ANF Episode 5 - Alternate ending theory

How would you feel if Telltale made a alternate ending if you save Conrad where he get's bit at the end of Episode 4, then saves Clem in Episode 5?


  • Like I'm still not going to change my decision to kill him in epsiode 1.

  • I would really like for something like that to happen to make determinant characters have some meaning to them. I absolutely get that a small percentage of people saved him, however it still would be very cool if telltale actually made a determinant character span several episodes with meaning.

  • Sounds more like something that would happen with Javier.

  • edited March 2017

    I hope so Conrad is so awesome in episode 3

  • Not as long as he has his family. But i can see him going the Kenny route if his family dies.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Sounds more like something that would happen with Javier.

  • But did you kill him?If you want to keep him alive,give him gun when David or ANF kick you ass out from Bitchmond (sorry...RICHMOND).Cuz you see in the trailer,Conrad seems like a stuck at the door.And he will die cuz he didn't have any weapon...

  • Hes uh, probably gonna die in Episode 3 if you saved him in Episode 2. In the trailer you can see walkers grabbing him by the legs and whatnot, and theres ofcourse the ''Determinant Curse'' in telltale games which states that if you're determinant in one episode

    you're dying in the next one

  • edited March 2017

    That would be such bullshit to make some random, completely one-sided choice matter so much in the long term. Please focus on decisions that had more of a 50/50 split. Thought everyone agreed that the Conrad or Clementine choice was so absurdly biased and OOC for everyone involved that it shouldn't have even been present in the game.

    Catering to the ~10% who spared Conrad is the most chaotic and irresponsible way for Telltale to try and prove that choice matters.

  • b

    What's next? Kate would die if you didn't pick up that water bottle at Prescott? Clementine will choke on an apple and suffocate to death if you gave her a piece of apple in Starved for Help, two games ago?

  • He can be saved again if you make a specific choice in a part of episode 3.

    Hes uh, probably gonna die in Episode 3 if you saved him in Episode 2. In the trailer you can see walkers grabbing him by the legs and whatn

  • In my WD, Conrad is dead. There is nothing any of the writers from Telltale can institute to alter that within my WD. Zero amount of motivation will compel me to play through ANF to go along with a man who with the very object of his aggression stepping right in front of him and daring him to shoot her, decides to grab my brother's son and put a gun to his head. This had absolutely nothing to do with Clem in my playthrough.

    If the writers decide that this laughable situation is the one time a determinate character can survive an entire game... that's some extreme level of passive aggressive behavior because they thought that decision was a lot less one-sided than it was. I'm not faulting a single person that chose to spare Conrad in their playthrough, simply the writing team for deciding that hostage situation was the way to go about it.

    If the writers had Conrad take Clem hostage, put a gun to her head, and tell Javi that we could either exchange her or he'd kill her there - that I might've felt more torn about. If writing an alternate ending that includes Conrad as a major component is where they think they need to spend their time and energy, it won't affect me either way.

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