A way to save her? (yall know who) [ANF SPOILERS]

okay so my friend and i were talking earlier and she watches gameplays of anf while i actually play the game. I told her to watch up to the latest episode and she has now but told me there's a way to save kate?? She said she couldn't "remember exactly what she saw in a youtube video" about a way to prevent the truck from crashing and expoding. but she 'say' a way of killing the enemies around you after shooting joan (or letting joan escape). When you attack the enemies and kill them off supposively with conrad i believe- then no one will be able to throw the molotov at kate in the truck.

I couldn't find any videos of this actual scene happening so I'm starting to doubt what my friend said. Has anyone heard about this? any videos (not conspiracy theories jesus christ i want to see kate physically alive again)

Please let me know more detail if any. If there was any other threads about this i apologize i don't come on consistently so i don't keep track on what's already been discussed ;v;


  • Sounds like bullshit. The episode always ends in the truck Kate was driving crashing into the wall and causing an explosion that allows charred walkers into Richmond. Whether the molotov thrower's model loads or not.

  • No way of preventing it. It's part of the story. Will happen no matter what you do. :/

  • It's possible that she is alive from the burning crash, but we won't know for sure till next episode.

  • No, the truck crashes no matter what.

  • She's alive regardless for several reasons.

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