Clementine Needs to Answer To Justice
I noticed that Badger, Max, and the New Frontier forgot all about the people that Clem killed. Heck, I Clem killed more NF(non determinant) than Javi did. But yet' when Max went to Prescott, there wasn't any mentions of Clem. Max wasn't " Clem needs to answer to Justice." Max only cared for the guy that stole some pudding and some gas. WTF!
Strangely enough, Max seemed to welcome Clem at the gates of Richmond.(determinant)
How would it go if they where trying to find Clem instead of Javi at Prescott? I think that, at the time, they would'd easily traded Clem, a murderer, for Francine. And Javi and family would've been residents of Prescott, and they would have never found out about David.
I wonder how Clem's trial would go? I feel that Badger and Max would do some kind of funny business, Clem would be pinned for David's murder, after they eventually assassinate him. And she would be executed.
That was the original plan: Badger was supposed to come to Prescott again(as Tripp had apparently dealt with him before) and was demanding that Clementine surrender herself, bringing out Francine. Conrad's anger at Clementine would've been more focused as a result of this.
They probably changed this to make Javier's actions feel like they carry more weight, as well as to possibly keep the reveal of her allegience secret for longer.
Where did Telltale say this?
They didn't; there's a video of unused dialogue from Ties That Bind.
Got a link? I'm curious
It's at 5:34
Sounds like the most logical plan. Leave Javi and pudding loving nephew alone, Max.
Neat thank you sir.
Don't forget the chocolate whore niece.
Let's just assume that Badger didn't recognize that it was Clementine returning fire, and decided to go after Javier, the guy he previously ran into at the junkyard, who knocked out his buddy, escaped from the truck they put him in, and then returned to the junkyard with a group of people the next day, who ended up returning fire and killing a few of Badger's guys.
From an outside point of view, I can see how someone would construe this as Javi being some bastard thief. So you catch some guy trying to take your stuff, who goes on to claim that he wasn't trying to steal from you-- "Oh I didn't know it was yours" etc etc. You ask him questions, he seems sorta evasive. You leave to get something to tie him up, and when you return, you find that the guy knocked out one of your friends. You decide to have him driven back to your camp, but he escapes captivity. And finally, the guy returns to the same place the next day with a bigger group of people this time. I bet most people would write him off as a thief after such a turn of events.
What Badger says after he opens fire in the junkyard seems to suggest this-- "You fucking thieves! You really thought you could just waltz back in here like nothing happened?"
Badger probably thought Javier was just some idiotic bandit that tried to steal from them, and then decided to stake out the junkyard in case he decided to try again a second time, which he inadvertently does. And when that little ambush failed, he wasn't too happy about it. So he finds Max, tells him what happened, and leads another group up to Prescott to capture Javier for real this time.
In that case, Javi is somewhat a grey character.
Fixed it for you.
Oh, I'm sorry, you're right.
What? It's one of the few things they established about her.

A trial? Clementine IS the justice.
There's nothing wrong with liking chocolate, darling.
Didn't say there was. It is one of the three flavors after all.
Yeah Mariana was made of chocolate the whole time. That's how she made it that long.
I think we should all strive to get this title. Mariana the Chocolate Whore should be proud.
Have you watched Death Note?
There is a character in Season 2 who eats chocolate almost the entire time.
No,, not really, but I assume you're talking about the guy who has, like, these weird eyes and constantly looks like he's supposed to be in bed.
The burnt victim guy, who hates on N. I forgot his name.
She kept craving chocolate because she was to make sure her constitution was more than replenished.
Him? No, I am not talking about L. He eats mainly cake. Also, he is one of the two main characters.
I meant Mello.
...K. Don't remember ever seeing that guy(I assume).
I like how at the end, he starts to take another bite but instead decides to just sit it on the table. And then the very last split second is him biting another.
It would have been a lot more interesting if they had stuck with the original plan, I think...a lot of the game feels like it's saying "let's just pin everything on Javi" as characters blame him for everything that goes wrong. He becomes a scapegoat to make the player feel involved in the situation, but I find it to be more annoying than anything most times. It's like Bigby says, no matter what you do, no one seems happy.
You saw him on my meme lol
But seriously, he appears in Episode 2.
I like that part too haha
Talking about chocolate guy, booboo.
By the way, why is there a character named L in the same show as a character name Light?
