Character Returns in ANF?
I know, there is only been Kenny as the major return in season 2 do you think Telltale will do it again? And if so, who?
My guess is wreid and kind of strange and random
I think Paige from TWDM could come into s3???? I don't have much evidence to back this up but she was kind of just left to go on her own in TWDM and she seems like the only one who could really be seen again. Again, i have little idea why i feel this way, but i just see her being in another story. Maybe the kids she was with were killed by The New Frontier and she is out for revenge??? Or even a "prisoner" there? Again, just an idea
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The only characters that could come back from previous TWD seasons would be Christa or Lily. They are the only ones without a on screen death, so technically they could come back. Though I highly doubt it, though Christa is still a possibility.
IDK about Paige, again she is a possibility because her story could still go on. Though I'm not sure that it really adds to much to the story other than a quick throwback shoutout really.
Yeah i don't know how much of a connection Clem actually had with Lilly, but with Christa we could figure out what even happened with the baby, who took her and where she ended up and who she ended up with
Again, really no reason for Paige to return i just have this feeling that they will have a little add on with her in the story as a member of The New Frontier
You can found her dead in 400 days (S1) as Russel, if you choose to hide from the vehicle.
That was Carly from S1.
Wasn't sure so I went on yt to see and yeah, it's probably Carley.
There's a achievement for that called "reunited" where it displays Carly and Doug.
As much as I would love this series to actually connect all seasons together, even through minor details, I don't think TT's gonna focus on pleasing fans like this. David's appearance is supposed to be major shocking cameo, since NF is a new story and Javier is a protagonist.
ANF is open for new players, and for the ones familiar with the series there's Clementine and S2 endings. "I had a friend" is all we got, and judging by how little we can interact with other people and explore hubs, I can't see TT bringing back someone who is more or less determinant. It's too much trouble.
I hope no one comes back in ANF. We really should all know what happens to returning characters by now.
Well there s also Molly.
I hope Paige comes back! Maybe she works for A New Frontier but was forced to work there otherwise she would be executed. Paige would look a lot different in Season 3 graphics because TWDM is set in 2005.
That'd be some shit if Christa turned up dead before Omid died.
What's this, the eleventh/twelfth time? I don't think they should bring anyone back outside of a cameo or a really minor part, as I really don't want another story derail like in Season 2. I used to have interest in seeing Arvo, MIke, Tavia, and Becca return but I'd rather the former two stay gone unless they can actually do something interesting with them. And Becca would arguably be obsolete at this point.
What do you mean obsolete?
I mean that her cold criticism despite being a teen isn't that useful now that Clementine was evolved into something closer to Jane and doesn't have Sarah or a similarly passive/nice character around as a foil anymore. I sincerely doubt we'd get anything interesting out of those two interacting now aside from Clementine easily outclassing Becca in everything except possibly size.
I guess you right. I'm just still waiting for child character that isn't existing solely to show off how Clem much more mature and compentent compared to other children. We had Duck, then Sarah, now Gabe. It would've been really interesting to see some other kid that just as capable but really immoral and cold blooded. Clem despite all current edginess steal has soft spots inside of her.
I would like 1 Christa and half a molly plz with a rick in it
Given the focus on new players in ANF, I doubt it.
Yeah, that actually kinda bothered me when I actually stopped to think about it, at least in Duck's case. Sarah was definitely meant to try and develop against that before being anti-shilled for the sake of pandering, while Gabe is a different character type altogether.
Yeah, I've been wishing they had implemented that in Season 2 when it was still relevant, with Becca, Michelle, Arvo, and potentially Sarah having some potential for that. Maybe we''ll finally get a Huckleberry.
Let's just not return a character that will die no matter what because everyone Clem meets dies or goes missing.
Paige, Sam, Alex, James, and the rest went to the Communities in Virginia, most likely one we haven't seen in the comics. There's a chance but a very low one.
It would be nice, but the way they've handled ANF so far seems to give every indication they're trying to cut ties with the first two seasons as much as they can, with the exception of Clem because of her draw power among most of the fans. I still remember the speculation over whether or not a returning character would turn out to be the leader of ANF because of the mysterious way the leader was depicted in the trailer, people figured it must be someone important if they were revealing it. Then it turned out to be the drunk guy from the porch we see for less time than Clems flashbacks.
Yeah, I didn't even know who he was at first.
It's not probably, It's definitaly.
I wouldn't hold my breath. I wouldn't say it's a definite no, but it's very unlikely. At least for this season.
She should teach Clem how to be a badass
Good point, there ARE trying to focus on new characters and introduce us to a new type of story with Javier and gis family so character returns may be unlikely
Yeah that's right! She would be older by alot! She could work for the new frontier and act as a helper for Javier and his people, kinda like Bonnie helped Clem and her group escape from Carver's camp
Yeah maybe they went there and the place fell apart? Who knows? Anybody could return
Lol true, David will probably be lame as a character and maybe even just be killed off
I'd be happy if the flashbacks were a dream and Kenny could return to ANF
Yeah mollys my best guess at anybody making a return.
From S1 and S2 all the people we know (and that I can remember) that haven't had on screen deaths are...
The rest I can think of are all the other 400 days characters from each story (Roman, Nate) but there's quite a couple of them so I won't get into it... but yeah, i think anyone of these could make a return if they were going to reintroduce a character we've seen before, personally I don't think they will, as much as I'd love them too.
Nah...No need returning character in ANF
I just need a new badass,caring and tought bastard character...,-_-,