Thoughts on Season 4 from A TTG player and a RPG Player.
Clementines story will continue.
But I have some thoughts. First up. As an RPG Player hearing that made me think back to season two as well as the hug and hugging Warren in life is strange. And the RPG Player in me said maybe in season 4 I can lean clementine the other way. Because as my icon shows I love lesbians just in general no matter if it's just knowing a character is one. But that's my RPG Player. My TTG player however feels I shouldn't play as Clem in season 4. She's my daughter not my avatar. Whatever or whoever she likes I should be supportive though cautious of. If I like hard rock she likes Justin Bieber I'll roll my eyes but it's her tastes. Season 2 was a different story because it helped us define the person she'd grow to be in her formative years. But season three let us see her as an outsider as her own person. And I liked that as "Clementine's spiritual dad" ( I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way) and becoming her again might take away from it. I will still absolutely buy the game at this point the only episodic TTG game I won't buy is game of thrones season two. Assuming that is even an agenda any more. But I'm torn how do you feel about being Clem again?