Mello is the true whore here
Oh yes. Mello got some weird ass eyes lol
You haven't seen him because his debut is in Season 2.
Well, the author wanted his name to be a single letter with a lot of significance. "I" and "J" were considered but "L" was chosen in the end.
As for Light, I don't know why his name is Light XD. His last name "Yagami" means "night god".
Also, check this out. I have more proof that Mello is the true chocolate whore.
Haha yass
Aw, okay. Seriously, that guy looks gorked out of his mind.
So...LightNight god? ...Wow.
Cheese and know, I was gonna comment on how there's a seizure warning but then the Starman kicked in.
Yeah, Marinara has nothing on him. At least she can act like she has self-control.
Death Note has a lot of symbolism. You'll understand when you continue it.
I can tell that Mello will be your favourite
You know, you never told me who are your favourite characters from the anime series you've watched.
Any of them?
Those you can think of right now
. I am interested.
You only mentioned Orihime from Bleach (who is my favourite, too)
Sorry, saw this when I got hope and forgot about it.
Anyway, going off what I gave you, here's the ones that stood:
Bleach: Orihime, Keigo, Chizuru, Kon, Urahara, Ururu, Hanataro, Yachiru, Rangiku, Yummichika, Mayuri, Omeada, Lirin, Hiyori, Mashiro, Hachi, Wonderweiss, Nel, Pesche, Luppi, Cirucci, Stark, Szayelaporro, Loly, Zabimaru, Haineko, Riruka, and Shishigawara.
FMA: Envy, Gluttony, Nina, Tucker, Lyra, Barry(human), Clause, Scheska, Paninya, Slicer Brothers, Bido, Greed, Marta, Sloth/Juliet Douglas, Wrath, Catherine Armstrong, Robo-Archer, and Dante.
Brotherhood: Most of the cast really, but Isaac McDougal, Gluttony, Izumi, Giolio Comanche, Barry, Ling, May Chang and Shao May, Yoki, "Big Daddy Homunculis", Kimblee, General Olivier, Miles, Sloth, Raven are noteworthy.
Hunter X Hunter: No overt favorite oddly, but Leorio(though Kurapika is definitely growing on me), Mito, Tonpa, Mr. Satotz, Ponzu, Leroute, Seaquant, Canary, Milluki, Zushi, Sadaso, Machi, Squala, Melody, Shizuku, Shalnark, and Owl all stood out in some way so far.
Naruto: Hinata, Kiba, Ino, Choji, Rock Lee, Tenten, Anko, Dosu, Kin, Gaara, Kankuro, The Sannin, Tayuya, Fujin and Raijin.
Shippuden: Sai, Sasori(Scorpion), Diedara, Danzo, Suigetsu, Tobi(disguise), HotaruTerumi, Bee, Pain, Konan, Snake-Kabuto, Ohnoki,.
DragonBall: Haven't seen all of it but Oolong, Pilaf, Shu, Launch, RanFan, Nam, Piano, Tambirine, Hasky, Yajirobe.
Z: Raditz, Garlic Jr.,Burter , Maron, Fasha, Salza, Gero, Babidi, Buu, Gogeta, Janemba, Bojack, Zangya.
GT: Zanama, Super 17, Oceanus Shenron.
Eureka Seven: Eureka, Tahlho, Matthew, Gidget, Moondoggie, Anemone, Charles, Ray.
Deadman Wonderland: Shiro, Yoh, Makina, Kyouko, Minatsuki, Karako, Rokuro.
Digimon Adventure: Izzy, Joe, Gomamon, Ogremon, Etemon, Digitamamon, Demidevimon, Apocalymon(that friggin dub, man).
Adventure 2: Yolei, Veemon, Digimon Emperor, Wormmon, Mummymon.
Tamers: Calumon, Yamaki, Leomon, Kazu, Impmon, Babamon and Jijimon, Ebonwumon.
Frontier: Tommy, JP, Bokomon, The Evil Warriors(mainly Grumblemon and Ranamon), .
Zatch Bell: Zatch, Suzy, Falgore, Ponygon, Eido and Hyde, Dr. Riddles, Penny, Byonko, Victoream, Laila, Belguim EO,.
