Was this always the plan or was the whole season re-written from Episode 3?
Remember the damn harsh feedbacks after ep1 and ep2? After that there was a big gap till ep3 released. I think thats when ttg rewrote everything and thats what led to this ending and shifted the focus back on clem for the future of this series. I'm thankful that they did it but at the same time i'm disappointed that we'll have to wait for 2 years to see something that we should've actually got from season 3. They knew they effed up when made the mistake of NOT focussing at clem at the first place when seasons started. They learned from their mistakes... I hope they make it up to us by making a god damned great season 4
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One word - slaughterhouse.
I mean technically they didnt, lets not forget the Melissa interview where she confirmed that after ep 1 and 2 they didnt actually have anything truly written for the rest of the season...
Having episodic games give you the advantage of seeing stats and feedbacks of each episode and then rectifying everything for future episodes. Exactly what telltale took complete benefit
Well, yeah maybe right.
The entire season was rewritten several times with the season being rewritten and modified mid season. Hopefully they learned from the mistakes they made in ANF to make clementines story the best it can be.
apparently they didn't even work on the season for a year. i'd assume that they'd at least have an ideal plan covering the entire season, rather than just writing along the way. the season wasn't terrible, but there were so many different things that could've been massively improved and this season felt so different from previous walking dead installments. it doesn't have that same "walking dead" feel to it.
That was supposed to be in episode one
I'd guess they changed the plan completely even before they started putting out episodes. That pic of Javi with the NF mark makes me think of what could've been...
Any intetesting theory?
Well apparently they were on the run from the NF.
There's some more detailed analyses out there but I don't remember what exactly. Definitely didn't have all the contrived family drama though.
When I first saw that reveal-trailer, I thought it would be cool if New Frontier was in Wellington (without just raiding it), Javi and Clem met there and then escaped together. Maybe with help of others, but they got separated on the run.. that could've explained why AJ is missing.
Turned out to be entirely different tho. And honestly, I prefer Javi without the mark and with his beard instead. :'D
Well, that's usually how Telltale rolls. TFTB was rewritten after Episode 1, as you can see in the "next time on.." segments, many things were changed or removed. The episode 3 slide was tweaked, the episode 4 slide was completely removed, and while the episode 5 slide went unchanged, it did not represent the episode accordingly. Now, I assume they had some general structure in how it was going to turn out, and we can safely say the rewrites did it some good, as it turned out beautiful in the end..
But, ANF had not one, but maybe two rewrites. One after Episode 2, one after Episode 4 (as the plot took a huge detour.) David was no longer chasing Joan/Clint, Javi didn't lead an uprising -- based on the episode slide, and AJ was nowhere to be found, as his fate is just a setup for future events. We can safely say that this did not help TWD very much, as I think it must have been hard to salvage or change in the first place.
Oh, definitely. Here are a few examples off the top of my head
Can you provide a source u fool
Where can I get one? Asking for a friend.
Oberson Crawford.
Anyway, I believe most of us assumed she meant David, but it could've also been Badger or, as I realized some time later, Ava.
Check the details thread. @Deltino and @Graysonn posted quite a few of these things, including unused models and textures for Max and Mariana. I'll have to track down the Melissa Interview, though.
The David, Joan, and Gabe are just conjecture as far as I'm aware.
Here is the Melissa Interview and the thread associated.
Flashback talk at 7:00 and she mentions the Carver thing at 12:20.
Here's Mariana's Texture thread.
Here's Max's model.
Here's the dummied out carry over choices for From the Gallows.
And here's some videos with unused content.
Or at the very least have the fucking guidelines/main plot points mapped out and how you plan on getting from Point A to Point B cohesively and in a way that makes sense.
Aye. While TFTB have rewrites, I feel like it was mostly to make improvement or changes according to what the players wanted. While there are some slight inconsistency, the game as whole turned out better because of it. Also, since it is a more light-hearted comedy story told from the perspective of two unreliable narrator, you can forgive the inconsistency.
ANF on the other hand, I feel that they did the rewrite as an emergency and trying to salvage the plot to the best of their ability. Perhaps they couldn't afford to add extra episodes for free and because how the initial two episodes set the stages up so that it wasn't really possible to wiggle the plot to the player base's liking, it turned out the way it did.
Just my take on it.
Not sure what you're talking about. I didn't really see a focus on Clem in the later episodes. Quite the opposite actually. In episode 3 she shows up 20 minutes in if you chose to not take her hostage. In episode 4 she also is missing for a big chunk until you meet her in the infirmary. I honestly think the problem is that there was just no focus in this episode. They wanted to introduce a new protagonist, yet they also wanted to fit the old protagonist in there somehow. This caused major pacing issues, and it came at the cost of less developed characters. That's why people less connected with the Presscott group than any other group in previous seasons.
Yeah. Sometimes I think this community could write better games that Telltale.