Are Arvo and/or Mike going to return in episode 5?
I personally don't think so but i'm very curious what happened to them.
What do you guys think?
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I personally don't think so but i'm very curious what happened to them.
What do you guys think?
Nope. TTG said no more new characters for the rest of the season. I'd say that Mike and Arvo are "new" as well because newcomers don't know who they are.
EDIT: Plus it'd be a pretty terrible time to show up.
Mike: Hey guys what's going-- Holy shit! Why are all these people dead? Walkers everywhere! Run!
Newcomers don't know who kenny and Jane are. And I do believe telltale meant original new characters never seen before previously. Honestly I don't see the point in them returning at this late date.
Part of me doesn't mind but the other part of me doesn't want them to. If they do come back they might just get killed off. I prefer them to be missing honestly. My Clem wouldn't really get mad at them if they do make an appearance. As for Bonnie I have to ask, was that choice of her dying or not ever generated into season 3?
Hello, did you forget that the new players selected "New Story" instead of "Continue your Story" at the start of the game? That option has the Alone Ending as the default outcome.
I doubt it, but who knows who will be at that ranch AJ's at? It does kind of suck to never find out what happened to, say, Lily or Christa, as well as Molly, Arvo, Mike, Bonnie and the rest of the 400 days crew, even Vernon too. It's realistic I suppose, but certainly not satisfying.
Don't give a sh!t about them tbh. But Lily and Christa I've been curious to know what's happened with them.
I think if they did have any character from previous seasons coming back it would be right at the end. Sort of "omg it's......!" Moment then ending credits so leaves it open for S5.
Bonnie can die in S2 along with luke. Idk if you meant that.
I did forget about it like most of what was said or discussed about ANF.
I agree, the chance of running into somebody familiar is very slim although it happened in ANF and other seasons. It is annoying to leave things unanswered, though.
They'll just be bodies in the group that get killed meaningless way.
Molly was a pure one time character seeing how they originally had her committing suicide which they changed to her leaving.
Perhaps we'll get future DLC about what happened to Lily after she left the group. Christa I wouldn't hold out hope of seeing again.
Telltale's confirmed, no new faces appearing this season.
Yeah that's what I meant. I wanted to know if it was generated or not because if it was it might be possible to see Bonnie alive.
Dude, it is so late in the game and honestly, I doubt anyone wants him to hijack ANF when Joan/Clint and David are still out there. Personally, I think a character with Arvo's potential(though squandered to the point of being near moot at this point) needs more than one episode to flex his muscles.
So no, they are not showing up anytime soon.
I ment to put S4 not S5 just realised what I wrote! Sorry.....I'd look forward to another mini series with another TWD character. Don't forget we had Glenn from the comic books back in season one of the game.
The opportune time for those two and determinant Bonnie to show up would've been a Wellington flashback in Episode Four. I think it's over for them unfortunately.
Yeah, I did think it would've been a little interesting if they had shown up in the Jane ending instead of Randy, Patricia, and Gil.
Then ANF happened.
I want them to appear so I can blow their fucking faces off.
During the time skip, Arvo becomes khabib nurmagomedov. His premiere line in season 3 will be:" What is this number 1 bullshit?" When he sees Clem alive./
Still bummed out that he fucking missed weight against ferguson
I wish he just go to welterweight and fight Nate Diaz,Stephen Thompson, then Woodley. I'll be a easier cut and easier class.
Maybe as a flashback, but almost certainly not physically/in the present.
I agree with him moving up a weight class. Fighters are so hesitant to do that because of the size (dis)advantage but it really does positive things, look at gastelum, hendricks, rumble for example. Doing those crazy weight cuts is so fucking bad... Bas Rutten always said just fight at your natural weight.
I don't see any reason why the story would turn in a direction for them to show up. I think their story pretty much ended in Ep 205.
Yeah it does not make sense for the story now, but at least a flashback would be nice
Why do you want these boring characters come back?
They are already eaten by walkers offscreen. Perhaps you can find them amongst the herds as....WALKERS!
i think they should just bring back the shoot Mike option if they re not doing anything with the characters.
They disappeared into the realm of forgotten characters in the walking dead.
Why did they change Mike's fate if he never appears again.
yes ofcourse they will, together with lilie bonnie and krista. haha
no they wont
So Clementine would [determinately] pop her kill cherry with Kenny.
Bonnie is determinately dead
Size disadvantage? Khabib walks around at 190. He'll die if he goes down to 155 again.
No. What the hell would be the point? Best to assume they're dead as their return probably wouldn't serve the immediate plot.
It wasn't in the choice generator no
Whoa whoa, what? Where can I read more about this?
The walking dead wiki.