The Conrad Discussion
Oh my Conrad is one hell of a character, he can die in episodes 2 through 4 yet if you save him in all of those episodes he survives the whole season! Could this mean the end of determinant characters always dying?
I think Conrad is literally god what do you think?
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Conrad's the shit. Dude's like triple determinant or something. I hope that there are going to be more determinant characters like him going forward.
I really like Conrad and how he was handled, a bit weird that he wasn't present in a lot of 5 despite starting off right next to you, but I can forgive that due to his portrayal in 3 and 4. I wouldn't get your hopes too high on more determinants like Conrad, especially considering the Tripp/Ava thing, but I would like to hope that more determinant like him do show up. As for another determinant handled well this episode I thought it was Rufus who got some interesting stuff.
It's kind of funny, when thinking back on it, it's usually determinants who aren't saved as much who've survived a season.
Conrad at the end be like

not gonna lie, i want conrad to rip my useless body in half
My interest is really in seeing if it will count for anything in the future. If the story returns to Clementine's POV and Richmond isn't experienced again then it won't really amount to a ton. He'll be as relevant as Sam in the Michonne DLC, she was only determinant for the sake of it.
If we stay with the New Frontier however, I'd be interested to see how Telltale would include him.
Conrad is the best! King Of Determinants!
The whole time during episode 5 while in Richmond I was looking out for him (whether undead or alive) and hoping my file didn't screw up and accidentally flag him as killed. When he showed up at the end I was like
The only problem with Conrad is that all his scenes after ep 2 are short, and just get shorter and shorter and doesnt do anything that meaningful to the story.
I mean look at Tripp and Ava. Wasted as always.
good boy, glad i kept him alive all throughout the season.
Conrad has now earned God status along with Kenny and Lee.
Conrad got lucky, real lucky..
Telltale was like, "Oh you guys keep making fun of us because of what happens to determinant characters, we're gonna show you, we are gonna show you GOOD."
Too bad they didn't show us with Tripp instead
Sweet dreams, big guy. I'll always love you.
We never actually saw him die, he's fine.
Well... There is a character in the novels that falls from a high place but doesn't die because he falls on a pile of zombies. I'll accept this headcanon!
Conrad is the little determinant that could!
I agree, he deserved so much better but at least he survived the car unlike Ava and he got the award for funniest scene when he was crossing the car and he gets grabbed he yells "shit my nuts" and calls the zombie a fuckstick xD
I agree, his death made a lot of sense in comparison. And it was cute that he still saved Javi after everything. He was too perfect, too pure.
The plan for the heaviest person to go last made sense given the situation, and he was obviously the bigger out of everybody, and he went out fighting the zombies and telling everybody to leave because he didn't want them to see him die. Such a sweetheart.
They waste so much effort for a guy that barely 10% of the playerbase kept alive... yet all other, better written determinant characters like Ava, Tripp, Max etc. all end up in the trash bin like usual. It was really worth it.
I really thought my game bugged out because I didn't see Conrad anywhere nor was he mentioned. Kind of sucks that we only saw him at the last part of the episode reading a book. Would've been cool to see him included with us on our little escapade.
I love how the one double determinant character can outlive most of the supporting Characters.
Agreed I thought the same thing. Felt better when Eleanor said "what am I gonna tell Conrad"
Conrad is the best and the fact that he makes it out gives this game that extra point from me.
Conrad is the man!
Keeping Conrad is alive is one of the best decisions I made. When I exited that church (?) at the end of ep 5 and saw his back, I SCREAMED and had to pause the game in order to type this post out on my tumblr:
One of the best parts about this season was how Telltale handled Conrad once he became determinant. I do think how choices were handled was a huge pro this season has going for it (for the most part that is), so props to Telltale. Now if only you put that much thought into the story, having satisfying plot resolutions, and knowing what to do with your character arcs.
Too bad they stopped giving a shit about him in ep 5
It's hard to tell, but I think Tripp fell into water.
So as long as those walkers aren't swimmers, he could be fine.
me too thanks
Sorry, but I got rid of Conrad once he threatened Gabe and Clem. My Javi would never let anyone threaten his family's safety... And you gotta do what you gotta do. He's not willing to compromise if it means being blackmailed and sacrificing their safety.
I wouldnt get your hopes up seeing as we never really saw luke die and he likely wont make an appearance (I would say the same about Christa and Lily but I feel they might be in season 4)
Anyways Tripp deserved more and I was hoping that when he got shot in the neck (if you choose the save tripp option in episode 4) he could survive either way and would live to the end of the season but sadly that is unrealistic
that Tripp/Ava thing was ridiculous, they didn't last 10 seconds and it was a massive choice at the time
inb4 Conrad grows to become the new Governor/Negan/Carver
You saved the new Zombie Hitler, Javi
Is he still alive in the end of EP5? I killed him when he threatened Gabe and i'm curious, a determinant character still relevant for once would be cool.
Yep! After Javi exits the church with Kate or Gabe, Conrad is sitting on the steps of the church and he reads out a passage of a book that Francine recommended to him before she died. It's a quick scene but it made saving Conrad just even more worth it to me, tbh
I killed Conrad because I couldn't bring myself to use Clem as a bargaining chip, but I was very impressed to find out that it was possible for him to survive the whole season where he had been determinant since episode 2. Good job Telltale!
He might pull a Kenny, same voice actor after all.