Is the Leave with Kenny, Leave Wellington behind a good series finale ending?

If the ending where Clem, A.J. and Kenny walk into the sunset together in the end of S2 when they get to Wellington could that be a good series finale ending meaning no future seasons?


  • Too cheesy to be classed as a 'good ending' imo

  • I'm not sure what you are asking. It was dumb from the standpoint a baby wouldn't realistically survive out in the cold with a rag wrapped around him and I doubt those bags had formula in them. It was theatrical and emotional if that's what you mean although it didn't make any difference to season 3.

  • Yeah it's the best ending especially when you consider the extra ANF flashback you get with Kenny and the fact that Jane kills herself.

  • I personally prefer the Alone ending. It's a very fitting ending that leaves everything up to the player's imagination. My favorite kind of ending.

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    Well actually, go to wellington is making sense but you will be with a bunch people you dont know so adapting to Wellington might not be easy and also Wellington may have dark secrets like ANF. So it will make things more harder. But leaving with Kenny is a good ending for me because you will know the fact that Kenny will save you no matter what, unlike Jane. And the packs they gave you might have baby formula because Edith knew that they have a baby. I know Wellington is more safer than the road but still,family is more important than anything like Luke said.

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