why wasn't *** anywhere to be seen (episode 4 minor spoiler)
I put a spoiler on this discussion just in case but anyway I was wondering why Max was not in this episode at all I spared him last episode but he doesn't show up anywhere in episode 4 or did I just miss something?
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Yeah, for whatever reason, he doesn't show up in this episode. Probably one of the main gripes I have with the episode. But hey, maybe he'll come back in style in episode 5. I mean, Rufus from all the way back in episode 1 made a reappearance out of nowhere, so maybe Max will get some cool scene too.
Soo, does Kate get molotoved and crash no matter the choices made? because I feel like that was Rufus throwing that Molotov, but I cant be sure
I was wondering the same thing, no idea where he was. But I can't imagine Joan kept him around after he ratted her out and revealed her plan.
If I had to guess, he was either taken into custody for spilling the beans or he was simply put back on duty under strict circumstances and will appear next episode.
Obviously, since Rufus only shows up at the beginning of Episode 4 from what I've seen. Still, I suspect his reappearance will actually mean something given his significance.
Rufus has made appearances throughout the entire season lmao. Case of reused models. I can spot him at least 3 times in every episode lol.
EDIT: In my save he's dead, so he shouldn't be appearing at all.
Well they put all the effort in determinant Conrad's appearance so for Max it wasn't enough to include him in the episode.
Unfortunately, yes. But honestly, I really can't fault them for that one scene, when they have a ton of other things that change based upon your choices this episode.
And no, it wasn't Rufus. It was a model that looked similar to Rufus, but not actually him. He's got the tattoos and stuff.
Nah, I mean if you didn't shoot him in episode 1, he's one of the people that lock Javier and David up at the beginning of the episode. If he's dead, he's replaced by some other guy.