My only problem I have with Season 3 so far

Let me just tell you this, I love TWD telltale games better than the actual TV show, never read the comics though. I love the fact, especially in season 4, how there is so many determinant deaths ever than compared to the last 2 seasons making it feel like my decisions actually have meaning and purpose. However I noticed a major flaw in this season when it came to the finale of episode 4 of when you have to choose to either save Ava or Tripp... we don't know shit about these characters! Seriously, go look at the Wikia, every single supporting cast member Pre-apacolypse synopsis, with the exception of Clementine and Javier's family members of course, reads like this "Little is known about insert season 3 character here life prior to or as the outbreak began." Because we barely know anything about these characters or their prior life after the outbreak, seeing characters getting killed in this season doesn't have the same effect as the previous seasons when they get killed off. Like with Tripp, the only thing we know about him is that he's apparently a mechanic and that he wants to get back into Eleanors pants. With Eleanor, the only thing we know about her is that she's a doctor and that she doesn't want that fat lard Tripp in her pants.

This brings in another problem with the length of the episodes in this game. Notice how the game is trying too hard to be action packed that most of the games ends up being majority custcenes rather than having those "slow" moments of controlling the character and interact with the environment? The first 2 seasons of the game and the television show is that the majority of TWD series is character heavy. We're given the characters backstory as well as their personality and how they interact with one another, and then get to see those characters interacting with a fucked up world of zombies. When there is a slow moment in Season 3 it's given to move the story forward rather than having us getting to know the characters better. Because of this the episodes feel much shorter than previous seasons.

With that said, I still like the Telltale TWD games a lot. I know they wanted to take the series into a new direction and I don't mind that, but I kind of dislike how I feel they're abandoning character development for the non-Javier family members over story progression.


  • Lol this has been a faultering issue in most of Telltale games after the wonderful Season 1.

    Yes we don't know shit about shit with any of these new characters. Tripp and Ava for example just have little to no background info on them. I don't know anything about Kate's background before meeting David, don't know anything about Conrad, Badger and Max offer nothing really as interesting antagonists. That's been Telltales problem for a while, they write ok stories, but they just don't write very good characters anymore. Look at the cabin crew from season 2, what do we know about any of them? Apart from Luke's age, and him going to college studying art/history and that he and Nick had been friends for a long time, starting a business together, that was all. Jane's background seemed to only be about her sister, nothing else interesting although i liked hearing some of the things she went through in the past where she talked about the last group she was with.

    It's just something Telltale can't get right anymore. Almost every character in Season 1 had fairly decent development which is why i cared a lot more about them than anyone from Season 2 and 3

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