Your episode 5 choices and special stats (spoilers, if you can't tell)
With episode 5 here what decisions did you make?
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My Choices
Where do you get the more extensive choices breakdown ("your experience with ____ was" and "Your New Frontier Story")? Is that for the PC version only?
They came up during the credits.
Damn, they didn't show up for me. (Playing on Xbox)
Try going to the choices screen and refreshing. At the episode 5 stats there should be an option to continue to the right. Similar to past Telltale games with special stats.
Enlightened Combatant= Kenny
Hardened Survivor= Jane
Alone= Not bitten
Alright, thanks.
Sorry, wrong thing i posted.
You know, I find it really funny seeing that picture of David next to the pink letters of the word "HEARTFELT"
Can David come back to Richmond and if so how do u do that
Major choices (weren't updated at the time):
In the end, I'm stuck with just Gabe and Clem left us.
Yeah he can, not sure how, just be awesome to him I guess.
My Clementine came up as Tough as Nails. Not sure how many different Clems there are but its a really interesting approach and I'm excited to see if it will actually matter in the DLC or in Season 4.
tell him to come back
More like HEARTBURN mirite
I saw someone do that but it didn't work how do u get it to work
Well, hey, that's how David express his love to his little brother.
By giving him angry stares and breaking his bones once in a while.
Poor Javier.
Somehow it doesn't show up for me on PC. Neither did during the showcase of E5's specific choices, nor afterwards in the main menu or here on my Telltale profile, with cloud-save activated. Well done, everyone loves bugs.
Edit: Now it won't even show my E5 choices in the main menu at all. When I try to select E5, it skips back to E1 after E4. Lovely, I definitely won't play it again just to get the additional relationship-screen up. Still would've been great to see the overview. -.-
The stats for me were nothing special, but what caught my eye is the fact that no one on the forum has mentioned the Graceful Gunslinger Clementine that I got. I mean - that must be a real badass Clem, yet her heart is in the right place.
There appear to be a lot of different Clem screen names.
Oh lame, I didn't know we had any of that. All it showed on mines was the important choices.
Seems the website choices are up
Huh, maybe the 42 Clementines weren't a complete lie after all
You can see them in the Extras menu if you click the right arrow.
I tried going there, can't select episode 5.
Must be a bug cause game released early.
Mine were:
David = distant (If i remember correctly)
Kate = distant
Gabe = fatherly (surprised by this as I did not like him that much)
Nah, it should be a general bug. Got my update on time, but have the same problem.
I redid the game just to be able to screenshot Clem's personnality ... And nothing was shown after the choices. Nobody seems to have the same as me for now. #badluck.
Guess TT will release a patch or something?
I hope...
I'm on mobile so I can't add pictures from gallery, my relationship with David was disfuctional, with Kate it was love or something, with Gabe it was cautious or something, and I didn't see how Clem turned out.
Special stats didn't show up for me on pc. Super bummed. Anyone got a fix? As the credits played the choices screen said 'refresh to download choices' but nothing happened.
I have the same problem!
Damn i wish i got your clementine. I got bruised not broken.
Im happy with all my choices and endings apart from clementine. Im not sure if bruised not broken is a good one.
About posting images, right click on the image and open it in a seperate tab so it either shows .png, .jpg or .gif
It doesn't work for me. It disappointed me deeply when I finished playing. I went to hell and back just to hear my long awaited credit song but the broken stats had to ruin the atmosphere.
I wanted to chill out and look through my choices, maybe theorize a bit with music playing in the background like I used to do in previous seasons, instead I was trying to get the stats fixed by refreshing it so that moment was gone before I noticed it. Thanks, Obama (Telltale).
How did u get David to come back to Richmond