Characters in ANF.

I feel like ANF has very little characters, compared to Season 1 & 2. Both Seasons 1 & 2 had a original group but ANF doesn't. We have only met 4 new characters in TNF. Will we meet more in episode 4?


  • Anf does have an original group? They are all originally made, no one is from the comics except Jesus. I agree there aren't as many characters this season compared to other seasons but I think it's due to TellTale not wanting to kill off as many characters this season. We have had very few deaths and a lot of determinant ones as well. We might meet some more characters but I don't really expect them to add anymore main characters. We will probably meet some new frontier members but that's it.

  • Nearly the entire group is still alive which is very surprising to say the least. I hope telltale doesn't go into "killing mode" of characters since the season is nearly over.

  • I don't feel attached to any of ANF characters, so I would rather have few of them developed and fleshed out than have dozens of meaningless and forgettable new people running around.

  • edited March 2017

    No character depth

    And everyone's like..."Oh, they're not bad and Conrad is an amazing detriment because...he shot some asshole and cried over his wife for a couple of minutes."

  • I think that's a result of them realizing one of the drawbacks with Season 2 and making an attempt to avoid it.

  • I'm fine with them not shuffling the cast every episode.

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