Inuyasha: Miroku, Shippo, Myoga, Jaken, Rin, Koga, Naraku, Kagura, Kanna, Hakudoshi, Byakuya, Bankotsu, Jakotsu, Suikotsu, Ryukotsusei, Soten, Tsubaki, Jinenji, Shiori.
Sonic X: Knuckles, Rouge, Cream, Vector, Frances, Topaz, Eggman, Bokkun, Lady Ninja, Lucky, Zelkova.
Pokemon: Brock, May, Iris, Cilan, Rocket Trio, Squirtle, Charizard, Totodile, Treecko, Infernape, Glyscor, Oshawott, Scraggy, Krokorok, Psyduck, Croagunk, Eevee, Buneary, Pachirusu, Mamoswine, Axem, Excadrill, Pansage, Stunfisk, Casey, Harley, Scott, Lucy, Zoe, Conway, Gardenia, Fantina, Galactic Commanders, Hunter J, Don George, Alder, Bianca, Burgundy, Georgia, Drayden, N, Colress.
Orihime - all time favourite! I love Ururu, too! I wanted to see more of her. This will sound ridiculous, but when I was little I thought Keigo had a crush on Ichigo
But then I understood their friendship. He is definetely one of my favourites! Luppi didn't have much screentime. Loly? That's interesting. She was the girl that bullied Orihime, I think.
Same here! Leorio is my favourite, too. I haven't seen all of HXH. I am watching the 2011 remake. The first ending song is fantastic.
Ay! Hinata is also my favourite! Rock Lee - definetely! He is awesome. Gaara, too. Poor Tenten man. She is a neglected character... I also like Shikamaru. He is probably the only character Kishimoto bothered to develop from The Rookie 9. I miss the days when Naruto was about friendship and hardwork. Shippuuden was about Uchiha and sigh Sasuke...
Shippuuden characters - Disguise Tobi is best Tobi. Sai is very cool. Scorpion Sasori? B-but didn't you see his face? Like dayyuum. Bee is hilarious, I love him.
Cream is my favourite! She is not a playable character in the recent games anymore. This makes me upset.
I also like Tails. Amy is very funny, too. Vector is my favourite from Team Chaotix
I love the dynamic between Knuckles and Rouge
I see you mostly like supporting characters. I find myself in love with them, too
I was wondering if they were gonna explain where she and Jinta came from, but as far as I know they never do.
Considering he's always trying to glomp him, that's a little understandable. Especially with Chizuru in the same class.
No, he didn't but I thought the design, personality, and voice was a pretty neat match, even if he was a little dick. That one moment when he captured Rangiku was also pretty memorable--for me at least.
Yep. I thought the exact reason why she and Menoly were horrified by Orihime was kinda fascinating. The outfit also helps.
Poor Orihime had a bit of a time in Hueco Mundo, though.
It's probably because he's the only one that was actually a little entertaining/fun and not so tropey and/or corny. Gon in particular had this a little bad at first.
Same here. Thank you Toonami and DVR!
It is, though I always thought it was kinda laughable/silly and I prefer the 2nd one anyway.
He apparently got his own spinoff after the Bleach anime was cancelled in Japan. Don't know if that's a good thing or not though. Hopefully it is!
You can say that for a most of the female Genin, but she definitely got it the worst since she had no ties to Team Kakashi. Which is a shame cause her specialty/gimmick of using ninja tools almost exclusively was kinda neat in it's own right in a powerset pool dominated by jutsu, inherited eyeballs, and animals.
Yeah, I wonder why that is?
Eh...I'm half and half on it, tbh. Like, I like the increased stakes with the Akatsuki, Sage Jutsu, and Snake!Kabuto, but yeah, the Uchiha really do get a bit out of hand as it goes on and I hear there's another family towards the end that's arguable worse.
Yes! Completely agree.
Well, I'm a straight dude, so eh. But the Scorpion puppet is the first one you see and I like the voice as well. But that's probably just nostalgia from Ultimate Ninja 4 talking.
I've mostly seen him through my brother's later Naruto and he is indeed hilarious. His first appearance in the show was actually kinda terrifying, though.
You can say that about any character not named Sonic, to be honest. Though more spinoffs would help alleviate that.
Which is funny because both Sonic X and the games have something of a bad reputation regarding "Sonic's Shitty Friends." It's largely just people not liking how they played in certain games.
Btw, I take it you're unfamiliar with the Archie Comics?