I would love for AJ to be killed off to be brutally honest here. I feel like it would add some huge character development to Clementine. She would be completely thrusted into the darkness, and it would be really entertaining and emotional to see just how she pulls herself back to the light, if she manages to do so at all. It could also be a PERFECT time to ship Clementine with a great new male character that everyone loves who pulls her out of the darkness, and who knows? Maybe they give parenthood a shot TOGETHER next time later down the road. There's just so many different ways to go about it after AJ dies, and so few with him around.
I also agree that AJ is probably gonna get captured by people/taken away from Clementine over and over again if he doesn't die, and that's gonna get stale so fast. After finishing season two I knew 100% AJ was gonna get killed/taken from clementine, and whaddya know?
I would love for AJ to be killed off to be brutally honest here. I feel like it would add some huge character development to Clementine. She… more would be completely thrusted into the darkness, and it would be really entertaining and emotional to see just how she pulls herself back to the light, if she manages to do so at all. It could also be a PERFECT time to ship Clementine with a great new male character that everyone loves who pulls her out of the darkness, and who knows? Maybe they give parenthood a shot TOGETHER next time later down the road. There's just so many different ways to go about it after AJ dies, and so few with him around.
I also agree that AJ is probably gonna get captured by people/taken away from Clementine over and over again if he doesn't die, and that's gonna get stale so fast. After finishing season two I knew 100% AJ was gonna get killed/taken from clementine, and whaddya know?
A.J. can not die, he is the Chosen One, the One to bring back balance within TTG: The Walking Dead community. To reunite Jane and Kenny haters/fans together for good. By Clementine will he be trained, the temptation of the Dark Side great will be but the Prophecy must be fulfilled and then, once more, we shall have peace.
A.J. can not die, he is the Chosen One, the One to bring back balance within TTG: The Walking Dead community. To reunite Jane and Kenny hate… morers/fans together for good. By Clementine will he be trained, the temptation of the Dark Side great will be but the Prophecy must be fulfilled and then, once more, we shall have peace.
A.J. can not die, he is the Chosen One, the One to bring back balance within TTG: The Walking Dead community. To reunite Jane and Kenny hate… morers/fans together for good. By Clementine will he be trained, the temptation of the Dark Side great will be but the Prophecy must be fulfilled and then, once more, we shall have peace.
I don't like kids or pets in stories that deal with the apocalypse - like I've said on many occasions. However I think it's bad writing to just kill off a character, especially when they have so much potential. Imagine if Clementine died in season 1. There's so much growth and plot opportunities with a lot of these characters, especially one that is so young. Even if AJ never becomes a main character, his story could still be grand, and something appreciated by longtime fans since we see the growth. In short, it's better to not kill off a character just because - although I do understand this is The Walking Dead.
I would love for AJ to be killed off to be brutally honest here. I feel like it would add some huge character development to Clementine. She would be completely thrusted into the darkness, and it would be really entertaining and emotional to see just how she pulls herself back to the light, if she manages to do so at all. It could also be a PERFECT time to ship Clementine with a great new male character that everyone loves who pulls her out of the darkness, and who knows? Maybe they give parenthood a shot TOGETHER next time later down the road. There's just so many different ways to go about it after AJ dies, and so few with him around.
I also agree that AJ is probably gonna get captured by people/taken away from Clementine over and over again if he doesn't die, and that's gonna get stale so fast. After finishing season two I knew 100% AJ was gonna get killed/taken from clementine, and whaddya know?
Maybe then they could pick up on Carver's line "We're more alike than you think."
A.J. can not die, he is the Chosen One, the One to bring back balance within TTG: The Walking Dead community. To reunite Jane and Kenny haters/fans together for good. By Clementine will he be trained, the temptation of the Dark Side great will be but the Prophecy must be fulfilled and then, once more, we shall have peace.
Thine is The Clementine. Kenny sacrificed himself so she might live.
Do Not doubt The Word of Clementine, because she will deliver us.
Wrong; the chosen one Clementine is
I don't like kids or pets in stories that deal with the apocalypse - like I've said on many occasions. However I think it's bad writing to just kill off a character, especially when they have so much potential. Imagine if Clementine died in season 1. There's so much growth and plot opportunities with a lot of these characters, especially one that is so young. Even if AJ never becomes a main character, his story could still be grand, and something appreciated by longtime fans since we see the growth. In short, it's better to not kill off a character just because - although I do understand this is The Walking Dead.