, but SPOILERS ahead!
I suppose Jane could still be alive if you left her at the rest stop. I've read theories that both characters probably killed themselves if you abandoned them at the rest stop. While I agree with the possibility that Kenny did, given how he has no one in that scenario and the last person he did have no longer trusts him, I could see Jane living with that. After all, she did like to travel alone.
I believe Kenny is alive if you stayed in Wellington. While he's back to having no one again, he can rest easy knowing that Clementine and AJ are safe at Wellington, and that would be comforting to him.
I don't have an opinion on Edith yet. Unfortunately, I still have yet to see the Wellington flashback. Personally, I think it's BS that they spent an entire season building up this big safe community, just for it to be attacked. I'd like to believe that if Clem doesn't stay at Wellington, then it doesn't get attacked.
Either way, I don't see any of these characters reappearing, except for possibly another flashback.
Yeah, "entire season."
I have confirmation: the D-Cap is in there--ATTACK!!!
This is too much work for telltale to put in for walking dead.
Then what about her scars?
They're all dead. And in a way, I'm glad.
She forgot how she got them