Where you Annoyed by the Show Cutting out Alice Warren from the Comics
Hey Guys first Post here but may i ask for any Comic Reader this. So i have been reading The Governor Arc for about the 100th time now and Rewatched Season 3. And i was Quite annoyed and angry that the Show Cut out Alice Warren, I know much people didn't care for the character but i did and want to know if any of you's who read the Comics were Quite Annoyed by her getting Cut. I know its been years since Season 3 but really that change along with Andrea, The Governor and his Attacks Annoyed me.
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The TV show sucks at translating Comic characters to the TV anyway so it wouldn't have mattered. Ever since they stupidly fired Frank Darabount the show has been inconsistent and most recently terrible!
Well to be fair...the show did the Governor wayyyy fucking better than the comic did. In the comics he was just this stereotypical bad guy who does some fucked up shit. But in the TV series...he had more depth. But there are a lot of things I wish they had done in the show...kept Andrea alive for one...maybe stop killing Tara's love interests
I think the governor from the TV show was dragged out for too long, they should only of had him in for one season but for some reason they gave him more time and even two whole filler episodes to make him look like a good guy, but then he just goes crazy again and get killed soon after.
The comic Governor was wack for no reason and made no sense how he came to lead a community with good people in it.
Alice was one of my favorite characters, she was really cool, got mad when I found out she died
But we didn't need to know his backstory in the show, We didn't need to see him cry like a Bitch and all. Plus if you really want to know Comic Governor's Backstory then read Rise Of The Governor. Plus His Attacks were garbage in the show
Wtf Frank Darebount was a fucking dumbass who made the zombies smart.
No she was boring as fuck
Now I get you. One of those people who are still mad about FD being gone.
I don't know how they could be doing better at translating the characters to the screen.
I stopped reading a little after issue 100. Who is the character?
I kind of thought the prison battle on the show sucked. Despite me definitely being in the minority, I just don't think it had the weight the comic version did. Multiple main characters died there and it felt like shit really went down. The Governor, Hershel, and some other people we barely knew died. Meh.
I don't know about you but I thought the Gov and Hershel especially were pretty important. It definitely impacted me to see Hershel being hacked to death that way. I feel like too many people care about volume as opposed to quality when it comes to who dies.
TV Governor was amazing for me and I was actually slightly sympathetic for him, and seeing him having some redeeming qualities (specifically in Season 4 until things fell apart again because of his own actions) made him enjoyable. David Morrisey was a great actor for the role too.
I haven't read the prison arc in the comics so I dunno about comic Governor by much besides the major stuff (I'm all over the place reading it right now lol).
And I don't know why, but it won't let me upvote so here's an imaginary upvote.
She was the doctor woman in Woodbury
Actually, no. Frank Darabount was a competent writer who knew how to run a show, strayed away from rehashing the comics, and worked his best with the fucking horrible way AMC was treating him to make the show the best he could. He's not only the reason the series even exists but he's the best damn showrunner AMC had even though AMC continuously fucked him over with unnecessary budget cuts, writing restrictions and forcing him to work with people he didn't need to work with.
its an adaption of the comics it should be like the comics besides smart zombies are awful
An adaptation is a recreation of a film or other piece of media, put into another version of media. An adaptation is not supposed to be a direct duplicate of the original media, but instead a version of the original adding new things and keeping the formula fresh. If your adaptation is rehashing literally everything in the exact same way as the original, it is no longer an adaptation, it's a remaster or a remake. The Walking Dead is a good adaptation, or at least the first season was.
And can you give me an example of why the zombies in S1/S2 are smart? You know, an example without telling me to commit suicide like we're 10 year olds on dial-up YouTube comments?
First off, way too much of the letter 'e'. I'm pretty sure die is only spelled with 1 E. Second, despite Twdsaviours' somewhat... rude approach at responding to people, you really have absolutely no right to tell somebody to die for disliking a character. That's pretty fucked up. Granted, he/she said something equally as fucked up (and kind of hilarious) in response, but you provoked it. Chill.
Hell no the show is way better later on. Season 1 told us way too much about the walkers in cdc and just generally dragged on doing nothing and made zombies incredibly smart which is completely different from the comics.
Number 1. Little girl picking up Teddy bear
Number 2. Morgans wife trying to open the door
Number 3. Zombies using rocks to break glass
Number 4. Climbing up ladders and fences.
and I never told you to kill yourself because you haven't told me to die like the other guy did
Lol this pic literally sums up the character. Alice didn't do anything and was just there most the time
I personally disagree, but then again I'm really biased to Frank. I loved the Shawshank Redemption and he worked so hard on TWD that I really respect him. And yes the show is dragged a bit through season one and it's slow, but that's the point. The show was a drama focused on the characters, and the walkers were plot devices. The slower pace is good for writing, and Season 1 had some pretty good writing.
I believe that was a dream sequence, considering it was never brought up again later on nor did it happen later in an episode to affirm it really did. It was pretty obviously a cold open dream sequence.
Can't argue with you there. That's pretty odd. I guess it was an artistic choice on Frank's part. But still an odd one. Definitely in agreement.
Now you see, I feel like I can kind of excuse that due to the fact that the two times it happened there were multiple hordes of walkers doing these things, meaning they can easily pile on top of each other and make it easier to do things, plus it's well established in any zombie lore that they can grab things and people, so grabbing a ladder isn't too far fetched. I'd hate to bring a shitty zombie film into this, but there's a scene in World War Z where multiple zombies all topple on top of each other and create their own ladder to get over a giant wall. Yes it's unrealistic, but when so much force is happening like that and things are climbing on top of each other, it's bound to happen.
And I thank you for that. I appreciate you being respectful in that front.
Now, as for the smart zombies thing. Smart zombies don't necessarily ruin zombie media. The Resident Evil series has smart zombies under the influence of the T-Virus, G-Virus or C-Virus, and the Resident Evil series is mostly pretty good. Sure there are a few shit shows here and there but the series is alright. Smart zombies don't need to be a bad thing.
Yeah i do have to admit I was a bit harsh on him and it is true there probably wouldn't be Twd without him but I just prefer the other showrunners
Ah, okay. Then I guess my answer is no since I don't remember her.
They're important but the battle felt extremely unrealistic to me. The only good guy we lost was Hershel basically. The rest were no-names. I know what you're saying about quality over volume but Hershel died like Tyreese in the comic and that was just the start of it. The show killed off too many characters in season 3 because Glen Mazzara sucked horribly as a show runner.
Yep she didn't do anything anyway
That's completely fair. I will admit myself Frank isn't at all perfect, and some of his choices in Season 1 weren't the best. And I can definitely see where you're coming from in thinking the later showrunners are far better. I just personally disagree and I'm glad this could be a calm argument.