Tripp got totally BTFO
Did anyone bust out laughing when Ava knocked Big Tripp on his ass? She basically knocked him out - he was literally on the ground out for the count. Personally I thought it was a little unrealistic but still funny as hell.
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It was odd to see and thought that all his muscles/fat didn't do him good there. I guess Ava is all muscle underneath that jacket or she just really knows how to hit hard. Anythings possible in the ZA.
Ava is clearly replacing Jesus, as the game needs the new "badass".
Ava ate her spinach that day!
Made by Clint himself!
On the topic of Jesus, I seriously believe he trained with the League of Assassins.
Indeed! Joan's cake might look tasty, but Clint definitely put steroids into those vegetables!
When I saw Tripp get knocked down in one punch, by a tiny woman, I just thought "Really?".

Standard "strong female character" I guess.
Generally, you knock someone out when you cause their head to snap to the side. This causes the brain to hit the side of the skull, triggering a blackout. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the size of the person receiving the punch ( although children are always more vulnerable ), or the size of the person throwing the punch. He might not have gone all the way out, but he definitely received a brain swirly. ( The punch caused his brain to either tap the side of his skull or too much motion in the skull so he lost all sense of balance at once. )
While I'm certain the writers were just trying to showcase the small woman as an 'established badass' with only a punch to show for it and David's word, it's not entirely inconceivable that it could occur. On a sidenote, I'd really like to see Tripp do more badass things. The guy is seriously underused.
It was really unrealistic but he wasn't really expecting it so anything could happen. Tripp would reenact The Dark Knight Rises on Ava if they actually fought though.
I guess I can buy it since she has a military background and all. It still was odd for how long Tripp was laying on the ground.
I busted out laughing because there was no way that she would have been able to do it. Tripp is a big guy. It would take a lot more than the hit we saw to knock him out flat on the ground.
That was outstanding and hilarious!
Don't underestimate her power, yo!
Crossing my fingers for more Ava in episode 4 and onwards, she's such a cool character.
Honestly it looked crazy. I'm all for Ava and for her being like one of the most badass characters ever, but if she's gonna be able to take down Tripp with a single punch, you gotta draw some muscles on those arms, you know, since physics exist.
I felt that Nadine holding her own against Nate and Sam from Uncharted 4 was more realistic than Ava knocking Tripp to the ground with a single punch.
Maybe if Ava was a little taller and had a more stocky build, I don't think it would have been unreasonable for her to knock down a gigantic man in a single punch then.
Yeah, she knocked sense back into him.
No I believe it. Tripp is a big top heavy goof.