Would This Of Been Better For Kenny/Jane?

I know this subject has been milked to pieces, I think Kenny and Jane are supposed to die now so we can move on with the story but the way it was executed made people think that their choices "didn't matter" so a sneaky way to get around this could've been that Jane/Kenny are with clem at the start but are more or less a background and unimportant character, if you chose the weliington or alone ending then its just the same as it is now, when mariana and kate get shot maybe Jane and Kenny get shot and die too. This way clem would have more of a reason to o back to the new frontier and get revenge.
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Then people would be bitching about them not mattering than just getting shot for cheap feels.
Telltale could have given us a s2 flashback in each episode but not show us what happened to Kenny/Jane/Wellington until episode 4 or the finale. It would have kept the community abuzz with speculation and dread while we all wonder where our beloved friends are.
Tbh the only thing people agreed on for 2 years was that the s2 endings should play a big role and the characters shouldn't be killed off in 5 minutes. And look what happened, they are killed off in 5 minutes, even less than 5 minutes for some. What a freakin' shocker.
THAT is why so many players are upset. They had infinite potential with the s2 endings but took the lazy route despite having 2 years to get it right and being warned by fans to not toss these characters aside.
Killing them at the junkyard wouldn't make sense because Clementine has already been kicked out of ANF at that moment and Kenny wouldn't give up on AJ.
Alright i ve thought about this subject for a while and about them surviving their flashbacks and here s how i think it should have been done.
Kenny: Kenny would be with Clem when you first meet her and you would have an option to talk to him when you re at Conrad s Bar . Both Javier and Kenny would get up and go to where Clem is when things with Elli begin to escalate no matter which character is with Clem they would all Lie for Clem at that point. When they get to the Junkyard Kenny would Notice Badger lining up a shot to Kill Mariana and Would push her out of the way and get Shot in a vital spot but still survive until they Get to Prescott Because its fucking Kenny and he s a stubborn bastard.
Eleanor would Tell Javi and Clem that he was not Gonna make it and you would get to Control Clem to talk one last time to him and say Goodbye.
After Kenny dies Clementine would grab her gun to make sure he does not Turn and she would start Crying at that point you would be Controlling Javier again and you would be A get choice Between Letting Clementine shoot him or Take the gun and do it so that she doesnt have to suffer Killing an Old Friend. Mariana would get Bitten during the New frontier attack and Make it Until Episode 3 where she would either succumb to the bite or Be Mercy shot by David.
Jane: Same thing as i said about Kenny in the bar except Jane would not be with Clementine when you first meet her and would already be at Prescott because she Knowns Clem can take care of herself. Clementine would mention they re Going to Prescott to meet up with A Friend of hers if you Picked Jane in season 2.
During the Junkyard Jane would Notice Badger and Yell for Mariana to get Down but Mariana would not Be able to Dodge the bullet in time and Get a wound in the same Spot as Kate s. During the New frontier Raid when they re escaping Jane would be grabbed and Pinned Down by a Walker and at the same time Mariana would start screaming and You would get a Choice between Helping Jane ((To which she would Live until Either Episode 3 or Episode 4.)) or Run to Mariana. If you helped Jane Javier would arrive too Late to save Mariana and she would already be dead if you choose to Run to where Mariana is you would save her But she would be Bitten and face the same Fate as what would Happen in the Kenny version.
Wellington: I would have it so that Edith would Survive the Assault on wellington and she would have a Role very Similar to Jane s except she would be With Clem when you First meet her.
So before anyone asks why Kenny would always die in episode 2 i will Argue that it s because Kenny is the only Character out of these 3 That would be Reckless enough to Push Mariana out of the way as Badger shoots.
Maybe he would just get Knocked out by one of the New frontier and get taken to where David took Clementine .
But then we gotta realise it would be too much "work" for telltale to make it like that.. sigh..
What would've been awesome is if Jane gave birth to her baby and maybe that baby replaces AJ?
Then what would happen to AJ if the other baby would replace him?
"Does anyone else smell bratwurst cookin?"
If Kenny and Jane were relegated to flashbacks, I don't think it would've been so impossible to keep them alive throughout season 3, building for an emotional death scene in the finale.
I'm not sure how the Jane flashbacks would go, but the episode 1 flashback for Kenny could have even played out the same, minus the walkers. Honestly, paralyzed Kenny would've been interesting as hell to see and would've added a new tragic layer to his story. It could've also given Clem more of a reason to join the New Frontier, since they have supplies and it's not impossible to think they'd have a wheelchair for Kenny.
I know it still wouldn't happen in my scenario anyway, but I also would've loved to see Kenny interact with Javier. I feel like the two would've actually gotten along real well.
If by awesome, you mean terrible, then yes. Seriously, why would AJ even need a replacement? What, is this a Cheese & Chocola situation?
Jane would swallow AJ whole and hang herself