Episode 5/Ending Death predictions



  • Episode 4:

    Javier: Alive
    Clementine: Alive
    Alvin Jr: Alive
    Kate: Determinant (Died because of blood loss if you chose in ep3 stay with kate.)
    Gabe: Alive
    Dr Lingard: Dead (Drug overdose)
    Eleanor: Determinant (If you saved Tripp, Joan will shoot her in the back)
    Tripp: Determinant (If you saved Eleanor, so Joan will shoot him in the neck)
    Max: Dead (He took a bullet trying to save Javier.)
    Conrad: Dead (Devoured by walkers)
    Joan: Alive

    Episode 5:

    Javier: Alive
    Alvin Jr: Dead (Accidently droped through the roof by Gabe)
    Clementine: Determinant (Shot in the abdomen by Javier, while she was trying to strangle Gabe to death. .
    David: Dead (Stabbed in the chest by Clementine)
    Gabe: Determinant (Strangled to death by Clementine)
    Kate: Dead (devoured by walkers)
    Tripp: Dead (Suicide)
    Joan: Dead. Shot in the head By Javier or Clementine

  • "Alvin Jr: Dead (Accidently droped through the roof by Gabe)
    Clementine: Determinant (Shot in the abdomen by Javier, while she was trying to strangle Gabe to death.
    Gabe: Determinant (Strangled to death by Clementine)"

    Episode 4: Javier: Alive Clementine: Alive Alvin Jr: Alive Kate: Determinant (Died because of blood loss if you chose in ep3 stay with

  • You know, I really can't fuckin believe I'm about to say this, but--if they play catchup well enough in Thicker than Water and capitalize on the darker element of Clementine and Gabe's respective characterizations despite David seeming to be pretty on the up and up-- part of me wouldn't mind a throw-down with those two.

    Episode 4: Javier: Alive Clementine: Alive Alvin Jr: Alive Kate: Determinant (Died because of blood loss if you chose in ep3 stay with

  • Telltale trying to make Clem a bad person in s3. Something like another Kenny/Jane Situation. And about Gabe, he is idiot fuck up its like Ben 2.0 or Nick 2.0
    so its pretty sure whats gonna happen in the end. We have to choose Who's gonna live. You're Family or Clementine. Its pretty obvious

    DabigRG posted: »

    You know, I really can't fuckin believe I'm about to say this, but--if they play catchup well enough in Thicker than Water and capitalize on

  • Telltale trying to make Clem a bad person in s3.

    That's pretty much what Ties that Bind got across and the banner for the next episode doesn't help. Time will tell if things like her apparent ignorance of Joan will bring that into play.

    And about Gabe, he is idiot fuck up its like Ben 2.0 or Nick 2.0

    No offense dude, but comparing nearly anyone to Ben is so overdone and lazy. Gabe is honestly closer to a younger, self-aware, and somehow more mature Nick than Ben.

    so its pretty sure whats gonna happen in the end. We have to choose Who's gonna live. You're Family or Clementine. Its pretty obvious

    And that's part why I mostly hope they don't go in that direction in nearly any shape. It's just the idea of Clementine actually throwing down with someone remotely comparable that seems appealing, but like I said, they'd need to play catchup pretty diligently if they were to use Gabe specifically, which they most likely won't anyway, so that's an unlikely scenario that'd thankfully stay a hypothetical.

    Telltale trying to make Clem a bad person in s3. Something like another Kenny/Jane Situation. And about Gabe, he is idiot fuck up its like B

  • I've said this before but the title for ep4 'Thicker Than Water' reminds me of the Clementine nursery rhyme for some reason. They better not get any ideas..

  • Marmalade is thicker than water...

    I've said this before but the title for ep4 'Thicker Than Water' reminds me of the Clementine nursery rhyme for some reason. They better not get any ideas..

  • edited April 2017

    Given the new trailer, I've reconstructed my death list;

    Episode 4:

    • Clint - Shot dead by David (determinant)/Shot dead by Joan (determinant)
    • Paul Lingard - Shot dead by Joan
    • Eleanor - Shot dead by Lonnie
    • Max - Shot dead by Joan (determinant)
    • Conrad - Shot dead by Joan (determinant)
    • Executioner - Shot dead by Javier
    • Lonnie - Shot dead by Javi (determinant/Shot dead by David (determinant)
    • Joan - Flees after Richmond is overrun

    Episode 5:

    • Tripp - Suicide.
    • Kate - Shot dead by David (determinant)
    • Conrad - Devoured by walkers (determinant)
    • David - Shot dead by Gabe
    • Javi - Suicide (determinant)/Unknown, presumably left to be devoured by walkers.

    Alive as of the end of the series:
    * Javi (determinant)
    * Clementine
    * AJ
    * Kate (determinant)
    * Joan
    * Gabe (determinant)

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